
Monday, December 20, 2004

Song of the Day:
I will never know myself until I do this on my own
And I will never feel anything else until my wounds are healed
I will never be anything till I break away from me
I will break away, I'll find myself today

I wanna heal, I wanna feel what I thought was never real
I wanna let go of the pain I’ve felt so long
(Erase all the pain till it’s gone)
I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m close to something real
I wanna find something I’ve wanted all along
Somewhere I belong

One reader responded to my shaved head with the following:

Well, thank goodness we have books now that tell us what we’re supposed to do with all this stuff. Books on breasts, feet, hearts, noses and more are out there for the curious. And might make for some humorous holiday gifts.

The cruelest cut

Bad Hair

By James Innes-Smith and Henrietta Webb, Penguin, $9.95

Or, if you'd prefer to be technically accurate: follicular atrocities. Thirty years of mullet malfunctions, goofy bouffants, beehives and bobs, culled from barbershops and beauty (ha!) salons worldwide. It's a book of pictures only, most likely because the authors were rendered speechless.

Brow beaten

Beautiful brows: The Ultimate Guide to Styling, Shaping, and Maintaining Your Eyebrows

By Nancy Parker and Nancy Kalish, Three Rivers Press, $7.99.

As if we didn't have enough to worry about. Now we have to learn how to tweeze and wax like a pro? At least it's a short book, and it is fun to match up brows with famous movie stars such as Grace Kelly and Brooke Shields. But if carving out quality time with your eyebrows might push you over the edge, how about growing some bangs instead? For ideas, see "Bad Hair" above.

Note to said reader: I hate you.

(No, not really.)

It's been about a month since then, and I've alread had thoughts along the lines of "I should shave this, because it's too long."

But when you are as long as I am, I'm going to stop with that thought right there.

Many of you have complained that this site isn't being maintained as it should. I would counter that you've gotten addicted. Everywhere I go, all I hear is:

"Biggie Biggie Biggie cant you see
That sometimes your words just hypnotize me
And I just love your flashy ways
Guess thats why they broke, and your so paid"

I'm toying with the idea of killing this all together. I haven't written anything in a month now, and that is a sure sign that something ws wrong, but I don't want to admit defeat just yet. The fact that this site as had over 1100+ hits means that SOMEONE out there likes me, and the temptation of letting all of you down (as is my apparent trend) is too great for me to not continue.

Picture of Sarah Shahi. You know why.

Lesseee....what is there to talk about these days?

The Vikings technically won yesterday, but it wasn't because they beat the detropit Lions. the Lions drove down the field ad scored what appeared to be the tying TD at the end of the game, only to fall prey to their own ineptitude,a nd miss the PAT to tie the game and force overtime.

The Vikings have to be breathing a sigh of relief, as a loss to the Lions would have pretty much killed their season,and any chance of momentum for the rest of the year. If a win could be demoralizing, that was it.

There are alot of fans who are calling for Mike Tice's job. Especially if they don't make the playoffs. And if a team doesn't make the playoffs in year 3 of a program, I can't fault a team for axing the coach. I just don't agree with it..at elast in this instance.

He has been able to re-build and maintain an offense that is top 5 in the league. The defense has remained one of the worst however, and he's aprt of that too. He's learned and become a better coach, but is still suseptible to a brain cramp on a call here and there. He has his faults, but I have more respect for him than I have for other vikings coaches I have seen in the past. The problem is that danged defense that he has. The secondary is still terrible, despite adding some really good pieces. Some of that is injury, but some of that is just bad talent. The linebackers have plenty of talent and speed, but seem to be as dumb and as mobile as posts sometimes. Filling the wrong holes, going right whenthey should go left...failure to wrap up on tackles, etc.

The Viking defense isn't one that forces turnovers, and that is the name of the game right now in the NFL,and this defense is built to..well, i don't know what the defense is built to do. Fail, by the looks of it. The DL is average, but hte linebackers need ot play a heck of a lot better than they are.

Looking at the upcoming game, the Vikings and Packers play on a Friday. Christmas Eve. (Because you KNOW that's what Joseph woulda been doing instead of hanging out in the manger....he'd have been at the hotel bar watching the game, while Mary worked on pushing out the King of Kings in the hotel room bathtub. He'd knock a few King of Beers back while watching a football game, while his wife was calling room service for more towels. That Joseph wasn't worth much. Notice how he's hardly mentioned from then on in the story? Yup. Deadbeat dad. You know how some just can't handle the burden of responsibility of raising a child? Well, imagine that child is to grow and become the Savior of the World. )

Where was I? Oh, right. A football game on Christmas Eve. The only thingt he Vikings can do is hope that their offense is back on track, and that the Packers will resort to their old afflictions of losing games in domed stadiums. Brett made a bunch of dumb throws in yesterdays game against the Jaguars, and the Packers are on a bit of a downward slide, momentum-wise.

Personally, I see a close game won by the Packers, all depending on Brett Favre. The running game has disapeared for the Pack, leaving it all on Brett once again. Thankfully for him, the Vikings can't stop the pass. I'm no fan of either team, so I'll just ceer for the refs, and wish that teh roof would loww off, forcing both teams to play in the Wynter weather. Sarah Wynter.

You're welcome, Russ.

Prompt me to write more!

Haev long unanswered questions about the writer? Here's your chance to ask away. No question will be denied! I'll answer them here, if appropriate. If not, I'll e-mail you back. Either way, here's your chance to find out whats going on in my head, or my history, or what have you. Just send your questions to Smatt76@hotmail.com, and I'll be sure to answer them straight (bi?) away.

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