
Saturday, January 07, 2006

Song of the Day:

Well everytime I move Every step I make
You know I just can't seem to take the right direction

I'm always wrong I'm never right
Right or wrong there always seems to be a correction

And I give everything I got
And they take Take Take Take Take everything I'm giving

My back is tired My legs both ache
In this life There is no cake This life I'm livin'

I stand alone today WHY YOU FEEL Don't ask me why I feel
I just know I feel this way WHAT YOU SAY I stand alone today
I stand alone today WHY YOU FEEL Don't ask me why I feel
I just know I feel this way WHAT YOU SAY I stand alone today

Random image of Angelina Jolie

Grey eyes. Fricking GREY eyes...

Today in history:

In 1610, Galileo Galilei sighted four of Jupiter's moons. When Gallelio had to sign papers that denied his scientific findings that the Earth moved around the sun and not vice versa, he muttered to himself "And yet it moves."

The 4 he DID discover were the following:

1. Io.

Io, by looking at it, is proof of what happens when you don't listen to your mom, and pick at it. What is really happening is that the surface of the moon is under such heavy pressure and frictional heat keep the subsurface under the top layer molten and pressurized, which is great for the volcanoes, because they've got an endless supply of molten material. But much like a lonely teenage boy working the fry vats at Burger King, it's murder on the complexsion.


Europa is one of the better-known moons for Jupiter, having earned a special place in the hearts of sci-fi fans and the chronically insomniac sufferers. But it has good reason. The surface of Europa is covered with more lines and scars than Bea Arthur. However, unlike the Golden Girls, there is a theory that life exists underneath the surface of ice and frost that covers it. The idea is that the core of the moon is like Earth, running with hot lava at the center, and that heat is expelled through vents on the floor of the ocean that encircles the planet core. Now, on Earth, in our own oceans, there are small microbes that feed off of the enriched flecks of detrius that spews forth from those vents. If Europa has those same bacteria or microbes...voila! LIFE!

There was talk at one point of sending a satellite to Europa, with a radioactive drill heated by a nuclear power plant within. The drill would push through the ice and keep the ice water below from filling the hole, so that they could send a probe down into the vast ocean beneath to look for life. Course, that is way off in the future, so don't hold your breath.

3. Ganymede.

It's like Europa, with the frozen crust and the liquid center. But not as sexy or at least as much of a department of Self Promotion like Europa. However, it also is the largest moon in the solar system, even larger than Saturn's Titan, which is a bit bigger than Mercury.

4. Callisto

Callisto still harbors many a crater from the meteor storm the entire solar system went through billions of years ago, and the throught is that some of the debris that Callisto coughed up helped to form Jupiter's rings. Callisto itself is about the size of Mercury, and even is supposed to have a thin atmosphere.

If you thought that THIS was Callisto:

well, you're watching too much Xena for one. That's Hudson Leick, who played a character NAMED Callisto.

It's obvious that she's one of those girls who are bound to snap and go crazy on you so you enjoy the bouts of sanity and loving with her until she does.

In 1789, the first U.S. presidential election was held. Americans voted for electors who, a month later, chose George Washington to be the nation's first president. 200 years later, I would choose Baskin Robbins' Peanut Butter and Chocolate ice cream as my first and best choice for Ice cream.

There's no correlation between those, if you're thinking about asking.

In 1800, the 13th president of the United States, Millard Fillmore, was born in Summerhill, N.Y.

There is a reason you don't hear about kids going to Fillmore Elementary.

In 1927, commercial trans-Atlantic telephone service was inaugurated between New York and London. The first three calls were from some snickering radio jockeys asking if London had Prince Albert in a can.

In 1942, the World War II siege of Bataan began.

In 1953, President Truman announced in his State of the Union address that the United States had developed a hydrogen bomb. Today, through the advancement of technology, we have "Jury Duty" with Pauly Shore.

In 1955, singer Marian Anderson made her debut with the Metropolitan Opera in Verdi's "Un Ballo in Maschera."

In 1955, the opening of the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa was televised for the first time. Insomniacs rejoice!

In 1972, Lewis F. Powell Jr. and William H. Rehnquist were sworn in as the 99th and 100th members of the U.S. Supreme Court.

In 1989, Emperor Hirohito of Japan died in Tokyo at age 87; he was succeeded by his son, Crown Prince Akihito.

In 1999, for the second time in history, an impeached American president went on trial before the Senate. President Clinton faced charges of perjury and obstruction of justice; he was acquitted.

Todays Birthdays:

Singer Kenny Loggins is 58.

He keeps forgetting we're not in love anymore.
He keeps forgetting it's never gonna be the same again.

Actor David Caruso ("CSI: Miami") is 50.

"Today" show co-host Katie Couric is 49.

Actor Nicolas Cage is 42.

There are reasons he wasn't allowed to play the role of Superman. That Widows peak being reason #1, for my money. That, and the Frenchman's nose thing he has going on. Sorry. He just doesn't project alpha-male genetic superiority.

Shakespeare quote of the day:

How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
Here will we sit, and let the sounds of music
Creep in our ears: soft stillness and the night
Become the touches of sweet harmony.
Sit, Jessica: look, how the floor of heaven
Is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold:
There's not the smallest orb which thou behold'st
But in his motion like an angel sings,
Still quiring to the young-eyed cherubins;
Such harmony is in immortal souls;
But, whilst this muddy vesture of decay
Doth grossly close it in, we cannot hear it.

