
Friday, January 16, 2004

Well, here it is. The premier of The Daily Update on the web. Well, it WAS on the web at one time, but only for a brief period. But you have to be of a select group to know that. Specifically, an employee of a major company.

I'll try to provide you with my own brand of zany half-wit, as often as I can. You'll get to know me....I'll get to know you....You'll send me pictures of your female self in various states of undress.....I'll get divorced when the wife finds out....You get the idea.

I'll provide my take on various issues of parenting, music (rarely), sports, movies, current topics, and whatever strikes my fancy. You'll read it, AND LIKE IT! Ok, maybe not.

What is foremost on my mind at the moment is the NFL playoffs this weekend. Alot of people are talking about the Philadelphia Eagles being a "team of destiny", and I'm just not seeing it. Don't get me wrong...I appreciate their slaying the terrible beast that is the Green Bay Packers. But previous to last weeks game, The Pack was considered the "team of destiny", and look how far it got them! That tends to create more pressure than it does carry the team, from my perspective. Better to label them with that AFTER they've won the championship in question.

And Philly has enough pressure as it is with this, their 3rd championship game in a row and no wins so far to show for it.

With that pressure, and the fact that they gave up 200+ yards in rushing to the Packers last week, I don't see them winning this weekend against the Panthers. The Panthers have a terrific running game that can take advantage of the Eagles porous run defense, and the passing game, while not Rams-caliber, is good enough to be average.

On the other side of the ball, the defensive line for the Panthers is one of the best the Eagles have seen all year, and should be able to pressure McNabb by themselves, leaving a LB free to spy the QB, preventing him from running like he did against the Packers. All of this leads me to think that the Panthers go into Philly and pull off the win. But I've been wrong before.

On the AFC side, it's a much shorter story...Manning has been brilliant, but Bill Belicheck is amazing in coming up with schemes to stop QB's. I could see Manning pulling it off, but I still think the Patriots are headed to the Super Bowl.

Let's see....What else is going on in the world? Not a big political guy, but I hear a lot of people saying that they are supporting Jimmy Dean. He makes an ok sausage patty, but I'm not sure that's good enough to be President. (Yes, I know it's not really Jimmy Dean. It's Billie Jean. But she's not my lover. She's just a girl who claims that I am the one. But the kid is not my son!)

Spirit is rolling around on Mars which is just great. In about 12 or so years though, it may develop an unsavory odor for the local inhabitants. Which means of course, that it will Smell Like Teen Spirit. Rumors abound that Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love originated from Mars anyway, so it's only fitting that we give some payback to those Martian bastards!

Seriously, I love the IDEA of the President's recent proclamation of establishing a base on the Moon, a la 2001. (Warning to those in the future....If you dig on the moon, and you mind a big black slab of whatever, don't let it hit the light. ) I LOVE the idea of a manned mission to Mars, and all of the steps that go with that....Such as entry and landing by passing through a Martian atmosphere, not to mention the idea that whatever lands HAS to have the ability to Launch off of a planet that does not have an on-site launching PAD, and then all of the other stuff to go along with it.

BUT! The timetable and the partisan politics that go along with it makes me weep. Neither Republican or Democrat are going to allow this to see fruition because either one will pull the financial backing for it for something on their own agenda somewhere down the road.

The worst part is that despite the issues faced, it's the best option we have available to us, since there isn't any private party currently capable or PROVEN to launch a person into space, whether it be a low-Earth Orbit, OR a deep space mission. So until they can prove that they can do it successfully and SAFELY....NASA and the government is our best option.

Well, that should be enough to whet some appetites for now. We'll see how well this does. Hopefully updates won't consist of:

July 28th.
Turkey Jerky. WTF?

August 19th
Tired. headache. Took 2 advil and STILL NOTHING....

November 30th....
I am SOOOOO tired of Britney Spears...

You get the idea. If it comes to that, beg me to kill this site.

My regards to you all.

Update: trying to figure out how to get the e-mail function to work, specifically how to get the system to pop up the e-mail address in a different window, rather than just displaying the e-mail address outright. Still some bugs to work out in this new forum.

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