
Monday, January 19, 2004

There are Mondays and then there are days like today.

Total and complete frustration that completely sapped any and all patience that I had towards my clientele. Normally, I am pretty good at going with the flow of things, and not letting them get to me. HoweverThe phrase "likewater off a duck's back" just wasn't appropriatefor the day.

Maybe it was just because it was Monday. It's the furthest point from any sort of extended time away from work, and you know you have 5 days of that damned phone and it's incessant ringing (or beeping in your ear, in our case) and solving other people's problems.

Or, Maybe it was because it was Monday for our clients, too. They all saved their problems over the weekend, content to unleash them upon us like hungary jackyls come the start of a new week. They're facing the same uphill battle to get to Friday that you are. And to make it worse, the tools they've been given to work with just plain won't cooperate.

Or maybe its the fact that Twins Fest is this coming weekend, and I have something to finally look forward to.

No, Twins Fest isn't a re-creation of Burbon street during Mardi Gras. That is a different set of Twins. No, we're talking about the Annual Minnesota Twins baseball festival held in the Metrodome. Iy basically is an oversized card show with a small kids area to boot, where they can try their luck in the batting cages and such. To be honest, if it weren't for one thing, the draw of it would be over in 45 minutes to an hour tops.

But I'll finally be able to eat a hot dog. I've been waiting since mid-October to have a hot dog, loaded up right (one of the forgotten arts, like log cabin building, or what-have-you) and a cold Coca-Cola to wash it down. Then, maybe a tray of nachos w/ extra peppers, dipped in the liquid plastic they pass off as cheese. Or Cheez, if you prefer that spelling. But it's the dog that is the draw.

Don't bother telling me that I could cook one up at home. It simply isn't the same. And if you don't understand that, then brother, you don't understand baseball. Even Humphrey Bogart got it, saying that a hot dog at the ballpark was better than a steak at the Ritz. You're ARE as cool as Bogart, aren't you? AREN'T YOU?

Now, there is also the autograph booths, and I'm sure we'll want to say high to Tori Hunter, since he's my oldest girls favorite player. But beyond that it simply a chance to satisfy my hunger for hotdogs until April, and daydream about the upcoming season. I could cover the upcoming season, but there is still plenty of time left for that. Meanwhile, I gotta figure out the right order of ketchup, mustard, onions, and sauerkraut for my FIRST dog.

I've recently discovered the musical works of Etta James, Peggy Lee, and Rosemary Clooney.

Ok, that's not quite correct. I've always KNOWN of their existance, but never bothered to explore it. But listening to "At Last".....why music can't be like that more often now I'll never know. Feeling particularly frustrated about my work, I caught it as my day ended, and all of that knotted up tension floated away on the musical strains complimenting Ms. James as she floated us through the serene bliss of realizing that we had finally arrived at true love. She reduced me from a snarling cantakerous bitter man, to a sleeping kitten, purring as I dream of chasing a tail. (Ok, you tell me what cats dream of, and how to work in a better double endtendre'.)

And Fever? Fever! In the morning. Fever all through the night. It's so dang easy to see Jessica Rabbit swaying back and forth to that song. Yes, I know she's a cartoon character. Regardless, it's a easy mental picture to paint.

Rosemary Clooney? A fetching girl in her own right. When I close my eyes though, I see Sophia Loren. If someone has an answer to that, lemme know.

Illuminous Times, Illuminous Times, Illuminous Times!

There. It's a plug to a good friends web-site. He makes his own candles and they last a heck of alot longer than others do. The candles, I mean. As far as he's concerned, well.....

Dan Fehn is his name, and they carry a sent extremely well. Hopefully some of you will check out the site and order some stuff, since its a primary source of income for him, but at the same time, it's some great candles.

Time to retire for the night. Keep safe, and pray for those that can't.

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