
Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Back in the very early 80's I was quite content in my own little existence, playing with my toys, going to kindergarten, and going to sleep in my bunkbed, even though I was an only child. Well, yesterday was the 22nd anniversary of the day that it ALLLLL changed.

I remember I was sleeping in my bed, when my Dad (I think) came in and woke me up. It was very early in the morning, because it was still very very dark out. We drove across town to Moorhead, to my Cousin Carrie's house, where I was allowed to drift off to sleep once again.

When I awoke, I learned that I had a sibling. I can't remember exactly when I found out it was a girl, though in all perfect honesty I had been rooting for a brother. I do know that my parents prepared me as best they could, by letting me listen to the baby,a nd feel it kick and all of that. But this was all more REAL now.

At some point, I was taken to the hospital, and was able to peek into the nursery. With so many babies in there, it was hard to tell which one was my sister. I remember lots of family members standing around me, getting in the way, and preventing me from figuring out which one was ours. I didn't get to hold "the baby", but everyone else did.

Fine. I don't want to hold the baby. It's stinky anyway. Besides, I'm cute too.

Building resentment towards your baby sister is no way to begin a sibling relationship. And as I look back over the years, I have to really give myself a great amount of credit for being as tolerant as I was, while still being a terrific older brother, providing her with a role model to follow.

OK, that last part was pure crap.

I love my sister, and I wish her the best on her Birthday.


One of the worst things you can do with the Sunday paper is to go browsing through the Best Buy or Circuit City add with nothing specific in mind. If you have a set product that you are looking for, then it works to your benefit to check out the ads. But idle hands and a full pocketbook become the debbil's workshop.

For instance, I had nothing to shop for this past Sunday while perusing the ad, and then I did. I came across the newest release of EA Sports' MVP Baseball 2004. (A fine birthday gift suggestion, for those that are looking for ideas. ) With a dynasty mode, ability to trade players,a nd a minor league setting...it's everything I ever wanted in a video baseball game. And it's $50. $50 that I do not have. Drat the luck!

Chances that I will purchase this game while the wife is in Arizona, and use that as bitter justification for such a frivolous purchase? Oh...that is very high. I can blame her, and say that I never would have been so careless with money if she had stayed at home, rather than running away for a week. I mean, after all, I needed to entertain myself since no one else was around, and Showtime only puts "Family Business" on after 10pm. So that left me with plenty of hours to fill on my own.

Maybe it's better off that I don't buy the game anyway. Like any other male, I'm never satisfied with the amount of lovin' I get. But when I bring this issue up to the wife, she's less than sympathetic. Apparently, she'd have more energy if she didn't have to clean up the house all the time by herself.

So I do the dishes. How about now?


Fine. I'm gonna go play video games then. And would it kill you to clean this house a little? It's a mess.

(Note: Don't worry. I know who's the one at fault there. The kids. They NEVER clean. Especially the youngest one. Just because you're 2 years removed from the womb doesn't mean you can be a contributing member of this family, missy!)

Link of the Week:

Mia proves that women who wear baseball caps, and are comfortable doing so, are very hot. Judge for yourself. Why doesn't baseball have cheerleaders? Because part of the fun of a baseball game is scouting the crowds for girls like this.

And in the interest of being equal opportunity, here is Mr. Josh Hartnett.

A local boy originating from Minnesota, he's starred in quite a few films, and seems to have the chops for some bigger roles. We'll see if he's allowed to grow into them.


Schindler's List comes out on DVD as well, today. That was another thing in the Best Buy advert. That caught my attention. I love the movie, though it's obviously not one that you walk out of the theater feeling happy about. And it's probably not a movie I should watch while in a depressed state when the wife and kids have been gone for 4 or 5 days. Some things just aren't conducive to proper mental health. (Why I worry about that NOW, I can't explain. )

The soundtrack itself is enough to drive some into weeping.

Quote of the week:

Baseball is always played out in the sunshine, where the air is pure and the grass is green, and there is something about the game...which teaches one to win or lose as a gentleman should, and that is a very fine thing to learn. -Christy Mathewson

Since we're talking about baseball, let's talk about the big issue going around right now, which is whether or not this person or that is using steroids. Barry Bonds is the one most mentioned. Now, he's come out and denied that he used steroids for quite some time. Then it was learned that he had a connection with a guy who was dealing steroids. Still he denied it. Then it was learned that he, amongst other baseball players, received packages from the same guy, and those packages were steroids. And he still denies it. Ok, Barry.

He deserves the benefit of the doubt, and there is the innocent before proven guilty thing. However (and you knew it was coming), if it should come out later that he DID take steroids...it'd be really hard for him to come forward after painting himself into a corner like that. We'll just call him Pete Rose Jr.

In football, the Vikings have been busy, adding a cornerback on a top-flight level, even if he's only 5'9". Antwoin Winfield is one of the best tackling corners, which is good for sweeps and end arounds and such, plenty of speed, and respectable jumping ability. With as bad as the Vikes secondary has been, this will help them out wonderfully. They still need some faster LB's however, or the off-tackle runs are going to eat them alive.

Offensively, they've signed former Bears WR Marcus Robinson, who is tall, lanky, has good hands, and can fight for the ball. His ability to play isn't in question though...it's his ability to stay healthy. If he only plays 5 games, then what's the use? Still, the benefits he adds to the team far outweigh the risk he poses, especially since he was signed to a decent contract that wasn't out of line.

Meanwhile in Chi-town, the Bears are waiting to find out if they will be able to sign John Tait, an OL from the Chiefs. Seeing as how we have only 2 players we can count on when the season starts on the OL, it would help to add Tait, who would be a 3rd lineman we can count on as a starting level player.

As the line shakes out, the entire right side would be set, with Tait at RT, Mike Gandy at RG (moving from LT to Rg where he is more suited) and Pro-bowler Olin Kruetz at C. that leaves an oft-injured Tucker at LG, and a vacuum at LT. They have a kid named Mitchell they like, though he hasn't proven that he can handle the position over the long-haul yet, and with a near-rookie QB behind the line....well, let's just say I hope their shopping doesn't end there.

There are also rumors in the Chicago Tribune that we're interested in Warren Sapp if the money is reasonable. I wouldn't mind adding his talent, but he can leave the mouth at home. it'd be nice to see him taking down Brett Favre again, but I just don't believe he's gonna keep his motor running all season. I think he's gotten to the point of his career where he is satisfied with what he is already accomplished, and doesn't have the drive to win another Super Bowl.

But I'd love to be wrong.

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