
Thursday, March 18, 2004

Song Quote of the Week:
Honey, just allow me one more chance
To ride your aeroplane.
Honey, just allow me one more chance
To ride your passenger train.
Well, I've been lookin' all over
For a gal like you,
I can't find nobody
So you'll have to do.
Just-a one kind favor I ask you,
'Low me just-a one more chance.

This Day in History:

In 1837, future president Grover Cleveland was born. By future, I mean the future for 1837. Unless there is some sort of breakthrough in bringing back the dead. But who is going to vote for Grover when just about EVERYONE agrees that Cookie Monster has a better domestic policy?

"A cookie in every oven!"

IN 1931, Shick Inc. came out with the first electric razor. Personally, I've never had much luck with electric razors, and have stuck with the acoustic version, so to speak. Current Model: A Gillette Mach 3 Turbo (both blue and a gray one), because it's "The Best A Man Can Get". Well, not really, but it does the job on all fronts.

IN 1965, Aleksei Leonov performed the first spacewalk for the Solviet Space Agency. Breakdancing followed a "few" years later.


abattoir \AB-uh-twahr\, noun:
A slaughterhouse.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none"
All's Well, Act i, Sc.2

Forgive me, sometimes I miss certain parts of the OLD Daily UPdate. I'm sure that some of you do as well.

So...where did we leave off last? Ah, yes. $500 for brake pad and rotor replacement. That has been taken care of. We won't say how we got the money...we just got it, and we ahve a bit of a payment plan to put into place.

So, the van has new brake pads and rotors, and needs new tires. Maybe we can do the Fred Flintstone bit, carve our own, and go that route. At it's cheapest, tires are gonna run about $190-$200.

Anyway, it's best not to get to worked up about finances. MOney comes and money goes (mostly goes), but severe deprsssion is here to stay!

(No, not really.)

With the wife having quit her job at Babies R Us, that frees her up to pick up my sis at the airport, while I support my friend at his birthday party. (Someone has to keep him from getting into trouble, after all. ) Approval was given from all parties involved. Will there be a report on the evening's activities? Well.....we'll see.


Minnesota's own -Prince- was inducted into the Music Hall of Fame this past week. I've always appreciated his music, though some of it was even too funky for my tastes. But it's all him, hard edge and all.

The Star Tribune did a special section on him, from the voices of those around him who knew him best. One story stood out as the most surreal moment I have heard of, that being a ping pong match between him and the King of Pop.

Quoted from the Star Tribune "DAVID Z: I was mixing the soundtrack at a soundstage in Los Angeles. I pull up with two huge tapes under my arms, and I see Prince talking to somebody. 'David, do you know Michael Jackson?' 'Hi, nice to meet you.' The difference in their voices was incredible: Prince had a real low voice and [Jackson] had a real high voice.

In this soundstage, there was a pingpong table. They come in with their bodyguards. Prince says, 'You want to play pingpong?' Michael says, 'I don't know how to play, but I'll try.' The whole crew stops working to watch them play. Pretty soon, Prince says to Michael, 'You want me to slam it?' Michael drops his paddle and holds his hands up in front of his face so the ball won't hit him. Needless to say, the game is over. Michael walks out with his bodyguard. And Prince starts strutting around like a rooster. 'Did you see that? He played like Helen Keller.'"

And to add to the weirdness, there was this : WENDY MELVOIN: Those warehouses were incredible breeding grounds for creativity. The Time was in one room rehearsing, and we'd be in the other. Prince was in the midst of doing the Family record. He was really driven, and his moods started getting more serious. He didn't have a lot of time for fun, except he would go outside and play basketball -- in the [high] heels, which he's now paying for, I'm sure. With his heels on, he could run faster than me, and I was wearing tennies.

Which is not to say that I'm any better. But the moments themselves out of context are beyond description, and I'm not sure that I oculd process a mental image like that on my own unless I had heard the stories.

The best part about it was a scene from the popular Chappelle Show, on Comedy Central. It stars Dave Chappelle, who is well known for his 7Up commercials, amongst others. IT's a bit more raw then most shows, but it has it's good parts. One of those moments was one of his production assistants, Charlie Murphy and his True Hollywood Stories. One of them happened to be about Prince playing basketball against Eddie Murphy while still wearing his stage costumes. Funny as heck, but creepy after the Wendy revelation.

For extra hilarity, check out the "PopCOPY" bit here.

Science News:

According to this story on Yahoo! News, NASA is re-starting up the supersonic tests, and want to try to reach 6,000 mph. Now that's danged fast, but according to this story, that's only HALF this things' speed. Now, this thing isn't going to be used to take pictures, since I imagine any picture taken while it goes by at 10,000 mph is going to look like some sort of ink blot test. All the more power to them though....if this works maybe they can come up with a way to launch a Shuttle-like craft by having it take off and land like a plane, rather than strapping a rocket to it's belly and sending it up that way.


