
Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Song of the Day:

I'm sick of love; I wish I'd never met you
I'm sick of love; I'm trying to forget you

Just don't know what to do
I'd give anything to
Be with you

This Day in History:

In 1759, composer George Handel died. He was in London when it happened. Why this is important, I have no idea. Now, if you remember from yesterday, he composed "Messiah", which was provided as a link. You DID check out the link, correct? I would hate to think that I gave you a link providing ACTUAL CULTURE connected to it, and it went unused. If not, go check it out now, and then come back to read the rest. It's ok. The rest of us will wait here until you're done.






IN 1775, Benjamin Franklin and Geoffery Rush--no wait, it was Benjamin Rush, not Geoffory-- formed the first American society seeking the abolishment of slavery. I wish that I had more to say about this, but I just don't feel comfortable making light about slavery one way or the other.

IN 1904, Sir John Gielgud was born. He was only known as John Gielgud then, since it's kinda hard to knight someone in eutero. I remember himbest as the Butler from Arthur, but others might better remember him from Chariots of Fire, or Caligula, or The Elephant Man.

My questions is that if he and others are truly knighted, are they required to take up arms to defend the Queen during an attack? And if so, is the Queen REALLY going to feel safe having a now dead actor, aging singers Elton John and Mick Jagger, and whomever else she has bestowed the honor? Maybe if she used them as human shields, but I greatly suspect Mr. elton John's abiliy with an axe or broadsword. (Or for you Dungeons and Dragons fanatics, a Broadsword plus 2!)

In 1912, The RMS Titanic struck an iceberg, and then slowly began it's transformation into a submarine, and then the worlds best Hotel for mermaids. UNfortunately, it didn't allow the passengers to dis-embark first, taking over a 1,000 lives with it. I'm not providing a link, since you hould know this story already,a nd if you don't, then you weren't alive in 1997. And if you weren't alive in 1997, than you are 5 years old and this is above you, or you are some sort of Zombie arisen from the dead. Well, I for one welcome our new Zombie overlords, and hope for a bloodless coup.

IN 1939, John Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath" was first published. Never read the book, personally, though I ahve heard good things. Specifically that it was banned in certain areas. And if it's banned, it's gotta be good.
Now I am not certain for sure, but I think in 1978 the sequel to this book was made into a movie..."Attack of the Killer Tomatoes". WHat grapes have to be angry about I'll never know. Killer tomatoes, I get though. I mean, they're a fruit, but everyone considers them a vegatable. For plant life, that has to equate out to some sort of gender confusion. Deal with that all of your life, and there is BOUND to be some hard feelings about it.

Word of the Day:


Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance.
Marked by or arising from a feeling or assumption of one's superiority toward others: an arrogant contempt for the weak.

Topics of the Day:

Quentin Tarantino

I saw him on Jay Leno a few nights ago. Suffice to say he and I come from completely different worlds. He of the "get drunk all night-and-wake-up-the-next-morning-and-have-noone-to-answer-to-but-yourself-while-using-"fuck"-as-a-noun,verb,adverb,adjective-and-preposition-all-in-the-same-sentance-because-noone-is-around-to-tell-you-differently" life, and me in the "need-to-watch-what-I-do-and-say-since-I-am-a-parent-and-a-role-model-for-the-kids-around-me" world.

THat's alot to digest, so I'll give you a moment or two.

Anyway, he seemed totally self-indulgent and wrapped up in how interesting his life was, even though from my point of view, it seemed incredibly shallow. Taking pride in being on national TV while you are drunk isn't what I would consider a good career move, but then I don't live his life,and he doesn't live mine. It's nice to know, however, that I don't appear to be missing much. He's edgy and intense,and I get the feeling that he'd run up and grab you by the shoulders and scream until he got your attention.

In fairness, I don't elieve he's married. And since he isn't married, he doesn't ahve anyone to worry about BUT himself. So it's easy for him to give the impression that he's shallow and self-absorbed. He's the only interesting thing he's got going. So natrually he's going to talk about himself. That doesn't mean I can't find him annoying,and it doesn't mean he can't find my life dull, repetitive and lifeless (compared to his, anyway).

He'd be way way way way way off the mark, but he'd be entitled to his opinion.

Movie Quote of the Day:

The Joker: It can be truly said, that I have a bat in my belfry.
The Joker: Shall we dance?

I got a call yesterday at work. Turns out that the wife discovered that we had a bat attached to the wooden entranceway to our front patio. From what she could tell, he was sleeping. So I was instructed to be very careful upon my arrival at home, so that I didn't startle the beast.

Upon returning home, I inspected it as best I could from a safe distance. A fuzzy brown body with it's black wings tucked closely next to it. Figuring that itwas resting in the daylight, I let it alone, and figured that it would fly away during the night. We even named it Bruce Wayne.

(pause for effect)

However, if he wasn't gone by today, we would have to look at getting it removed. I was already set to call Animal Control, or Orkin, the local zoos, Ozzy Ozbourne, The Penguin, evil clowns, or even the Riddler. But according to the communique's I've recieved today, he's already dead. No homemade guano for this family. Drat the luck.

Daily Update 2 week Hall of Fame enshrinement:

A good friend of mine at work, John, was kind enough to recently purchase your writer a McRib sandwich (extra sauce, no pickles) for no reason other than to be friendly!! This, along with the good sense of humor he shares with yours truly has earned him temporary status as a Daily Update Hall of Flamer.

(hee hee hee. )


To further cement his status, he provided us with the...



This makes the song of the day make SOOOO much more sense.

Miss USA

Miss Missouri, Shandi Finessey, has been crowned as Miss USA. Now available for mall opening near you!

I haven't had the oppurtunity to scroll through the delagates of each state, so I am willing to take nominations for your OWN Miss USA, and we'll announce The Daily Update MIss USA pagent in the coming week, based off of the candidates in the original MIss USA competition. Now, it's time for me to go home, so I could either publish what I have, or save it until tomorrow.

This would be a great segue into the Hometown Hotties, mind you. However, I am going to say "screw it" and print what I gots, and we'll go over more of it tomorrow.

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