
Tuesday, February 03, 2004


In the midnight hour she cried - 'more, more, more'
With a rebel yell she cried - 'more, more, more'
In the midnight hour babe - 'more, more, more'
With a rebel yell she cried 'more, more, more'
More, more, more."

Ah, Billy Idol. He came to my rescue today. As I got off a particularly frustrating day, I had some pent up aggression to let out. But singing along with Billy seemed to really help. (My apologies to those on 494 that may have witnessed what appeared to be a man screaming at himself as he headed down the highway at 65.)

We've been running an obstacle course of sorts at work. We've been making progress, and all of a sudden one of my relay teammates decides to trip everyone up 2 feet short of the halfway marker. Oy.

A little Puddle of Mudd's "She hates me" would have been appropriate as well, as that is a good song filled with the raw feeling of bitterness (though that of rejection,and not frustration. ) Some people would suggest Break Stuff by LImp Biskit.

My point is, there is something therapeutic to some headbanging music to help wick away the leftover "GRRRRRRRRRRR!"-ness that we all get from our jobs from time to time. Vivaldi and Tchaikovsky (sp) are all wonderful, but sometimes the savage beast doesn't WANT to be soothed. Sometimes the animal WANTS to be an animal with growling and teeth and hair pulling....

I think this just took a weird turn.

Warning sign: you confuse lust and anger as similar emotions. Well....not anger. But you get the idea.


I am just disgusted with myself. I go on and on about giving the crew of STS-114 (that would be the next Space Shuttle crew, for those that don't remember) their due, and then I don't bother metnioning them at all. So here they are.

There are 2 women on the flight. One of them is Mission Commander. The other a mission specialist. There is a Japanese mission specialist as well. On the flight last year, there were women. African-American. An Israeli who was also a Jew.

These crews are among the best and most talented individuals at their jobs. They are comprised of many different backgrounds and walks of life. They are proof that no matter who you are in America, whether it be a Christian girl from Oklahoma, or a native-American from Alaska, or a Latin-American from Rhode Island, or a teenager from a foreign country....You can become what you want to become. And the best place to do that is here. America.

We're not perfect. We have alot of issues of our own, both foreign and domestic. But we live in a place where we can make it better. We're not thrown in a gulag or dragged out into a dark forest and shot for offering a voice of dissent.

Sorry. I've heard from alot of people who aren't happy about the state of America, and seem to have taken a great amount of joy in leaving a steaming pile on the country. A person can only bite his tongue for so long.

Well, with Janet doing everything she can to drive me away, I've been left to adjust the "get away with sleeping with one celebrity" choice. The sitcom Friends brought the idea to the forefront, but it was a rather old conversation....if you had the opportunity to have a one-night stand with any celebrity, and the spouse would set you free of your bonds for that one indiscretion...Who would it be? Well, mine was always started and ended with Janet. But now....well, it needs revisioning. But I feel so disillusioned. So if anyone has any suggestions (and pictures) let me know.

Now that being said, you have to be careful about your choice. If you choose.say Salma Hayek, you have to be comfortable with the idea that your spouse will never want to see another Salma Hayek movie. Or if your spouse does, they'll be too busy spitting out various descriptions and colorful metaphors to actually enjoy the show. Can you live without that celebrity in your life? I am sure you can, but the media coverage of that celebrity might make things uncomfortable FOR you.

See? You never considered THAT part, did you? No, I thought not. Which is why you are better off choosing a minor celebrity or one in a specific genre that you don't get much exposure to. And if you only get one shot at it, you might as well make it worth it, right? Of course. So what am I saying?

"If you are going to get your one-time exemption, use it on a star of the grown-up film industry. "

Note: the advice offered here is not representative of a person in his right mind. You're better off taking advice from your pocket lint. But it's amusing, so we'll allow it.

I've run out of things to say, so I'm signing off for the night. I'm working on trying to add a counter to the website, but things aren't going right. It helps when you provide the correct e-mail address to the folks.

Have a good night, my friends. I hope the morning finds you, and finds you well.

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