
Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Song of the Day:
Six and three is nine
Nine and nine is eighteen
Look there brother baby and see what I've seen
Baby don't you wanna go
Back to that same old place
Sweet home Chicago

This Day in History:

In 1742, Handel's "Messiah" is performed for the first time in public. The place? Dublin Ireland. Why that is important, I have no idea.

In 1743, Thomas Jefferson was born. Jefferson would later become an Ambassador to France (succeeding Benjamin Franklin, though HARDLY replacing him in the social circles of France, ifyouknowwhatImean). In addition, he also wrote one of the 2 most important documents in American history, The Declaration of Independance. (The other being Dr Suess' "Fox in Sox".) (No, not THAT. THIS! ) Later, he became the 3rd president of the United States, after serving as the vice-president to his advesary, John Adams. In fact, his Presidency was only won after his advesary Alexander Hamilton backed him rather than Aaron Burr. Hamilton liked neither man, but considered Jefferson the lesser of two evils. SO what happened between Hamilton and Aaron Burr? Consult your milk commercials for the answer to that one. Or check out this link. Whichever.

In 1943, Jefferson's bones were covered in liquid marble, set, and then propped up for all to see in Washington DC at the Jefferson Memorial. Ok, not quite. But the Jefferson Memorial WAS dedicated by FDR on this day in 1943.

In 1964, Sidney Poitier won an academy award for his work in the film "Lilies of the Field". He was the first black performer to win an Academy Award for a leading role. But I think we'll always know him as MIS-TER Tibbs.

In 1970, Apollo 13 learned jsut how unlucky the # 13 could be. Not only was their flight labelled 13, but on the 13th of April, a tank of liquid oxygen burst, spilling much of their breathable air out into the vacuum of space. Thanks to the tireless work of the NASA engineers, they were able to slingshot around the moon,and arrive home safely, saving the lives of James Lovell, Fred Haise, and John "Jack" Sweigert.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:

His life was gentle, and the elements so mixed in him that Nature might stand up and say to all the world, this was a man"
Jul.Caesar, Act v, Sc.5

Word of the Day:


1.The easing of a burden or distress, such as pain, anxiety, or oppression.
2. Something that alleviates pain or distress.
3. The feeling one has after getting through an annual review no worse for wear.

Yesterday's Annual Review

As many of you well know, I was quite pensive yesterday afternoon. My yearly review was due, and I knew not what to expect going into it. I knew I had done well in some areas, and struggled mightily in others. Would my strengths outshine my weeknesses, or would my faults be the end of me? Nevermind the fact that my family's well-being, much less future happiness was riding on my present and future employment. Short and to the point....do I get to keep my job, or am I about to find out I'm fired and dash my hopes of moving to Oregon upon the rocky shores below? Would I have to sell my home to make ends meet, or would I be able to continue to live check to check as I have become accustomed?

30 minutes later, I emerged from the dank and dark interrigation room with my head held high, employment intact, and a newfound appreciation for my job. Even a little bit of satisfaction! While my statistics were horrible, my manager was able to see past them, and was able to determine my true worth to the company. Or at least, her view of my work was similar to mine. Not everything I do shows up in quatitative stats like # of calls taken, or Wrap time, or whatever. My manager likes my interaction with the clients for our company, my interaction with my co-workers, and my stress management skills, seeing as how I don't blow my top when I get angry. No no no...... I just write about it in an online column that she isn't aware of. Yet.

Of course, I am careful enough not to include too many details to cause problems for myself AT work. I simply use this forum (at times) for my own therapy. It's like a diary! ONly everyone can read it! My gaw......I'm an exhibitionist. I feel so....tingly! No! I feel...relief.

I am never sure about how my co-workers percieve me. They're just as likely to consider me an obnoxious jerk who can't shut his trap as they are to consider me an eloquent breath of fresh air who bemuses them with his stories and antics, while providing "World Class Service" to both internal and external clients.

I guess I still don't know that. However, in regards to my manager, I know exactly how I am viewed. And to know that she likes my work... well, no matter what you do, it's nice to know that your work is respected and appreciated.

Hollywood News:

Rebecca Romaijn has FINALLY woke up, read the Daily Update, and is seperating from John Stamos. John was so damned busy doing those10-989 (or whatever extension it was) commercials, that there was little time left for Rebecca. Seems like a misplaced sense of priorities, to me. Or maybe I'm just making up stuff. Who knows why they broke up, and to be perfectly honest, who cares?! Rebecca is back on the market!!

We here at the Daily Update are now taking reservations to dine at Chez Romaijn. Please take a seat and be ready when your # is called. Current # available: 5. (Daily Update Management has reserved the right to reserve the first 5 reservations ---mental note, next time use the thesaurus-- for it's own use. )

Aren't I good to my readers? Ok, don't answer that. I realize it's feast or famine. But when it's Feast.....boy, isn't he spread good?

It's also Ron Perlman's birthday today. Star of Hellboy, and many other films, he's always been one of my favorite actors. He makes his impact felt on the screen, even if he is often typecast int he neanderthal/grunt/muscle kind of roles.

Also sharing a birhtday today is Rick "Don't call me Ricky" Schroder. Being the equal oppurtunity people we are here at The Daily Update, here is a link to Rick.


The Twins have suffered some tough losses in personnel with the loss of Torii Hunter, Matt Lecroy, and Joe Mauer. Despite that, they still need to go out and play, and it doesn't feel like they are. The starting Pitching has been terrible, and I dont think one starter has made it past the 6th inning YET. See...that's what qualifies as a BAD sign. You can't blame the bullpen too much, considering the amount of work they've ahd to put in for the past week, with 3-4 games going to extra innings,and in all of the other games, they've had to stop the bleeding from the 5th inning on. That's just too much work for one bullpen in the early going.

Of course, it might help if we did some scoring of our own. Jaque Jones is a great player, but the man just can't stop himself from swinging at ANYTHING. Heck, it wouldn't surprise me to see him swing at a throw to first base. This has been a problem for him in the past, but this years seems to make it even worse. Put him on the bench, and remind him that this team needs singles and doubles as well as the home run. It's all well and good that he has 2 home runs for the year, but that pretty much accounts for his hit total for the year. Other than that, he's hanging around 0-for 30. That is bad.

And while we are at it, why oh why can't Christian Guzman bunt the ball into the ground, rather than @#&*% straight up?! He's one of the fastest men in baseball and could be a very dangerous weapon in bunting if only he would quit popping up every danged time he tries to bunt!

And now we have Terry Mulholland. Well, he's over 40, but seeing as how many of my readers are also at that age, it's important to point out that they are still viable contributors to society as a whole. When it comes to pitching however, the question of how much longer you CAN pitch is a constant looming question, hanging over your entire career. Now, I don't think that Terry will have that problem, but I'd hate to see the Twins have to use him in excess. Not a bad guy to have around though.

I think I've done as much as I can for this update. Time to start working on the next one.

Movie Quote of the Day:

Seeing as how I can't seem to get the "E-mail me @" feature to work, it won't be much of a competition. So I'll just tell you that it's from Major League.

Pedro Cerrano: Bats, they are sick. I cannot hit curveball. Straightball I hit it very much. Curveball, bats are afraid. I ask Jobu to come, take fear from bats. I offer him cigar, rum. He will come.
Eddie Harris: You know you might think about taking Jesus Christ as your savior instead of fooling around with all this stuff.
Jake Taylor: Harris.
Pedro Cerrano: Jesus, I like him very much, but he no help with curveball.
Eddie Harris: You trying to say Jesus Christ can't hit a curveball?

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