THe Hometown Hotties contest has kicked into the 2nd week. Winners were announced from last week, where 6 of the 10 I had chosen moved onto the next round. That's a pretty good #, considering there was 100 girls to choose from.

This round, I had a harder time finding premier hot-ness, though plenty who were solid. A lot of ground-rule doubles rather than HOME RUN types, in a manner of speaking.

So far, I've been able to narrow down my original list of 26 to 17. We've got Jaqi of MD (row 2, spot 2), Loretta, KS (row 3 spot 5), Trina of IL, Tina of MI, and Pamela of NJ (Row 3, spots 1-3) Tara of MT (row 3 spot 6), Heidi of KS (row 3, spot 10), Kristyl of FL (Row 4, spot 10), Jessica of Ca (row 5 spot 4) Brandy of TX (row 5 spot 6), Jasmine of CA (row 5 spot 7), Gina of CA (row 6 spot 3), Lizzy of WI (row 6 spot 10), Kelly of CA (row 7 spot 7), Angelica of TX ( row 7 spot 10), Ginni of CA (row 8 spot 5), and Emily of VA (row 10 spot 6.)

Most will be suprised with Lizzy of WI, who is indeed a Packers fan. However, her beauty was able to overcome that massive strike against her.

We'll cut Jaqi, since she is hot, but also is very plain. That leaves 16.

Loretta has red hair, but it's obviously not her real color. this is neither a complaint or a benefit.

Trina of IL has a rather long face in the first picture, but an impish look in the 2nd (which I dig), and a classic pin-up pose in the 3rd. Is it enough to carry her into the final 10 though? there is some highly contested competition for the last 10 spots.

Tina represents the state of MI very well, even with the belly button jewelry.

Pamela of NJ doesn't smile much, but....I can't cut her for that. Man, this is getting HARD. (The decisions, not what you might be thinking.)

Heidi of KS happens to have the same swimsuit as Loretta did. It works more for Heidi, who is the first to garauntee one of the FINAL 10 spots.

9 spots left, until I took a second look at Kristyl of FL. Now there is 8 spots, and things are heating up. (the competition, not...well you get the idea.)

There is Jessica of CA, who does not have much for a shooting studio, but we can't hold that against her. What CAN we hold against her? The mind reels at the possibilities. The hooker boots and the eye makeup is a bit uh.......well it is what it is. Not enough to knock her from contention, but I can't garauntee a spot YET.

Brandy of TX and Jasmine of CA are in, though, with Jasmine's 2nd phto showing my favorite apparel so far.

Wow. Down to just 6 spots left already. Gina of CA shows off her best ASSets, and also a pearl necklace. (No, not that.) Hot? Yes. Enough? uhhh.....lemme get back to you.

Lizzy of WI is there,a nd I want to eliminate her SOOOOO badly, but simply can't. My mind keeps telling me that "She's a Packers Fan!", but the rest of me can't get over the pictures. The last picture shows the least amount of her, but happens to be the most erotic; showing her eating a piece of melon. I could spend time describing the jices of the melon slicking the sides of her mouth and cheeks, but....there are some things I just can't go into any further.
Against my better judgement, Lizzy is in.

That leaves 5 spots, and we have 4 girls to go yet.

Kelly in CA for example, has lots of fun on her pictures. However, I'm not ready to commit just yet.

Angelica in TX wraps up another spot, with her own take on swimming suits, going with ones that will wash off, given enough soap.

Ginni is very pretty, and I would love to add some variety to my selections. Her body is fantastic, but I'll have to eliminate her as her face is a bit too angular for my tastes. Keeping in mind, were I not married, I wouldn't have even considered it an issue.

Lastly,we have Emily in VA. Emily looks a bit snobbish, and has some belly jewelry, and a bit of a spoiled brat, to be honest. Something about putting her oin her place....whoo.

Let's go back and review before we add her in there.

Loretta is out, simply because there is too much tough competition,and she didn't smile in any of her photos.

Trina of IL and Jessica of CA are out, for issues too small that I'm ashamed to even mention. That leaves 6 girls for 4 spots.

We'll cut Emily of VA, and regret doing it instantly.

i"m cutting Tara of MT, but hate doing so. However, I think I was enamoured with eh idea of a girl from MT maknig the cut. Well, that and her tush.

SO Tina of MI, Pamela of NJ, Gina of CA and Kelly of CA all make the final cut, and I'm SPENT!

MOre next week. Or not. We'll see how it goes. Thanks for your patronage. Feel free to point out where I've gone wrong...jsut don't expect me to agree.

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