
Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Quick shout out to Jut-Oh-Hutt-Nutt for his wonderful news. Congrats to you and Carrie on the impending arrival! I'll try hard not to provide unsolicited advice as much as possible.

When in doubt about what to write about, fall back on a news website, and comment about the headlines.

First, there is this story about a woman who was so bereaved at the loss of her boyfriend to an accident, that she married him anyway. 2 years or so after his death.

Now, I am not so calloused that I don't see the weepy romantic part of it. SShe loved him enough that she wanted to be married to him, even if he was dead. Aw, how sweet. But here's the thing: in just about every marriage vow, there is a line that reads "Til Death do us part." SO the moment the ceremony was over, it becomes null and void! The enitre wedding is moot!

And it's not like it's going to be consumated any time soon. Or at least I hope it isn't. If the "husband" isn't there for the wedding, chances are he isn't showing up for the honeymoon, either.

And while it's likely not the case, it IS possible that he never intended to marry her in the first place!

Now, granted, it's France...but how is this allowed and not gay marriage?

(uh oh, NOW the issue is out there. Now what? )

Here it is. The Sanctity of Marriage isn't going to be tainted or torn asunder or shat upon because 2 people who happen to be the same sex love each other, and commit their lives to making the other persons life better. You want sacred union? Show me a lesbian couple who suffer through cancer together. There is a sacred union.

Your real threat to the Banner of Wedlock are those that treat it as a contract to screw for a night, so that they don't have to feel guilty about having sex when it comes time to answer for it in front of God. Or the lady who was on one of the afternoon talk shows a year or so ago, who married her 7 year old son. (Nothing perverted I think....just some rabble about dedicating her life to him. Still, wtf?!) Or pop star celebrities who run off to Vegas and get married for a night,a nd have serious regret about it 7 hours later, when the alcohol wore off.

The Star Tribune had a response from someone who said that it was wrong because a man and a woman can have a baby, whereas a woman and a woman could not. Well, I happen to know plenty of heterosexual couples who CAN'T have a baby,a nd I know lots of man-woman marriages that DO have babies and SHOULDN'T. Susan Smith comes to mind, for example. (Carolina woman who drowned her kids in a car. )

Love, like football, is as simple or as complicated as you want to make it. People are different,a nd have different likes and dislikes. SOme people like Coca-Cola instead of Pepsi. Some like chocolate and some don't. Some guys like guys instead of girls. That's who they are. I personally don't see anything wrong with it, other than it's not for me. I can't tell them how they should find happiness anyomre than they can tell me how to find happiness in my life. life is much too short, and real love so rare that it's silly to let a silly thing like gender get in the way of a marriage.

Why I go off on these marriage speils I have no idea.

The family van has suffered a deep gash to the power steering lines. either it was too cold and they cracked, or who knows what. Either way, we're plopping down a good $175 to replace them. Oy vey. Not only that, but we're looking at an additional amount of cash to replace the wheels, which we are told have little tread on them. Hmmm......

Is there any market for pasty white guys with a very slight build who does not know how to dance in the Male Stripper community? Even if it's to make the other guys look good? I'll have to break out the red thong and cowboy boots, but they shouldn't be hard to find....

The real tough part is getting fanatical for a few days about doing stiups evry moringing, and then slowly but surely convienently forgettingto do them until it's a distant memory.

Hope everyone out there is having good days. We'll see you tomorrow.

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