
Monday, September 19, 2005

Monday Night Football, Week 2 preview:

The Cowboys come off an impressive win against a decent Chargers team, in which they did just enough to earn the victory. This week, they go up against a Washington team that could not generate an offense against a decent Bears team, but whose defense is amongst the best in the NFC, maybe even the league.

The trade off is that the Cowboys aren't relying on a rookie Qb to move the ball. They've got Drew Bledsoe to lead them. I think Drew's been given a bit of a hard time over the years, and deserves a little bit of a break, really. Would history consider him a Hall of Famer? There was a time in his career it seemed likely, even almost certain. But his years in Buffalo were not kind to him. Now, re-united with Bill Parcells form their days in New England, they look to re-capture what they had. If anyone knows Bledsoe's strengths, it's Parcells. The cowboys are finally balanced. Last year,they had a running game, but no passing game to go with it. This year, they have that, even if they don't ahve the talent at WR that they should ahve to go with it. Then again, they just added Peerless Price to go opposite Keyshawn Johnson, who at this point is strictly a possesion reciever. hardly the premier guy he was with the Jets. It's that balance that will be drawn upon, because they are going to have to mix it up asnd keep Washington guessing to win the game.

There has been plenty of buzz about this rookie DE by the name of Demarcus Ware, but I have to see it first and foremost. And the most important thing for the cowboys to do tonight is to stop the run,and Clinton Portis. If they can do that, they will be in good postion to win. The Washington team you notice, changed QB's sine Patrick Ramsey couldn't get teh job done last week. Enter Mark Brunell, who didn't ahve anything left to give last year. Should we expect him to ahve anything to give this year? No. So the offense for the Washington team (I'm going to do all that I can to avoid the racial slur that this team uses) will ocnsist of Portis, Portis, Portis.

The cowboys meanwhile, should do fairly well in the air now that the corners on the Washington team are not what they were last year. Smoot is gone, replaced by aging and former Bear walt Harris. The other side ahs Seattle castoff Shawn springs. Shawn still has some game left in him, but Harris is winding down. The safeties are 2nd year guy Swawn taylor (immature) and Prioleau, who is just another guy.

When the Redskins front 7 shuts down the run, it'll be up to them to shut down the pass. This is where the cowboys ahve to succeed.

Seeing as how I don't think I got a single game right yesterday, I am going to go with the home team.

Winner: Dallas Cowboys

Well, considering I really like the Buffalo Bills, and I have already slammed a Summit Oktoberfest, know nothing of football (that is the oblong ball that's brown right?)I have to disagree with you. The fact is, it is Dallas and I have never liked them. More to the point, I just wanted you to know I was reading this and think you should continue writing. Book someday? I need another beer....
Who doth bash my beloved Cowboys???? IS that JOELLE??? The mighty, mighty Hollander lady????
Ok, that was me.....Joelle.....
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