
Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Yesterday's talk of fixing up the house generated this response:

"Update your house and sell it. The past 2 months is providing for me endless fodder for the purchasing of a new home…even if it is 50 miles out of town…old homes suck. Twice in the past month my heater blows some damn part out, then 2 nights ago my basement is full of water as the drain is plugged up…Gotta feed the Roto Rooter monster…

And, Matt, have you seen the latest Minnegasco bill…, it is the same (gol-danged) gas as any other time…it is just worth more now…I guess…"

Well, that IS the plan. Fix up the house and sell it, I mean. I'd love to build a new house out in Oregon or Washington. In fact, I even have the perfect house picked out if that were to happen. Here it is. 4 bedrooms, all locaetd on the same level, with a decent sized kitchen, a living room, a family room.....the garage is a little bigger than I need, but I'm sure we'd find use for it. A nice porch all the way around the house....love it.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to go about having a home built, much less the financial resources to pull it off. Having never been through the process, I wouldn't know what to expect, much less where we would live while it was being built.

No, I think I'll probably end up purchasing an older house, in that it will have previous owners. While I'd love to have a new home of my own, I've been witness to people who are building new homes. It puts a real strain on families and relationships, and we'll be under enough stress moving across country and starting anew in new schools and such.

As far as Minnegasgo is concerned..well......gas becomes more valuable with time. Like wine. It's a known fact that they haven't made any new gas since 1989. (Yes, yes. I know. )

It could be many things, my friend. War against terrorism. Greedy gas company. The fact that you enjoy being relatively warm during he winter months, rather than turning your home into an ice box. There are some assistance programs out there, including some with Minnegasgo. I thought they had some sort of program to where you can pay one flat rate all year long, regardless of usage. Who knows.

In other news, a friend reminded me of this mission from 1999. I had completely forgotten about it. So that answers taht question. They HAD tried to land on the poles, but the mission failed. Still, it'd be nice to know if they are planning a return trip.
I've sent an e-mail to Leonard David, a writer for Space.com, and another to NASA as well. NASA had already sent back a form letter reply, but I might still get a better reply later if they get some free time.

Today happens to be the birthday of Amadeus Mozart, one of the BIg 3 when it comes to classical composers. I'm not a huge fan, bu he has some great Operas, including The Marriage of Figaro, amongst others. The wife and I saw that one at the Ordway, so I suppose I have to thank him for improving Matt/wife relations, I guess.

I've been more of a Beethoven guy, but that might be because of the story behind Ludwig. A deaf man writing such beautiful music....amazing.

Anyway, not much to write about today. Maybe there'll be more tomorrow.

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