
Friday, March 05, 2004

Ok, I couldn't stay away. I found myself wanting to write, so I'm being stealthy.

Besides, I've got lots to write about, from accolades to my creator to NFL free agent talk to schedule conflicts to work strife to some sort of assasination attempt by the 3 year old on her own mother and siblings. Hmmm....what to talk about first?

First and foremost, many happy birthday wishes to my own father on what is his 35th birthday today. OK, maybe not 35. He is of an age, and that is all that needs to be known.

When you are growing up, the only real birthday that matteers to you is your own, since you get to choose what kind of cake, and you are the one getting the presents, and all of that. Mom and Dad have a birthday? Pffft. A lame italian dinner (when birthdays OBVIOUSLY require PIZZA) and an early bedtime. Or, the other possibility is a babysitter, and still no cake or ice cream! And an early bedtime, since the babysitter doesn't want to have to watch over you any longer than she has to.

Man, once you get past 14, birthdays don't mean ANY FUN at all. Or so you nthink when you're a kid. And then you turn 14, and your ideal birthday gift involves the teenage girl in the apartment complex across from you who unknowingly (?) passed in front of her window wearing just her underclothing. That pretty much is it for birthday wishes for the rest of your life, though at some point alchohol enters into the mix. It's entirely possible that all you wish for beyond 40 years old is a steak dinner that won't give you gas, and a comfortable chair to nod off in when you get home.

In all seriousness, Dad, thank you for all of the guidance over the years, especially recently. I understand more and morehow hard your job was to raise us kids as I sit in on Parent-teacher conferences, and dinners, and help kids with homework, and all of the things that come with being responsible for someoen else's life. And the more I understand, the more I understand I'll never be able to properly thank you for it all.

So I'll just post a picture of Monica Bellucci and call it even.

Sophia Loren she's not, but she's hot nonetheless, and while I'm not crazy about her smoking...is anyone REALLY looking at the cigarette? Come on now, be honest.... I thought so.


Football Free Agency is in full swing, allowing hundred-thousandaires to become multi-millionaires withthe stroke of a pen. Fans of all teams (including myself) will spend many hours fantasizing (in a non-sexual way) about what this player or that player can add to our teams in a great and glorious quest for dominancy. Only to watch that same player sign with another team, teaching us the meaning of "sour grapes" all over again.

I went through this with Jevon Kearse, who made me do much the same (cursing, that is) once the pass-rusher signed with the Eagles instead. It would ahve been nice to have a player who can get to the QB, Brett favre in particular. But no, our current Bears prefer to lose, so he wasn't going to fit in our system.

All is not lost though. they are looking at getting some blockers forour greenhorn QB, in the thought that he might have to have more than a millisecond to throw the ball. John Tait is his name. They sign him,and all is forgiven. If not....well, maybe the Twins will make the playoffs, and I can be distracted with the baseball season.

They are also looking at taking a WR in the draft in the coming months. While we have a plethora of Wr's already, the offense that the Bears are running don't particularly fit the system, and none of them are the caliber of WRs they are considering.

Besides, it's a perfect way for the Bears to show off their mis-management.


It's snowing here. Either that, or the Association of Sexually Repressed Men have negotiated a remarkable breakthrough in poo-nannie diplomacy. (Ewwww. )

At least 6-7 inches has fallen overnight, making the way slick and wet. (Snow, PEOPLE! SNOW! Come on!) OK I can't resist. Meteorologists expect a quick recovery however, thanks to a circumpect chemical with little-known side affects. That, and a snowblow. Er.

The weather had been pretty mild, climbing all the way up to 40 degrees yesterday afternoon, but if you know anything about Minnesota, then you know that winter isn't over until mid-May. We were bound (and still are) to have at least 1-2 more good storms before the winter snowfall season is over. To think otherwise would be foolhearty. This is where it gets tough, because you get teased with really really nice weather, giving you the false assumption that spring has arrived, only to wake up one morning covered under a new blanket of slush and grime. You grit your teeth, and just remember that these are the last flailing of a dying monster. Winter is suffering from mortal wounds, and knows it's going to die. It's just trying to take a few people with it in the process.


Final details are finally in place for a visit from my sister later this month. I'm looking forward to it, since I haven't seen her in a few years,a nd we've never really gotten togeather on our own since we both have left the nest. It'll be interesting to see how she's grown. I see alot of my oldest in her, especially when it comes to pushing my buttons. Noone was better at annoying me than my sister, up until I met my wife that is, and my oldest has been known to dust off some of those same triggers that were used so long ago.

I remember in elementary school, I would walk her home. And on the way home, there was a house that had 3 VW bugs....every day tehre was a race to see who could see them first and deliver the slug-a-bugs. And the invisible letters to Santa taht I threatened her with, when she wouldn't do what I wanted her to....

Man, I was the perfect big brother.

As wonderful as it will be to have her visit, I have a friend who is celebrating his birthday that same day. His wife is preparing a male deer (read: STAG) party complete with a few female friends from a local establishment to bring in his new year properly. While I would never put a night of debauchery above time with my own sister, it is rather regrettable that 2 or possibly 3 women will be performing lewd acts (faked or not) without my presence. Sigh...Drat the luck.


Lastly, I received a report from the home front today. turns out Anna was making breakfast for herself, and wanted eggs. So she cracked 8 of them into a bowl (no shells in it whatsoever), and placed the bowl into the microwave for cooking. Seems normal, if you consider a 3 year old little girl with the ability to crack and microwave an egg normal. She's done it countless times before, astonishing Mom and Dad (that's me) to no end each and every time.

Oh, did I mention that the bowl placed intot he microwave was metal?

The sparks were pretty. Apparently mom came downstairs just in time before the microwave exploded, and it seems to have survived just fine. Mom's heartrate is still on the mend.

In cooking sessions past, she ahd always used a plastic bowl, so there was never any problem, other than the fact that she had used up our supply of eggs. She'd usually use no more than 3 or 4, though there was once when she used 6.

This time it was 8 eggs. And it wouldn't bother me if she actually ate them. I'm not saying the whole thing...I'm jsut asking for a bite or two.

Oh, she says that she likes eating eggs. But I have yet to actually see her do that.

All complaining aside, I'm not too smart, but smart enough to know that she's showing some aptitude in this, and we should probably frther encourage this interest, before it fades and she gets into...I dunno....piercings or something.



Still working on Hard drive issues. I ahve a co-worker who was nice enough to hook up my HD to his system to determine what is or isn't on it, and I trust him to be discreet enough not to go poking around, searching for the inevitbale dark corners that could be on anyone's computer. Even yours!

I'll alert you when things change. Until then, we'll see if I can't do this on a 2x weekly basis.

Until next week.

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