
Sunday, January 18, 2004

I'm much too modest to use any phrases like, "I told you so", or "Why, Why did you doubt me?" Or, "Oh yeah, AT LEAST 12 inches."

However, if you look at the participants in the Super Bowl, you'll see something rather familiar.

So who's gonna win?

The Panthers look balanced, but don't seem to have enough to beat the Patriots this time around. As good as the Panthers might be, the Patriots defense is just to versatile and disciplined to allow the Panthers to do much of anything. Carolina's best chance is that some Pats players turn up too injured to play, forcing some inexperienced and under-coached rookies to play in their place.

Oh, wait. The Patriots HAVE a coaching staff. And they are competant, unlike football staffs elsewhere.

Patriots win.

Meanwhile, Maxim or Victoria's Secret, or some such company is looking to sponsr a half-time show featuring women in lingerie playing a game of touch football. However, the co-sponsor to the show, a major car manufacturer, and the Broadcast company that is covering teh Super Bowl backed out saying that it wasn't family friendly. Or some such excuse.

Now, don't get me wrong. I see their point. As a father of 3 girls, I don't necessarily think it's the right type of example I want them to have at this time.

But on the other hand, I happen to enjoy a good looking woman in lingerie. Life gets better if there happens to be many, and even better yet if there is a flimsy excuse for them to come into contact with each other. (You'll have to excuse me for admitting that it appeals to my base instincts.)

So it WILL be available on Suer Bowl Sunday, for those willing to subscribe on Pay Per View. Were I a single man, or one without kids, I'd be contacting my cable subscriber rather than typing this out.

You take the good with the bad, I suppose.

Then again, how many single guys are greeted when tehy arrive home with tightly wrapped hugs around their shin bones, and have their pant kneecaps smeared with chocolate covered grins for the mere fact of being alive?

Neener Neener.

By the way, this is going to be updated on a nightly basis, so as to avoid any employment entanglements. Hopefully, my friend(s?) in Ann Arbor will be able to control their curiosity until the following morning. And if not? Well, if this is updated often enough then it shouldn't be an issue I guess. It just means it'll be read at a diffeent time than I intended.

We played host to one of the in-laws this weekend; my sister-in-law. She's 15, and has a typical wisconsin farm girl build. Well, typical in that it's typical for a girl who admits to eating butter. By itself. As in, "I think I'll gnaw on this margarine stick for a snack." Or, "Ya know what would be good right now? A crock of Shedd's Spread."

My arteries shuddered in unison at the thought.

But it did validate many of the stereotypes that I've held about the State to the East. Granted, much of them are perpetuated by those that I know or have known in the state. I suppose I woul drink turpentine if I was hours away from the Wisconsin border and any sign of civilization as well. But since I've decided to embrace the the world of technology, I am able to live a life that includes such as indoor plumbing, Dentistry, and hygiene.

(OK, so Wisconsin isn't as bad as I paint it. But why does everyone I know that comes from that state have to provide an example of why I choose to live in MN?)

Speaking of places to choose to live...it's 40-some degrees in Portland, OR. Compared to .0003 degrees...Portland is looking mighty balmy about now.

Anyway, the sister-in-law visited (note: sister-in law needs a better alias to differentiate her from the other sister-in-laws) and talked of her struggles to deal with the fact that she is a social outcast in her high school. This brought up memories of my own high school experience, and the fact that my own 10 year anniversary is coming up. Well, I hated high school. I myself was a bt socially ackward, and didn't fit in well in the high school scene. I'm sure that the majority of kids felt taht way, so I won't bother to think that my experience was all that muchdifferent than anyone else's. But I had no friends in my own class, much less the school. So there's no reason for me to attend a get-togeather to catch up with people who didn't care about me in the first place. I have no desire to feel inferior to a bunch of people again. If I need that, I'll hang out in the YMCA locker room for a few hours. (Kidding, kidding......)

Seriously, the only thought that MIGHT make me go is the outlandish idea that there just might be someone there whom I have forgotten or who might have liked me and never shared their feelings who wants to re-connect with me. But seeing as how I am married anyway, what would be the point? To feel better about myself? To rub it in their faces that I'm happy with 3 kids, and they can't have me? Tempting as that might be, the situation is rather unlikely in the first place.

Man, high school sucks.

I know. Enough whining. I'm sick of it too.

Back to sports.

My own favorite team has hired a new coach. The Chicago Bears hired Lovie SMith. Putting aside the jokes for a moment or two, the psychological affect that it's going to have on us fans is devastating. I'm half-surprised that there hasnt been a petition started to get him to change his first name. Or his second. Change it to Karl Blitzkrieg, for example. With a name like that, you conjure images of the war that football can be. Lovie Smith? Heck, the players should exchange Valentines cards before each snap, and compare notes on that weeks soap opera plot lines.

That said, I'm still taking a wait-and-see approach. He's said the right things in that beating the Green Bay Packers is his first priority. That is all and wonderful now, but he'll find himself held to that throughout. And if he DOESN'T beat Green Bay....well, it was damn near a fireable offense for Bears coaches before. At least to the fans, anyway. NOw? If he doesn't beat Green Bay on a consistant basis, it's going to be constantly thrown back in his face. While I naturally hope he does well, I am concerned that he's put some undue pressure on himself. His career in Chicago will now be judged solely on how he fares in 2 games each season.

Well, OK, maybe not solely on those games, but a good part of it.

It's late (early?) now, so I'm off to shuffle off into bed. Keep safe, and keep those who cannot in your prayers.

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