
Friday, November 25, 2005

Song that has been running through my head today:

Good is good and bad is bad
You don't know which one you had
She put your books out on the sidewalk
Now they're blowing 'round
They won't help you when you're down

Love's on your list of things to do
To bring your good luck back to you
And if you think that everything's unfair
Would you care if you're the last one standing there

And everytime you hear the rolling thunder
You turn around before the lightening strikes
And does it ever make you stop and wonder
If all your good times pass you by

I don't hold no mystery
But I can show you how to turn the key
Cause all I know is where I started
So downhearted
And that's not where you want to be

And everytime you hear the rolling thunder
You turn around before the lightening strikes
And you could find a rock to crawl right under
If all your good times pass you by

When the day is done
And the world is sleeping
And the moon is on its way to rise
When your friends are gone
You thought were so worth keeping
You feel you don't belong
And you don't know why

And everytime you hear the rolling thunder
You turn around before the lightening strikes
And does it ever make you stop and wonder
If all your good times pass you by

When the day is done
And the world is sleeping
And the moon is on its way to rise
When your friends are gone
You thought were so worth keeping
You feel you don't belong
Neither do I
--"Good is Good" by Sheryl Crow

Picture of Chandra North for no real reason:

This Day in History:

In 1758, in the French and Indian War, the British captured Fort Duquesne in present-day Pittsburgh. I'm guessing that they captured it from the French, because the Indians would have known better than to have a word in their vocabulary like "Duquesne" that looks entirely nothing like it's pronounced. And they wonder why they're unloved...

In 1783, the British evacuated New York, their last military position in the United States during the Revolutionary War. ON their way out, they could be heard singing "We gotta get out of this place! If it's the last thing we ever do!"

In 1881, Pope John XXIII was born Angelo Roncalli near Bergamo, Italy.

In 1944, baseball commissioner Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis died at age 78. Landis is best known for bannishing the 1919 BLack Sox from the game permentently, as portrayed in the movie Eight Men Out.

In 1957, President Eisenhower suffered a slight stroke.

In 1973, Greek President George Papadopoulos was ousted in a bloodless military coup. As many of you remember, he was later able to carve out a small living for him and his wife, and his adopted son Webster.

In 1985, Ronald W. Pelton, a former employee of the National Security Agency, was arrested on espionage charges. (Pelton was later convicted of selling secrets to Soviet agents.)

In 1999, 5-year-old Elian Gonzalez was rescued by a pair of sport fishermen off Florida, setting off an international custody battle between relatives in Miami and Elian's father in Cuba.

Today's Birthdays:
Former Chilean dictator General Augusto Pinochet is 90.
Nice guy, that Pinochet. Wasn't he the guy from Perfect Strangers taht was also in the Beverly Hills Cop movies as Serge?

No, that was Bronson Pinchot...Balki Bartakamous...might have been related to george Papadapalous though...

Actor Ricardo Montalban is 85.
My generation will know that he was on Fantasy Island, but will remember him for...

"He tasks me! He tasks me, and I shall have him! I'll chase him 'round the moons of Nibia and 'round the Antares Maelstrom and 'round perdition's flames before I give him up."

Some of the best writing for Star trek was done for this movie, which is why it is viewed as the best of the bunch. And there has yet to be a movie with a villan/foe that measures up to Khan.

And Khan got some of the best lines in this movie...

Ah Kirk, my old friend. Do you know the Klingon proverb that tells us revenge is a dish that is best served cold? It is very cold in space.

From hell's heart, I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee.

Actress Kathryn Crosby is 72.

Singer Percy Sledge is 65.
Percy captured exactly what it is like for a Man to be in love with a woman. And then Michael Bolton came along and ruined it.

Author, actor and game show host Ben Stein is 61.

As Ben might say, "wow".

Actor John Larroquette is 58.

best and most remembered for Dan fielding, and his own show shortly after that, but one piece you MAY NOT know is that Dan was in a Star Trek movie himself. He was in Star Trek III, as Maltz.

"Maltz! Choi Chew!"

