
Friday, February 13, 2004

Gambling! Viagra! Travel! Flowers! Lingerie! Sex Video!

No, these are not my plans for Valentine's Day. Well, maybe 3 of the 6, but I'm not saying which. You guess.

No, these are just some of the key words that pop up as links on their own when I post these logs. They are not of my doing, and if I knew how to stop it, I would.

A particular treasure of my wife's was defaced by an unknown cretin the night before, and she was understandably emotional about it. We're still in the process of finding out just who was so callaous as to damage such a cherished personal item.

Add to that some 3rd party criticism from a friend as to how I handle Valentine's Day with my spouse... much reason for not writing when you're MAD AS HELL, AND YOU"RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!

The main criticism? I'm not spending money right and left to woo her with flowers and chocolate, and lingerie, and day spas and dropping Franklins (read: One hundred dollar bills) on some jewelry. Bling Bling. Ice. A girl's best friend. Texas Tea. Ok, maybe not that last one.

Funny, but it seems as though women, or at least my wife, aren't as concerned about it on Valentine's day if they are woo-ed (?) year round. Rather than make a big deal about her on just a handful of days throughout the year --holidays and birthdays-- I find that treating her with respect and love throughoutthe year has its own rewards.

Besides, with 3 kids, Christmas, a broken steering fluid line, a 9 year old's birthday party coming up....there is only so much cash to go around. And let's make this clear.....it works both ways on Valentine's Day. Women can woo the man too, for crying out loud.

I have some ideas in mind for what I can do for VD that won't cost much. They're ideas I've had before, but if they worked once, they'll surely work again.

It's not that I don't WANT to do those things for her. I'd love to be able to wisk her away to Las Vegas or wherever for a great weekemnd, and buy her beautiful clothes, and trashy lingerie, and diamonds that would make her gag, and all of that sort of thing. Instead, I'm gonna be financially responsible and save that for a really nice house in a year and a half. Something with a big kitchen, like she's wanted for forever.

Funny thing is? The guy who was so quick to give me advice for Valentine's Day is in the doghouse. Seems that he was flipping through the picture book in his wife's wallet, and found a picture of a rather largely buildt woman. So he asks" Who's that? She's fat!")

It was his OWN WIFE when she was younger. 1. He didn't recognize own wife, and 2...well, making a comment about her weight isn't the most endearing form of flattery. He'll need whatever jewelry he got her to buy his way out of the doghouse. And even then, he's not garaunteed that he's completely forgiven.

He's one of those guys that buy jewelry for every occasion, which works great for him. Personally, I think it's better given judiciously, only on very special moments. Otherwise, if you get jewelry all the time, it loses it's meaning. Jewelry isn't as special as it used to be.

I'm sure, however, there are women outhtere who would diagree with me. But tell me this...how many days in a row could you eat your favorite food before it started getting to be dull? How many holidays in a row before a $99 necklace seems like just a ho-hum gift? It just might be sooner than you think.

With tomorrow being Valentine's Day, it gives everyone a chance to reflect back on previous VD's. Mine are probably no different than yours. For grades K-4 it was all about the candy, though we were always excited tobe able to make our own Valentines Day boxes. Kid would make their's into all sorts of odd things, like a baseball stadium,or an animal, or whaterver. Kind of like they wre pinata's in a way. I remember in 4th grade my dad helped me make one that looked like a computer. It was really cool that he helped me, though I personally would have preferred a shiny metal exterior, rather than one that ahd some sort of wood panel design on it. Either way, I appreciated the effort he went in to making it for me. Being rather unpopular at the time, it wouldn't have mattered what design I brought in. It'd get lampooned by my classmates and I'd get harassed about it. If I had brought in a scale sized replica of the Statue of David, they'd freak. Ok, bad example. The nudity would have gotten the teacher upset, and the other kids wouldhave accused me of being a homosexual. I think you get the picture, though. Despite all that, it was a source of pride for me.

