
Monday, January 26, 2004

We did it again. The Europeans must be eating their hats right now.

Spirit is on it's way back up to operating status, and Oppurtunity didn't burn up in the atmosphere. So what did Oppurtunity see? Sand. And rock. But important rock. Thermite, if I remember the term, which will help determine if the former lake bed was just standing water like a lake, or a boiling pool, like what is found in Yellowstone.

Now, on a scientific level, it would be better if the euro's could get it togeather and land their own rovers (or the Japanese, for that matter) just for the amount of information that it could add to the pool.

But there has to be a certain amount of pride for NASA to be the only one to successfully land on Mars. And not just once, but 3 times now.

But the real questions seems to be "Is there water on Mars?" Which makes me wonder why they don't just head straight to the poles where we can SEE THE FRIGGIN' ICE! I'm sure there is a good reason for it, since I know nothing of orbital insertion (quiet, you) or the landing area itself. It might be a harder area to aim for. Who knows. In fact, I think as a project, I'll research this and see if I can't provide my readers with an answer.

Meanwhile, I hope your respective weekends went well. I had the oppurtunity to work at the beta job this Saturday, and after I finished the family met me downtown to attend Twins Fest. Once inside, Anna began to get cranky. We offered food, or fun, or whatever she wanted to do, but nothing really seemed to pacify her. I soon came to realize what the problem was. She wanted to WATCH a baseball game in the stands; not roam around on the carpet, and such. She had come to associate the metrodome with going to a baseball game, and here we had changed the rules on her, by having a different event at the same building. It'd be like taking a kid to a McDonald's-shaped building, but it turns out to be a dry cleaners. (Thanks to Lileks.com for providing the inspiration.) I interpreted this as a good sign, however, as she was looking forward to seeing a Baseball game, and was disapointed not to get the chance. My influence is taking hold. Huzzah!

Once she got passed that, we found some food--hot dogs--to fill her tummy, and after that, all was well. The girls got their faces painted, and balloon animals, and got to jump around in the inflatable jumping cages (pre-hot dog, NEVER POST-HOT DOG), and checked out the model for the new stadium. The center for heart wellness or some other program was there,a dn offered free suckers that resembled brain hemispheres that the kids got a kick out of. We saw the new turf the twins will be playing on, and deemed it good. A little more walking around and looking at things, and then home to bed. It was everything it should have been.

Sunday was a day without football. Sooner or later it happens,a nd it served to me a reminder that there will be more of these to come in the following weeks. Spring Training is only around the corner, with players reporting mid-to-late February. Still, the baseball season couldn't seem more far away. Looks like I'll actually have to help out around the house again. Sigh...

Meanwhile, we talked to the Wizards of Finance about the possibility of doing a re-fi on the house. With some economic strife about half-year ago, and with a soon impending move to the Left Coast, it was suggested we leave everything as is. We have too much equity in the house we have now to make it worthwhile,a nd our neighbors have sold theirs for $140,000 and $150,000 respectively. Were we to turn the same pretty penny.....well, I don't want to think about it for fear that I'll ruin it, or raise my expectations too high. I know nothing of the world of finances and mortgages and such, and I gotta get myself edu-muh-cated on that kind of thing. That said, my inner impulses are begging to jump up and down at the idea of having quite a bit more than the anticipated $30,000 to sell our house.

Now begins the updating of the home. Well, taxes first. THEN fix up the home. Paint the kitchen cabinets, replace the failed parquet flooring that was put in last year, fix up (demolish?) the basement, by returning it to it's original unfinished status, replace the moulding on the lower level, and empty out the garage of crap, all of that based on what we get for a tax return.

Not to mention a grads gift for the Neighborhood Nanny and some other things.

Still, I have a home, and a wife, and 3 wonderful kids. Life could be ALOT worse.

We'll talk more tomorrow. Until then, have a good night. Avoid terrible TV, like My Big Fat Obnoxious Wedding, and such. Treat your mind tonight, and find something intellectual. Or don't.

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