
Monday, February 23, 2004

Ahhhhh...THAT'S the reason why I stopped writing.

A lack of topics! Well....let's see what we can come up with today.

A man in Maine is having a hard time competing with the other rival businesses in his area. He sells coffee. So does Starbucks. So does alot of other places. His solution? Topless waitresses. (Isn't that just a google image search just begging for a test spin? )

Now, normally I would applaud this sort of creative thinking, and there is no doubt that it would probably lead to more business, thanks to the men and non-traditional women in the Maine area who prefer to support the small businesses thanthe corportations.

That said...isn't this a workers compensation filing just WAITING to happen? Or disability? Something like that. Some poor 22 year old girl accidentally slips on some spilled coffee while carrying a pot full of 100% Columbian (that'd be coffee again, not the OTHER Columbian export) at 140 degrees is going to find herself with a future full of pain, scars, and skin grafts for some pretty important topography.

NOt to mention the 28 year old mother who is just getting back into the workplace after enduring 39 hours of hard labor. Think of how tiresome it would be to hear the strains of "You're the cream in my coffee" from every Joe that slaps down a couple of bucks for a half-calf de-caf, extra foam and double up on the cinnamon. Or the gents that beg you to bring them a mochachino with cream, heavy on the whip and caramel, but skip the coffee and the cup altogeather.

Ahhh.....it's so easy to criticize other people's ideas, isnt it?

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