
Saturday, June 26, 2004

Song of the Day:

You're not the easiest person I ever got to know
And it's hard for us both to let our feelings show
Some would say I should let you go your way
You'll only make me cry
If there's one guy, just one guy
Who'd lay down his life for you and die
It's hard to say it
It's hard to say it, but it's probably me
When the world's gone crazy and it makes no sense
There's only one voice that comes to your defence
The jury's out and your eyes search the room
And one friendly face is all you need to see
If there's one guy, just one guy
Who'd lay down his life for you and die
It's hard to say it
I hate to say it, but it's probably me
I hate to say it
I hate to say it, but it's probably me

This Day in History:

In 1870, the first section of Atlantic City, New Jersey's Boardwalk was opened to the public. Ah, but do we go with the Driftr's "Under the Boardwalk" refernece here, or do we go with the "Collect $200 as you pass GO" reference? Neither are funny or original so we'll skip them both.

Couldn't resist

In 1900, a commission that included Dr. Walter Reed began the fight against the deadly disease yellow fever. Fever! Fevah when you kiss me, fevah when you hold me tight.

Sorry, you're right. Yeller fever isn't anything to laugh at. BUt since it was back in Nineteen-ought, it's OLD yeller fever, which is different than a compulsion to watch old Disney movies. (Old Yeller! Come back Yeller! Best dog-gone dog in the west!) I defy you to tell me you didn't cry when that dog got shot. It was the first time many of us were faced with such conflicting feelings. Having to kill something that you loved so much, whether it be a pet, a relationship, a car, etc. Part of you hates the thing you kill, because you loved it so much. Which just makes you love it all the more. (See Shakespeare Quote of the day.) And you hate yourself for allowing your heart to be put in such a pecarious situation, but it's obvious there was't any way to avoid it. It's part of living life, and part of the risk of loving. You risk being hurt because the reward is so much greater.

In 1963, President Kennedy visited West Berlin, where he made his famous declaration: "Ich bin ein Berliner " (I am a Berliner).

In 1968, Chief U.S. Justice Earl Warren announced his intention to resign. Earl Warren would be replaced by Warren Burger.

Mmmmm, Warren Burger....

In 1993, President Clinton announced the U.S. had launched missiles against Iraqi targets because of "compelling evidence" Iraq had plotted to assassinate former President Bush.

Mmmmm, bush.....

And you were thinking of some OTHER bush, weren't you? You figured I post something a bit more racy, like maybe some sort of member of the passionfruit family? For instance, the labiaberry? (Great in pies, with some whipped cream!) Revealed a "seed"ier side to your mind than you thought possible? Welcome to the Daily Update. First time here? Feel free to look around.

Todays birthdays:

Gedde Wantanabe. 49. Doesn't ring a bell? How about the phrase, "No more yanky my wanky. The Donger need food!" Or Kuni, from the hit Weird Al Movie, "UHF".

Stooopid! You soooo stoooopid!

Chris Isaak is 48. He has a show on Showtime, but he'll always be known for his video for "I don't want to fall in love". I COULD show you a picture of Chris, but I think you'd better remember and appreciate Helena Christensen.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:

My only love sprung from my only
Too early seen unknown, and known too late!
Prodigious birth of love it is to me,
That I must love a loathed enemy.

Romeo and Juliet Act I, Scene V

Word of the Day:
starveling , noun:
One who is thin from lack of food, or who is starving or being starved.

1. Being a starveling.
2. Poor in quality; inadequate.

Response on the last update:

I hate Charlie sheen, damn him to hell!!!

Would the wife go for it if I told her I wanted to get a copy of the ‘child development’ edition of Playboy, to witness those kajungas??

I thought so.

Nice update….

Except for the visual of you in the love tub….AAAAWWWWWWW

Well, if you insist on referring to them as "kajunjas", I don't see it happening. You'd stand a better chance of using the lame excuse that there's a cool article that you just HAD to read. (It worked just once for me, since they interviewed Clint Eastwood a few years back....)

Best you just buy it and hide it under the mattress, like you did in our teens. She's sure to never look there! Unless she changes the sheets. Then you're screwed. Stupid sheets.

Appreciate the kind words, all the way up until you mentioned the hot tub part. Hey, even I didn't need that visual. It coulda been worse...it coulda been me and Ron Jeremy in there. (Now THAT'S fighting dirty with mental images.)


Monica vs. Bill

Monica Lewinsky is upset that Bill Clinton dismissed his own role in their affair in his recent biography by saying that he did it for the worst possible reason...he could. This is essentially the "Otter Stratton" defense....specifically "You fucked up - you trusted us! Hey, make the best of it!".

Let me get this straight...You have an affair with a married man. Notjust a married man, but the Presidento the United States. You know he has a family. So you're a home-wrecker. And not just any home, but the freaking WHITE HOUSE. Granted, he had his share in the wrecking of it (the family, not the White house, though Republicans would beg to differ), but after watching him protect his own hide with your carcass, you expect him to come clean and admit that he has weepy-sobby-spongecake-soft feelings for you, and that it wasn't just your oral skills that he was interested in?

Listen. You've proven that he's an adulterer. Adulterers LIE to their spouses (supposedly their best friends) to keep it secret and protect their public image, and to themselves in order to justify the act. Your feelings are way down the list of priorities. So don't expect him to beome a moral compass when he obviously never was one in the first place! You may feel entitled to some apology or for some admission of guilt on his part, but despite what sweet pillowtalk you may have shared over the phone or under his desk, he doesn't give a crap about what you think you're entitled to!

Why can I picture former Prez. Clinton standing there quoting Nicholson saying " I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then question the manner in which I provide it. I prefer you said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand to post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to."

Monica, you gotta accept your role in it at the same time, and you have to have much more realistic expectations about life before you can try to garner the public support like you have.

International Space Station: Failure

Crewmembers are hearing creaks and groans, noises that they cannot account for. They are in serious danger of losing one of the gyroscopes that controls the movement of the Space Station. 2 of 3 American spacesuits are broken, forcing the astronauts to Macguyver one togeather from spare parts and some Russian suits. And one of them was leaking on a recent scrubbed spacewalk. Ok not leaking. A faulty switch. Either way, a space station that was originally built to house 7 scientists now holds 2 people. And it's falling apart on them. And because of the recent Shuttle disaster, another Shuttle isn't coming until fall. Maybe not until November. I loved the ideals of this program, but I think it's running perilously clsoe to having to admit it's failed. It's nowhere near what it was intended to be...a labratory in space to explore and discover new treatments, new technology....and a group effort with the nations of the world to work togeather on a common goal. I wanted this thing to work, but unless anyone out there can show me the silver lining, all I see is storm clouds.

Picture of Natalia Paris for no reason:

I could talk more, but I think we'll put an early end to this and talk more next week.

I'll leave you with a sermon from that one funky guy....

"Dearly beloved,

We are gathered here today to get through this thing called...LIFE.
Electric word; life- it means forever, and thats a mighty long time.
But I'm here to tell you!
There's something else...
The afterworld.
A world of neverending happiness.
You can always see the sun, day or night. "

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