
Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Well, it's ABOUT TIME things went right for us. This past weekend marked the oldest daughter's birthday. 9 years old. So, as mentioned before, we went to Libby Lu's for her birthday. Everyone got made up like a rock star, complete with glittery nail polish, and glittery lip gloss, and glitter on our cheeks, and sprinkled in our hair, and glitter in our eyes ("I can only see a horrible rainbow!"). Had we not been careful, I'm fairly sure glitter would have shown up in our urinary tract. Painful yes, but noone said the world of fashion didn't come at a high cost.

The place was covered in pinks and purples,and light blues and such, as you would expect a store that caters to girls all of 9 or 10 years old. And as I looked about, I realized that not only was I the only male within my own family, or the only guy in our entire birthday party, but including staff and other customers...I accounted for the only male genetalia.

(Which is why it's such a good thing that I am as large as I am in that area, so that I can balance out such an inequality. )

(He adds with a nervous false-bravado. )

(Then realizes nobody was buying it in the first place, negating the need for the second comment in parentheses. )

We had the original 4 out of my own family, 6 children that were NOT my own, and 3 other female parents that were there to lend a hand. About 6 or 7 staff members, and countless other little consumers coming and going throughout the 2 hours we were there. A saint in a land of sinners, I was.

God has a funny sense of humor, you see. I often wanted to be surrounded by girls, but this was hardly what I had in mind. I'll have to be more specific in my next life, should such a thing as re-incarnation exist.

Once the girls were completely dolled up, they were sent to the front of the store to perform a dance # for the rest of the mall, then back into the store for pictures, and then the party was over. OPen gifts, go home to rest, and then out to FuddRucker's for a Birthday dinner. Home again Home again, jiggety jig...cake and bed. Whew... that was the end to an uneventful weekend, right? Uh...no.

The followin morning, I had to work downtown for a professional sports team. A co-worker picked me up and took me down there, yet I had mistakenly brought the only van keys we had with me. So here I am, downtown, 30 minutes form home, and the wife is about to head out to her job in jst a little bit.


Called home and apologized profusely, and explained that I had the keys that she would need to go to work. But with a little bit of negotiating, she was able to get the Neighborhood Nanny to take her to work without problems. So, drama is over, correct? No.

After I finish work, I get home to find the Neighborhood Nanny's boyfriend watching the girls. Where is Neighborhood Nanny? She left to pick up the wife. It's 4pm,and she was supposed to work until 7pm. Something is amiss here.

When the wife returns home, it is readily apparent. Crying, she explains that despite the fact tha she was an able and competant cashier/customer service associate for the Babies R Us corportation, the punk teenagers they have hired there had seniority. Unable to comprehend that she might know what she was doing, they had constantly badgered her to do her job correctly (even though she was), to where she couldn't take the criticism any longer and walked out.

Fine. That treatment is all well and good for the teenie-boppers they hire usually, but not to someone who capably handles whatever is the task at hand, and happens to be about 5-10 years older. Our suspicion is some sort of jealousy on their part, or some feeling of being threatened by someone who understand what it means to provide customer service. Sour grapes? Sure. But it's turning into the sweetest wine for us.

Less than 24 hours later, the wife got a call form the local school district. Seems that they want her and a friend to teach sewing classes at nights. So she has an interview later this week for that to work out specifics. She went to the fabric store to gather togeather some supplies, and as she was ringing out, the subject came up. The cashier called the manager over, and the manager has asked her to bring in some samples of her work, withthe idea that she might be able to teach some classes for them. Not to mention that she too will be working the phones for the Minnesota Twins, as well.

Earlier in the day, she ran in to her previous boyfriend before me. A chance for him to see what he missed out on, I suppose. I'm much too civilized to gloat about how much better our lives our than his, and how much better I treat her than he did. And I'm certainly not going to bring up his bitter comment when he compared me to a weasel, or the fact that I walked like a weasel.

OK, so I am going to bring up those things. It's the weasel in me. But weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

Word also has come back that my home CPU system was too old to recognize a 40 gig drive. It will read it fine, but it has a hard time recognizing it. It's being loaded with Windows ME until I can come up with something better. The 40 gig drive had 5 GIG of information on it, but what I have no idea. We'll find out when I get it abck. It will still take some time to re-load the programs back onto it. We'll see how it turns out. There is hope in the far off future of "upgrading" to a used Gateway Pentium 2 that I am aware of, but...we'll have to see how things turn out.

The Bears were able to sign OT John Tait, and are pretty much done with free agency, thoguh they may sign another OT just to be safe, or maybe Warren Sapp if his price comes down to a reasonable level. Rookie QB Rex Grossman is probably the happiest, considering that he's got some linemna with actual ability in front of him, rather than Frankenstien mosters assembled from the scraps of previous failures.

Now the attention turns to the draft, where they'll eihter go for a Wr, or for a defensive tackle. I don't really ahve a preference, though we are loaded at Wr. The real question is...are any of them a good fit for hte new offense? Don't know. If Texas Wr Roy Williams is available, I'd grab him, but more than likely he'll be gone. That leaves it up to the best player available, though leaning towards DT than any other position.

For a Bears fan, it sounds like they've got the right idea, though you can't help but guard yourself against disapointment.

FYI....Maxim has moved onto week 2 for their Hometown Hoties contest. I will review and check back with you later this week.

UPDATE: Looks as though I spoke too soon on the things oging good for us thing: turns out that the brake pads and rotors on the van need to be replaced. At the tune of about $500. Which I don't have. Ugh. If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have.....money to sepnd I guess.

Time to hit the neighbor up for some limo jobs, and make some cash on the side, if possible.

I need a pick-me-up. And the news about Denise Richards having a baby girl with Charlie Sheen (who has done nothing of note to deserve her) isn't going to help.

Who is Denise Richards?

I'm glad you asked.

More to write later. For right now, I ahve to call around and see what they'll give me for my blood.

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