Ok, I know that 2 references to Star Trek is too many fo rmany of you to stay with. SO I will only further drive you away when I mention that the character Maltz lives on in a series of books I am reading called "The Genesis Wave", which features the Next Generation crew. Maltz is a broken down Klingon diplomat on a backwater planet that gets hit by the genesis wave as it passes through the galaxy. He escapes the planet, and from there, I have yet to find out.

Singer Amy Grant is 45.
Filed under guilty pleasure, and you all know you have it filed there too.

Actress Christina Applegate is 34.
Constantly looking to break away from Kelly Bundy.

"Christina Applegate, you gotta put me on.
Guess who's piece of the cake is Jack gone?
She broke her wishbone and wished for a sign.
I told her whispers in my heart were fine.
what did she think she could do?
I feel for her, I really do.
The next day I had the ring finger on her hand,
I wanted her to be a big PM Dawn fan,
but I had to put her right back with the rest.
That's the way it goes, I guess.

Baby you send me...
Set adrift on memory bliss of you"

Shakespeare Quote of the day:
"My words fly up, my thoughts remain below: Words without thoughts never to heaven go."

--From Hamlet (III, iii, 100-103)

Word of the day:
mawkish \MOCK-ish\, adjective:
1. Sickly or excessively sentimental.
2. Insipid in taste; nauseous; disgusting.

Thoughts and musings while shaving:

The hair atop my head has reached the point of unrulyness, and for the sake of my own sanity, it must be cut down. In many years past, I would have gone to a barber...a very specific stylist, who at the time worked for Great Clips. (It was a job.) As luck would have it, he has his own shop now, called Lords and Ladies, found in Brooklyn Park, just across the way from my old townhome. It was of many regrets taht I would ahve to move away, taht I would not see him again. the owner's name is Gary Struebel, and he reminds me of John at the bar, being quick with a joke or a light of your smoke. he knew how I liked my hair styled, and was careful not to produce a style that can only be described as "Mushroom hair."If you are yourself in need of a trim, stop in, and say hello for me.

It was short on the sides, and a little longer on the top. Just a little bit longer than spiked, just enough to curl a bit. But still avoid the appearance (at least) of being a walking phallus-head.

Though in retrospect, I may have convinced more women to sit upon my top-most appendage. But such is the way of things.

As the years passed, my preference for hairstyles evolved, and I found that I simply wanted my hair as short as possible, for the sake of time and efficiency. I didn't need a stylist to do that, so I purchased a pair of elecric shears, and shaved my head myself. Eventually, that became step 1 of a 2 step process, shear and then shave.

But in doing this, I didn't realize that I was denying myself some simple pleasures of life, such as sitting in a chair and carrying on a good conversation with a friend, that I saw too little of. Or the instances where Gary would have one of the girls wash and wet my hair before he cut it. There is something (much, actually) to be said about a woman you don't know meticulously running her fingers through your air while warm water cascades down on your crown. Their gentle fingers massaging your scalp, and you close your eyes so as not to be too obvious you're staring at their cleavage. It is an act that implies intimacy and care, and is much under-rated as a part of the hair styling process.

I very much doubt that it is about to change, as I have no desire to stray from my current style, nor do I have the money to get my shearing done professionally. And now that I have spoken about it, I cannot see myself doing it again, without it feeling as though I am going to a working girl to get a particular fetish fulfilled. But that isn't necessarily right either. it's not a sexual sort of thing, so much as it is an intimacy shared between two people that don't know each other, with cash paid for services rendered.

Oh, yeah...that sounds SO much better.

I'll just post a listing for a "hair whore" and be done with it.

Pat Morita

It's hard to wax poetic about Pat, becuase inevitably whatever you wax on, you would then be required to wax off. But it was because of Pat Morita that enrollment in dojos across America increased probably 10-fold. Had it not been for "The Karate Kid" the only way anyone would ahve remembered him would be as the guy who took over Arnolds in Happy Days.

Good-bye, Pat. Thanks for playing your part in my 1980's childhood,a nd for whatever brief entertainment the Karate Kid series brought me, before it was nauseously played on basic cable programming.

