
Tuesday, January 27, 2004

I'm older than 14 years old, so Brittany Spears has little draw for me as a music artist. In fact, the only real interest my demographic has for Ms. Spears is her female form in various stages of undress. (Those hoping for a link would be better off looking elsewhere. I'm more of a Janet Jackson guy. ) And her various antics off-stage simply fail to impress me or catch my attention, since other -better- artists have gone much farther to surprise/self-promote/humiliate themselves. Heck, even I have at various functions.

So when she recently got married in Vegas, and then had it annulled in 48 hours, it slid under my radar, and I ignored it for the Hollywood hype that it was. But then it started to burrow under my skin, like a sliver that you can't see, but know is there, and can't remove.

Well, it's time that danged sliver came out.

The story goes that she was out partying with an old friend, possibly drunk, in Las Vegas. Well, OF COURSE they're drunk. It's Las Vegas. You don't get into the town until you pass a breathalyzer test. By that I mean, you have to have a blood/alchohol level of .26. Which explains why it is viewed as Sinatra's town. Funny you don't hear more stories about Mickey Mantle in Vegas.

Where was I?

Oh, yes. Brittney and her friend are in Vegas drunk, bored, and possibly horny. What else is there to do in Vegas at 5:30am than to get married! And when you're drunk, bored, and possibly horny in Vegas, nothing is funnier than getting married.

So they got married, headed back to the hotel, had sovered up a bit by then, share an awkward moment or two realizing that they weren't going to consumate the marriage, split up to their hotel rooms, and had the awful truth of their actions dawn upon them alone in their seperate respective rooms. With her on the top floor of the Bellagio, and him next to the vending machines at the Brown Nugget. (The Golden Nugget was full up.) A few days later, they file an annulment, suggesting in the media it was all a joke, and that they believe in the importance of marriage.

Well, that is B as in Bull, and S as in dung. YOU KNOW what I'm saying.

They're young enough that I don't expect them to get how important marriage is. I didn't get how important it was until maybe a year or two AFTER I was married. And not just then, but I learn about how important it is as the years pass in my own marriage.

Mariage is extremely hard work for both partners. It requires alot of commitment, compassion, kindness and patience from both people to make it work. Even more than that, you have to think of the other person and their feelings. You have to be willing to put their feelings ahead of yours. Not everyone can do that.

I have a family member who recently had a divorce. One reason was that he was inconsiderate of how she felt about different issues. If teh had a differing opinion, he couldn't be diplomatic about it. He was known to browbeat her and blame her for his own faults. Well, that and he couldn't keep his genitals to himself and his wife. NO, for some reason he felt it important to sleep with numerous Wisconsin guernseys of women, despite the fact he was married. He even once said during a period of financial strife that he wouldn't give up his girl, because he wanted to keep her on the back burner in case things wouldn't work out.

But the main reason it didn't work was that he couldn't see beyond his own selfish desires to consider her feelings, or ever bothered to find out what she wanted out of life. He simply wasn't interested. He wasn't willing to put anyone else's hopes and dreams on a level equal to his own, much less higher.

Listen, everyone is responsible for their own happiness. But your role as a married person is to support the other person as much as possible to help them find that happiness in life. You have to make their dreams your own, and work togeather on them. And you've got to be willing to put your dreams on hold while they work on theirs. AND not be resentful about it. If you find someone who is committed to that kind of relationship with you, who is willing to make those kinds of sacrifices for you and not regret it, then you have SOME of what it takes for a successful marriage.

Because those type of relationships are so rare, and because of the amount of work that goes into those marriages, it really upsets me that these people feel that they can get married and make a joke out of all the effort that we have put into it. It isn't a little thing to get married. It's NOT something to mock and deride. It's so rare for those kind of connections to happen, that you have to appreciate it when it happens.

Rare? Well, yeah. How many relationships or even dates does an average person have before they meet the person they marry? It's a heck of alot, I'm sure. Not all of us got to be the High School QB, or the Head of the Cheerleading Squad\Prom Queen, so we know that the majority of people aren't fulfilling that particular stereotype.

Anyway, enough of that.

The Wife worked tonight, leaving me to take care of dinner. Well, I had forgotten to take out the hamburger from the freezer, and it comes in a 5lb tube. So what I really had was a 15lb frozen meat log. Of which I only really needed 2lb slab. I couldn't stick it into the microwave, because the ends of the danged tube were crimped by large metal staples. hey wers so tight, that you couldn't remove them. They were up too tight against the now frozen beef. I considered (and tried) to lop off some of it at the end, giving it the moyle treatment, but it proved to be too damned thick to cut through. It was worse than cutting through an ice block.

So I was forced to de-thaw 5 lbs of hamburger so that I could use the 1lb. that I needed. To keep the thawed hamburger from actually cooking, I had to occaionally stop and remove it from the still frozen slab found beneath the now thawed meat. The result was a rather phallic shaped meat stick. And then the 8 year old came around the corner. Luckily, I was able to get it back into the microwave before any questions arose, but it made for a tense moment for dear old Dad. My luck: Her morning cnvrsation with her teacher would include some sort of comment about dad holding his meat in the kitchen.

I'm trading sleep time for writing time, and I've traded in as much as I can. So I'll sign off for now. Good night all.

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