
Thursday, February 26, 2004

"The Passion of the Christ" premiered yesterday, for those few who only read my website, and shun the rest of the media available to you (which you should, and I thank you for, if you do). I haven't seen it yet, and have no major desire to, other than to see what all the hubub is about. There is a small trace of guilt aht I SHOULD see it, as some sort of "Good Christian" obligation, but other than that, I figured I would wait until they put it on TV, or I could rent it. We are a budget family, and the little money we set aside for movie-going for the year is more likely to be spent on Brother Bear II, or some such Disney flick.

However, the movie couldn't leave ME alone. It already has had an affect on my life, and I'm not too crazy about it. You see, some Religious Fanatic/Zealot took exception to the role (however large or small) the Jewish Community played at the time of Jesus of Nazareth's cruxifiction. The bastard, of course, neglected to remember that Jesus himself was a Jew. So what is a bigot left to do some 2000 years later, to prove his loylaty? That's right. Send threats to a local synogogue. Which happens to be attended by children. 3 of which are mine.

Hey, if Judaism isn't for you, that's fine. It isn't even for me. However, I fail to see how killing, or threatening to kill men, women and children congregating at a Synogogue will right whatever percieved wrongs this nutjob has felt. I mean, CHILDREN! They barely have the concept of GOD, much less how Jesus does or doesn't fit into the entire picture.

And more importantly, MY CHILDREN. And don't tell me that the writer wasn't threatening my kids,because he was. They are ther every Wednesday night. And my wife and oldest attended every Saturday morning. Heck, the wife teaches there. She's even more of a target than the regular members!

Fucking coward. I'm sorry for the profanity, but in extreme cases, I'm not against using it. And when you make even an indirect threat towards my kids, I'm bound to get a little agitated. Step on out and make yourself known. You wanna harm my kids? Go through me first. But don't be a p*ssy about it and hide in your house behind a letter. If you're a person of your convictions, you'd say whatever crap you put to paper out loud in front of others.

Course, I'm not saying I want him to make good on his threats. I'm just saying that if you have a problem with Jewish people, own your words. Stand up and spout your crap, so we know who you are, and so we can dismiss anything else you might have to say.

If re-incarnation is a real thing, I hope whomever sent that threat in comes back as a carpet. In a house full of Saint Bernards. And they all have itchy butts. And have eaten chocolate recently.

I've never been one for religous films, though we watch The Ten Commandments every year, just like almost everyone else. ANd while it's not a religious film in and of itself, I'm a huge proponent of showing "Schindler's List" in the same manner. Once a year, in it's entirety, and make sure that kids know and remember what happened. I watch that film,and I have read stories of Jews,adn Gypsies, and others who had to live through that, and I hear stories of children and babies dying. I look at my own children, and know that if it had been a different time and a different place... I can't even think of it. So while I am Christian, I am proud to raise my own as Jewish. Because of what their heritage is, and who they are. And a sense of obligation to love them all the more, because of the parents who weren't able to then.


Had a sub for lunch. (Santa Fe Chicken.) Very good food, but very expensive. $8.51 for a sandwich. That's gonna be a tough one to explain to the wife. All that for just 1 sandwich, to feed just me. I mean, that's enough to feed 3 kids at McDonalds.

Oh well. They have an absurd marketing campaign involving some post-road kill hamsters singing the praises of their sandwiches. And "they've got a pepper bar". (They do. I saw it. ) Apparently it works, because I bought a sub.

But it's not the first time I've seen them. They're the result of a brainchild of www.rathergood.com. It's a funny site that is a bit childish, but then so is high school. And if that makes sense to you, stop watching Ferris Bueller, and get off the couch, and go do something with the finite time that you ahve on this planet. WHAT DO YOU WANNA DO WITH YOUR LIFE?!
I wanna rock.

Ah, Twisted Sister.

Speaking of which....

I got a call from my own sister yesterday. She'll be visiting later in March, and be able to spend some time with the nieces she's never seen, specifically Anna and Bailey. I haven't seen her in about 4 years, which is much too long.

Anyway, her call was exactly what I needed to finish off a day that started out badly, but got better and better as the day wore on. Thanks for calling, Sis. You really made my day.

And a shout out to her friend Jenna, if she happens to read this.

wait a minute....Jenna? Jenna.....Jameson? (Note, don't Google Image that name at work. )

Maybe my sister should bring her friend Jenna with her. We've got enough room (in my bed) for her to stay, as well.

In sports, the Twins are already at training camp, which means baseball is around the corner. They think that they'll have an offense that will be better than last years,a dn that will make up for any pitching question marks they might have. Well, that's great, but it didn't help out just about every other team that's gone with that thinking. Like Texas, for example.

Don't get me wrong, though. I have the utmost faith in the front office to get it done. They've given us 2 Division championships in a row, and have stayed steady at times when others were begging for some drastic change.

Before I go, I'd like to point out I've added a few new links. One was to "Rathergood", and I would highly suggest checking out the kittens singing on the far left, with Gay Bar and Punk being the best.

I'd also suggest the Happy Tree Friends, though it might take an episode or two to get de-sensitized to the violence before you can find them funny. Once you do though, it's some pretty good sophomoric humor.

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