
Friday, February 06, 2004

I was writing about my wife. She was the girl in the store.


That solves THAT particular controversy.

Last night, we attended the 2004 Ice Palace Carnival thing, where a cast of dozens (ok, hundreds to thousands) of Minnesota residents try to prove that they can take the cold wintry weather and like it.

Well, the old wasn't too bad last night, in that it was around maybe 10 or 15 degrees. However, when the snow and slush is about an inch to an inch and a half thick, your shoes have no traction, and you are pushing a stroller loaded down with a combined total of 60 lbs. of kids, and another 25 lbs. of snowpants and jackets, and you are faced with having to push this up 50 yards of snow covered sidewalk UPHILL......well, you're outlook on the entire experience takes on a different perspective.


Then you stand in line for a half-hour in the cold, waiting to get into the danged thing.

Some carnival. No rides. NO freak show. Not even a slack-jawed carnie, who doesn't care if he snuffs out his Pall Mall on the ground or in your forearm.

On second thought, with that imagery maybe it wasn't as bad as all that.

There as a sound and light show, which was fine. Anna was convinced that it was Sleeping Beauty's Princess Castle. A fact that she decided was undebateable. It simply was, and that was that. Fine by me.

When it was time to leave, we headed down the street to Cosetta's, and italian restaurant that also sells pizza by the slice. Considering how busy they were, we decided we would have to come back another day, but oh, memories.

I first went there when my oldest was in eutero,a nd I was a total of 18 years old. Funny how many memories can be tied to a landmark. Back then, I was a scared kid unsure of what was ahead of me. Now....I'm a scared adult with an inkling of a direction, but still unsure of what is ahead of me. And I have 3 kids now.

We ended up hitting Denny's instead. (Don't cry for me Argentina!)

We are now at the awkward period between the Super Bowl and Valentines day. What does this mean? Well, one: I'm broke. But that's not what I wanted to get at. Two: the arrival of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. Expect a full write-up here. The wife and I critique it together each year. She, with a photographer's eye, and me with a man's special appendage. We'll provide you with complete coverage of women who have considerably less coverage.

(Writer's note: give your readers something to look forward to.)

Thanks to Czabe.com for the source picture, even if they aren't entirely aware of it.

I had thought about writing about the poor girl in FL who was kidnapped and found dead. However, it's Friday, and that kind of rage is best served on a Monday morning.

Quick synopsis: Tie the MoFo down to a chair, and give mom and dad an aluminum bat. Repeat as necessary.

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