-Merchant of Venice

Word of the Day:
firmament \FUR-muh-muhnt\, noun:
1. The region of the air; the sky; the heavens.
2. The field or sphere of an interest or activity

Black Cherry Vanilla Coca-Cola:

A little while back, I documented the loss of Vanilla Coke. AS a trade off to the good customers of the Coca-Cola brand, they gave us a new creation; Black cherry Vanilla Coke.

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There are times that I worry that I drink as much pop as I do, that I wouldn't be able to discern the difference in taste between the varieties avilable. Those fears were laid to rest within the first sweet gulp of this new nectar. The meld of cherry and vanilla work as well in soda as I imagine they would in ice cream. Oh, crap. Now I need ice cream. Ooooh....cherry vanilla ice cream floats!

The taste is sublime and impressive in its depth, because it provides the taste of coke I love in a familiar way...a soothing manner that says "It's ok. I'm still here underneath it all." Beyond the familiar, it shows me a playful side that says "It doesn't have to be missionary every time, you know." Grace isn't a word often associated with a liquid, but BCV-Coke has it aaaaaaallll working inside the bottle.

Great work, Coca-Cola. Keep the innovations coming.

My next guess? Well, there is a pattern. There is a long-forgotten restaraunt in Crystal MN called Arnold's. It didn't go out of it's way to draw comparisons to the Happy Days restaraunt, but it was the kinda place that had some similar vibs to it, and it was comfortable with that. Primarily a palce that concentrated on making good burgers, and providing a burger bar to decorate your slab of beef, it was a great place to get a full tummy and have some fun. Great shakes or malts, and typically played 50's music.

Oh, and the old-time fountain drinks. Cherry Cokes with the grenadine syrup. Lime Cokes. Vanilla cokes. and what I think is next, which is Chocolate coke. IT wasn't all that great then, but I think it may be the next thing coming. I base this off of my past experiences, and the fact I have an inner craving for Cocoa Puffs.

NFL Playoffs

I am watching the end of the Buccs and the Washington team, and it's been a great game so far. It's my hope that the Buccs can come back and tie it and then go on to win it, since I think that the Bears can handle them (the OL has looked horrible all game for the Buccanneers) and more importantly, I think the winner of the Panthers-Giants stands a better chance of beating the Seahawks in the next round, setting up an easier opponent in the NFC title, and a clearer path to the Super Bowl.

I'd break this game down, but there isn't much point in the 4th quarter. I had the Buccs going in though.

Jacksonville @ New England Patriots

The Jaguars get the ignomanity of goinig up against the one team who noone wnats to face. While the Patriots have their weaknesses, they are getting healthy right before the playoffs, and they have momentum from winning late in the season headed into the playoffs. His best friend will be an effective running game with Greg Jones, who has been a favorite of mine since coming out of college. Greg has a no-nonsense running style, and can pound out some tough yards. That'll be important against a gritty Patriots defense. THe passing game could pick on a weak secondary, but the Jags aren't the team that can take advantage of that (see Colts, Indianapolis).

This game boils down to Tom Brady vs the defense of Jacksonville, and I don't see the defense of the Jags being good enough.

Winner: New England Patriots

Random picture of Kate Beckinsdale:

Jack Schnobrich

One of my very best friends back in MN recently celebrated the birth of his 2nd son on December 30th. Had I known earlier, I would have written something even sooner.

Either way, the very best hopes and dreams for you I send to God, and hope that you become the sort of friend your dad has been for me. It is hard not to be there and to say that I have held you in my arms, because though it is not my place, it is a wish that I selfishly indulge in to be able to say I had the honor of doing. Instead, I will hold you in spirit, through our many mutual friends, and cradle you in my heart.

And probably be the really disturbing uncle who takes you to gentlemne's clubs on your 18th birthday. Your dad said I would go there whether it was your birthday or not, since I will be working there at that point. But that isn't the real reason. the real reason is that the drinks are cheaper,a nd for once, I can see what it's like to be in the audience instead of on stage.

Oh, don't think I can dance? Ask your dad about his wedding reception sometime. But don't ask your mom. Little kids shouldn't hear those sorts of words.

Did I happen to mention this before?

I hate Charlie Sheen.

But the good news is, apparently so does Denise Richards, because they are steamrolling their way to a divorce, according to those in the know at imdb.com. Denise's impending re-entry into the market probably won't be a long stay. I'm willing to bet that she'll end up with some other unworthy schmuck, like...Mario Lopez. Or worse yet, John Stamos. I hate John Stamos.

So you can bet I'll be avoiding his new sitcom for the 3 episodes that it lasts.

More tomorrow, including such topics as "what is as smooth as sex with pudding?", "NFL PLayoffs part II", and Markus Vick getting kicked off a college team. Wow. That's alot of football stuff. We'll find some other things to write about, I am sure.

You know the type of pudding here is important. I mean if we're talking tapioca-sex, I may not want to tune in tomorrow.
I meant to post this before but forgot...

Kick ASS photo of Jolie :) That photo made me wonder what her eyes look like in other photos (if this photo had been photoshopped or not, etc), and in searching the web I found an interview with her, in which she says that she used to hate her eyes, because they were "this color no one can figure out," but now they're just part of who she is.

Cool. :)
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