
Friday, March 12, 2004

NASA recently revealed to the world a picture that was taken by the Hubble telescope over the span of 400 orbits. THey pointed it at one particular point in the sky, and focused it there for quite some time. The result? Well over 10,000 GALAXIES. Not stars; actual galaxies. Filled with millions of stars themselves. Just another reminder to you how incomprehensible the universe is. And for anyone to say that we are the only form of life in the entire universe....sorry. It's out there somewhere. And maybe the universe is so big to allow all forms of life to grow on their own without interfering with each other.

The other mind blowing fact? They're picking up light in that same image that is 13 Billion years old. For 13 Billion years, that light was streaking through space AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT to reach us. They figure that the universe is 13.7 billion years old, so the light we see in the image was from the universe's infancy.

I can't even wrap my mind around part of that, much less digest the entire thought.

Tomorrow is my oldest daughter's birthday. And if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have all that I do today. Without her, maybe the wife (then girlfriend) and I would have called it off. Not that we had reason to. But maybe once college started, she would have gone her way, and I would have went mine. Instead, we had a baby togeather. As time went by, we got married, and had more babies togeather. But she is the glue that held us togeather for so many years, I can't imagine what we would do without her.

So for her birthday, she's chosen to go to Libby Lu's, which is an extreme makeover-type place for little girls at one of the local malls. Past Birthdays have included a sleep over at a hotel including swimming, Bowling, Skateland, the Minnesota Zoo, the required Chuck E Cheese...I tell you it gets hard to be creative year after year.

This year, she's bringing along about 6-7 friends to go with her, and they'll get their makeovers. We've even been nice enough to invite our 3 year old sister Anna with. Once that is done, we'll go someplace, possibly home, for pizza and presents and cake. And then the day will be done. It's not much, but bigger things are in store later on.

And then on Sunday, it's off to the Beta-job, where I'll put in a few hours sell some tickets, and head home to finish off the day. So not a huge amount planned for the weekend at this point. The home system has been analyzed by a co-worker,a dn the verdict is what I expected: maind hard drive is kaput, and the 2nd hard drive could not be read. I'm getting a second opinion to be sure, but it looks like I'll just ahve to stage the 40 gig drive w/ a Windows OS and re-load all of the programs that were once there before. Once that is done, maybe in the next 2 weeks or so, we'll have daily updates again.

Speaking of the beta-job, the wife finally heard back that her interview was a success, she will be working with me side by side. Maybe we'll arouse suspicions if we happen to head to the bathroom at the same time togeather. Or maybe not. Either way, she'll get to see what an *ss Sid Hartman can be. He's a local scribe who waffles on all issues all the time. If the Vikings were to win 1 game, it's a sign they're going to the next 5 straight Super Bowls.

And maybe some of the gay ones too.


And if they lose a game, he'll declare it's the first sign of the apocolypse. Now, as I've described i, he sounds no different than any other typical Vikings fan. BUt trust me....he'll do it with baseball too. And there's 162 games in baseball.


MaximOnline.com has started up their 2nd (?) annual Hometown Hotties contest, asking the readers/viewers to vote on 10 of 100 girls per week for the next 10 weeks. I've decided to do my part, and resolve to vote each week, and allow you the ability to critique along with me, as I report on whom I vote and do not vote for, with reasons given for some along the way.

Feel free to challenge me on them if you wish, but keep in mind that we all have our own voting criteria. Mine?

I first look for women who invoke a real response from...a girl who makes me take notice, without coming across as completely fake. (Note: this does not mean that we will vote against enhanced breasts....)

Once I have reduced it down to a more manageable list (21 this week), I then go through thinning out the group by going through the bios, and eliminating those who I don't agree with....Packers fans, for example.

Ok, maybe that's a little rough. But it does severely limit their ability to make the final 10. they'd have to overcome alot with their looks to get past that sort of liability.

Another example are tatoos. I'm not necesarily against tatoos, as long as they are small. If it's a large tattoo, it's a bit o a turnoff. A perfect example is Noel of Coatesville, PA. She's very pretty, and has the type of eye-catching pictures you look for. Her sensuality really comes through in the picture. But I couldn't bring myself to vote for her because of the large tat on her lower back. What made it even harder is that she was unique enough to use black and white. While not for everyone, it really set her apart. If they all did black and white, it'd be terrible. But a few girls doing it works really well.

And there is such a thing as too many piercings. Finding a girl these days who doesn't have a piercing in an odd place or a tatoo is more rare than the ones that have them! I'm not against them per se.....it just helps if they don't.

So without further ado, I've determined that the following are moving on for sure, on my ballot sheet. There is Maggie from CT (Row 1, spot 8), who's smoldering in every one of her pics, and while she DOES have a tatoo, it's small and is cute; a blue butterfly. There is Elizabeth from MD (row 3 spot 5) who might be a bit more plain then the others, but is consistently hot through each of them. Sarah in AZ (row 7 spot 9) also made the cut, one of the few blondes in my selections. Heather in FL (row 8 spot3) is even rarer, since she is a redhead, and that's usually not my style. But her smile is very pretty, and she takes good care of herself, form the looks of it. Another Heather made it, this one from KS (row 10 spot 10). She was the first one I KNEW would be moving on from my ballot.

That leaves 5 spots for Shannon of NC (row 1, spot 9), Christina Lee of IL (row 2 spot 9), Ashley of NC (row 3 spot 7), Kaylie of CA (row 4 spot 4), Sarah of TX (row 4 spot 8), Alicia of CA (row 4 spot 10), Mindy from MO (row 5 spot 3), Jaclyn of NC (row 7 spot 10) and Nicole of CA (row 9 spot 7).

Nicole of CA is very pretty,and I can see that she'd be the type o work out,a nd enjoy hard rock,a nd probably has kind of a scraggly voice (though that sound mean to say, I don't mean it that was. Just kind of raspy in a way.) It looks as though she'd kick my ass, and I'm easily intimidated. Sorry Nicole. Crossing you off the list.

As much as I appreciate Kaylie being risque' in her pictures, I can't help but think that if we were dating,s he'd have no regard for my feelings at all. A hard woman, who'd carelessly cut you and laugh while you're bleeding. (Billy JOel there, folks. ) I think that I need to get past the "oooh look! Breasts! " part, and once i do that, I'm not entirely sure that she'd be what I'm looking for. Kaylie is out too.

So that leaves 7 people to fill 5 spots. Sarah in TX could ALSO kick my ass, as she is a kickboxer. She has a belly button ring, AND a tatoo. Gone right? Nah. SHe's consistently beautiful in all of her pictures (there are many examples of the opposite throughout), and she SMILES! What a difference that makes! SOme look as though they're bored or being forced to have their picture taken. If thee isn't any enthusiasm....forget it. Sarah In TX has it all in spades, so she's moving on. Alicia in CA moves on as well, which is surprising because of the red air thing again. I don't think the color is natural though. She had alot to overcome with that 2nd picture, which didn't flatter her face. But being a Bears fan certainally helped her cause.

Christina Lee is very pretty, but I just couldn't bring meyself to put her intot he final group. I can't find fault per se....it's just that the others seemed to speak to me more.

That leaves 4 girls for the last 3 spots. This is the hardest part, because I can't really choose between them, but I have to. So I'm going to eliminate Shannon of NC. I love girls of all types...latinas, asian girls, Nordic....and Shannon is one of the few girls in the group I have that show some diversity. But she never smiled in any of her pictures, as hot as they were.

So we'll round out the ballot with the final 3, and call it a day. Feel free to point out where I might have went wrong.

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