Around about 5th grade, though....something changed. everyone gave everyone else a Valentine, "so there wouldn't be hurt feelings." Never mind the fact that I was giving Valentine cards professing friendship to the same jerks who incessantly bullied me throughout the year. And they in return. We both knew the score, and what their true feelings were. But in the 5th grade, you started to care about the cards that you got form the GIRLS in your classroom. You'd never admit to it, but there typically was one girl in the class that caught your eye. So as you sorted through the Valentines you GOT, you'd try to be casual about it. Boy valentines over here in this pile, candy in that one, and girl valentines over there. Oh here's one from Scott. There's one from Heidi. Sooner or later, you were BOUND to find the one from THAT GIRL. Oh sure, she had propbably purchased them at Target or the local Ben Franklin and filled out the other cards with a banality and boredom usually reserved for the waiting room at the Dentists office.

But maybe....just maybe the card held some signifigant meaning. maybe she had scoured through the mass-produced pre-packaged Garfield Valentines to choose JUST THE RIIIIIGHT ONE to express her hidden feelings about you, forgetting for a moment that you are the lowest person on the popularity poll in your entire class. So you glean over the card again and again, inspecting her signature on the back for any sign that maybe she might like you too. You'd never expect her to admit it. Not now. But it'd give you hope for the future. You'd pull your own internal Sally Field moment. A girl likes me! She really likes me!

But all she did was sign her name. Michelle. Not "Love, Michelle". Not "Achingly yours, Michelle". Just Michelle. The card held no special meaning. Just Garfield on the front with some lame Happy Valentine's Day wish. It wouldn't be one that you could pin on your wall at home, to admire in all it's glory. It wasn't one that made you feel like you should run home, reserve a special place in your junk drawer for it, and take it out on the days you most needed a reminder that there was someone out there that thought of you.

Future valentines would be just as depressing. No flowers for yours truly. No candy, other than from my parents. That was nice and all....I loved them and they loved me. they cameand went with no sign from any girl tehy wanted to spend the day with me. It held no particular signifigance, which as time went by became more and more annoying. (Notice how it went from a 2nd person perspective toa 1st preson perspective? Weird.) And as a teenager with hormones on edge, it became particularly frustrating that I wasn't having SEX on Valentines day. Turns out I was still socially awkward. And the girls priorities on VD was much different than the BOYS for VD.

The prevailing sentiment amongst the guys was that it wasn't a good Valentine's Day unless you got in her pants. The Girls? I still don't have a clue.

Once married, I realized that intimate relations on that day don't mean any more than they do on February 13th, or September 29th, or June 21st.

I have no way to casually segway out of this, so prepare for an abupt change in subject.


Thursday has come and gone, and still no sign of THE ISSUE. Now, it's only 24 hours past deadline, and I am trying not to panic. But if I Have to, I'll hunt down the mailperson and demand they relinquish my copy. I understand everyone wants to see it, but borrow someone else's copy instead. Should it arrive tonight or tomorrow, don't be surprised if I update over the weekend, and weigh in with my own review.

Getting back to VD for a moment....under the idea that the man woos teh woman on VD, and NOT the other way around; what do Lesbian couples do? Just stand around looking at their watch waiting for some guy to come along and give them flowers? (That question is obviously rhetorical. ) And don't tell me that whoever is more BUTCH has to do it. Lies. Lies and Slander.

It had to be you, it had to be you
I wandered around, and finally found
The somebody who
could make me be true
Could make me be blue
or even be glad
Just to be sad
thinking of you
Some others I've seen
might never be mean
Might never be cross
or try to be boss
But they wouldn't do
For nobody else gave me the thrill
With all your faults I love you still
It had to be you
Wonderful you
It had to be you

Wow, I'm all over the baord today. I apparently can't seem to compile it into any consistent format, so I'm going to give up for right now. My train of thought has been de-railed.

Happy weekend everyone.

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