Nick and Jessica:

A marriage can only take so much outside pressure before it cracks and breaks. Because of the public nature of this marriage, what with the cameras documenting the early days of bliss and playful fighting, it was a formula that in retrospect was bound for hard times. Seeing a young couple such as this in love is addicting, and the public camoured to know more about their private lives. But once they opened the door, they found that they could not close it again, and every aspect of their marriage was under attack from all angles. Finally it collapsed, and everyone and noone seems to be to blame. Or at least, taht is the outsiders perspective.

There may have been other internal issues, but the media attention (much of which was created on their own) certainly didn't help.

Out of respect, I hope that both are given their own time to heal from this, and are able to find a way of moving on after the pain subsides.

Unless they've done that already, as is suggested in the various rags.

Things I am thankful for this year:

Amongst all the tumult and upheaval the previous year has brought upon all of us, I find that it is these times taht make us most thankful for what we have. The absence of other people and other things hopefully teach us the importance of those around us, those who sustain us, and help dust us off when we falter.

There was a time this year I would not have thought it possible, but I am thankful that I have life, and that I have much of it ahead of me. There are things to be done, and great oppurtunities to take advantage of. And I want to be around to see and do those things which await me.

Part of that is seeing my girls grow up, and I cannot think of anything I am more thankful for than them. Little girls need their parents, and this parent leans on his little girls for their love. It takes whatever control I can muster not to break out in tears when tehy tell me unsolicited. And I am sure taht there are times they tire of Daddy asking if they love him. Well, that's the breaks for having me as a father. I also don't know taht I could ever explain to them thatmany times when I am angry, it isn't because of what they did, but because of the frustration I feel at not being the father they deserve.

And the love that they provide me wouldn't be possible if it was not for their mother, of whom I will always be eternally grateful. It has not been lost upon me that she has provided me in these children a reason and purpose for my life. And because of the faith and trust she has in me to take care of OUR children until a time that she can be with them too is a grreat honor that supercedes whatever other feelings we may carry.

Further, she has (despite possible internal misgivings) trusted me to not take advantage of the situation. Hers is a delicate position, and the bravery that she shows against the fear of the prospect that I would take them from her is astounding. And it is partially because of this trust that I have come to a resolve within my own mind that her trust was not wrongly placed. It is of most import to me that I be a person of my word, and that I can be relied upon to do my best, even if I fail. But the effort is all that more dogged when I know that I have those that believe in me. But this isn't about me. this is about ebing thankful for what others give me, and the affect that they have upon me. And for good or ill, there is noone who has had a more profound impact on my adult life than her. I'll take the good, and I'll take the bad. I'll take them both. (And there you have the Facts of Life! )

I am vastly thankful for my family on all sides,for supporting our family, fractured though it may be, and residing far apart from one another. While closer to my own relations in blood, my relations in heart are doubled in strength for the kind and tender words and actions of those that loved me. People sometimes have a tendancy to diminish the importance of others or events in their lives while we move forward. But as I look back upon those early and late hours of doubt, the memories are softened by the care that you showered upon me to assure that I would not be dismissed. Instead, you pulled me closer all the more. It is a family I am intensely proud to be a part of, and am humbled by your graces.

There are few people who ahve made as large of a personal sacrifice as my sister has, in moving to a new unknown area and settin gup a hom e for the children adn I to live in, allowing us to set our feet, and feel at home. For her, I am profoundly thankful, and can't picture a scenario that would make me feel the debt would be repaid. What she has meant to me for my own stability, to say nothing of what she provided for the kids, is beyond measure. She has given of herself despite what it may have meant to her own situation.

My friends, who helped me back on my feet. For helping me realize that Life isn't just the shit that you fall in...there are good things to find in it too. That fun was still possible. And laughter. And for helping me understand that I wasn't the horrible person I felt I was for everything that happened, and that I still had something to contribute to the world.

The contributions to society by Mark and Kathy Petersen.

Coca-Cola Classic.

The company that employed me, and still does, for ushering me to move here in their own way.

For Adriana Lima....

For the sacrifices others in the Armed Forces make so that I don't have to.

For the grace of God that I have made it this far, and can hope to see even brighter days ahead.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

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