
Friday, April 16, 2004

Song of the Day:

When I refused
I knew you wouldn't understand
I told you twice
I was only trying to be nice
Only trying to be nice
Ooh, I didn't mean to turn you on
Babe now why should I
Feel guilty 'cause I won't give
Guilty 'cause I won't give in
I didn't mean to turn you on

This Day in History:

April 15-

IN 1865, Abraham Lincoln died, after being mortally shot by John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln was the first president to be assasinated in our country's history, and he was replaced by Andrew Johnson. Johnson himself was also to have been assasinated, along with Seward, who was the Secretary of state. Booth thought that if enough members in the line of succession for the Presidency, it would throw the Northern government into chaos, and the Southern Confederacy would prevail over time. In actuality, he did more harm than good, as Lincoln was probably the best hope for the Southern states to re-enter the union with any sort of magnaminity. For all the man did in holding the country togeather in the hours of our biggest strain, it would have been nice to see what he would have been able to do in times of peace.

In 1452, a scant 40 years from Columbus' discovery of the Lands in the west, Leonardo da Vinci was born. Leonardo's skill as an artisan in many was was and is still unmatched.

In fact, at the age of 15, he was apprenticing under another artist, and after seeing da Vinci's work, the master (Verrocchio) vowed to never paint again. Verroccio put out some pretty good work himself, as seen below.

April 16th

IN 1945, American troops reached Nuremberg, Germany. This would of course be the site on the Nuremberg Trials to place war criminals on trial for the atrocities commited against society. That wasn't worded all that well, but it'll have to do.

In 1972, Apollo 16 was launched ON THE 16th. The flight included Ken Mattingly, who was supposed to be on Apollo 13, but was scratched from that flight because of exosure to the German Measles. (A more EFFICENT Measles for the greater success fo the Fatherland!) Ken would also later fly as a Shuttle commander, as would John young, who was on Apollo 16 as well. There would be only one more Apollo mission following this one.

Today also marks the 57th birthday for Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. I think he's the greatest, but my dad says he doesn't workhard enough on defense. And he says that lots of times, he doesn't even run down court. And that he doesn't really try expect for during the playoffs. (Airplane! reference for those of you who aren't paying close enough attention.)

Word of the day:


sar·coph·a·gus (n)
A stone coffin, often inscribed or decorated with sculpture.

Lack of Karmic Justice in the World
"Why do good things happen to bad people?"

I have to be careful with this, because it is in relation to some rather sensitive material. But it needs to be said. Our family recieved news recently that a monster who tormented my wife at a young age, along with her sisters, has been hired at a prestigous college found in Pennsylvania. Apparently background checks at PSU are a thing of the past, because being convicted of abusing your own offspring is something that's kinda hard to miss. Or maybe they're not concerned about the student body. And if said college wants to hide behind "Everyone makes mistakes,and deserves a second chance"....whatever. Releasing a predator/offender like that under the guise of professor is completely undefendable. Heck, even if he is a janitor there, it's still horrible.

Has he paid his debt to society? Well, he's done prison time. Which is not to say he doesn't have some atoning to do. His actions destroyed one life, crippled 2 others, and tarnished a few more. I never met him, but because of him, I have had to prove to my own wife that my children are safe in my presence. I cannot tell you how heartbreaking it is to see the doubt and fear in the eyes of your spouse when you tell them that you're going to give the kids a bath. I don't blame her for that; I blame him. I was made to pay for his actions, and for that, amongst many other reasons....I hate, despise and loathe him.

My wife shouldn't have to question my motives if I offer to take the kids out for ice cream, or if I buy them something special for no reason at all. For heaven's sake, I can't call them "princess" because of the damage he has caused. Am I bitter? Hell yes. But before you dismiss my rantings as biased frothing anger, understand that the actions of this sonofabitch have hampered the relationships I have with my own family. May God forbid any of you from having to do the same.

How he gets this sort of break while some of us toil to survive, I'll never know. And I'm not going to turn this into a pity party by complaining about my own lot in life. I'm just wondering how the na'er do wells are able to seemingly get through life carefree while the rest of us continue to struggle to make ends meet.

Life is what you make of it, I suppose. Naw, that's too flippant an answer. It just goes to show that I know nothing. That's right. Nothing. Those of you turning to the web page for answers have just been supremely disapointed.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:

Some innocents 'scape not the thunderbolt"
Ant & Cleo, Act ii, Sc.5

Hometown Hotties, Week 6

Again, I don't know if it's my mood, or if it's just the quality of choices presented, but there seems to be many more to choose from this week. That said, the winner of the Hometown Hotties competition will NOT come from week 6. Some finalists maybe, but NOT the grand Prize Winner.

Trying to be as selective as possible, I still ended up with about 22 picks, and there were probably about 5-10 more that I could ahve selected prior to final cut-down.

We started out slow, with Elizabeth of Fl the only one in the first row, followed by Tiana of FL and Marina of CA in row 2. Then row 3 just about got out of hand, with Nicole of BROOKLYN PARK! in MN, Kris of VA, Tina of ME, Liz of OR, Refina of TX and Naomi of NV. Now, Nicole is very hot, but I have to be honest that being quite literally a Hottie from my own HOMETOWN helped her quite a bit. IS it enough to get to the final 10? It'll be hard not to be biased, but we'll see what happens.

Row 4 has Jennifer of MA, Erin of MD, Celeste of Irvine CA, and Diana of FL. Row 5 is owned solely by Trish of AZ, though there are many others here who could have been there as well. Row 6 includes Elizabeth of Tn, and Sarah-Elizabeth of Fl. Row 7 has Anica of CA, Ashley of MD, Brooke of Fl, and Lisa of CA. Row 8 is highlighted by Yvette of Fl, Heather of MD, and Jody of CA. Row 9 brings an end to our selections with Celeste of Ventura CA.

Among the first cut is Tiana of FL and Elizabeth of FL. Elizabeth's lips are a bit too full, implying a botox treatment. It's none too flattering. Tiana? I don't know what I saw the first time. She's pretty, but I think I was just "excited" when I made my first list. Happy trails, ladies.

Now Marina.....well she starts out hot,a nd then cools off, but that first one is good enough to carry her through for now. We'll come back to her.

Refina of TX nails down the first spot, and it's of specal note, because she is a redhead. Again, normally not my thing, but she's got a nice smile. And she's the only one of my selections in row 3 who doesn't have some sort of belly jewelry.

Cut however, is Liz of OR. She's very pretty, but just doesn't have ENOUGH up top to hold my interest.

Erin of MD gets spot #2, mainly because of pic #3. I'm a swucker for garter belts. Gone, however is Jennifer, Celeste of Irvine Ca and Diana, as they all took hot pics, but I am not convinced that they'd be hot in just a pair of sweats. trish of AZ...what caught my interest before? I ahve no idea. Cut!

Elizabeth of TN had her first job at Hooters. Yes, I can see that. Spot # 3 is reserved for her, though dich the swimsuit in pic 3. Sarah Elizabeth, it was nice of you to stick around, but I'm afraid we're going to have to send you home with a copy of our at-home game.

Anica of CA is staying. I don't know what nationality she derives from, but that's a nation I want to visit.

Ashley of MD needs to learn how to smile. Or how to close her mouth when not talking. And for the love of GOD, if you want to look sexy, don't have a toilet in your shot. It was very ahrd to ignore, but I am moving her on to the next round to see how she might look in a better setting.

NOW BROOKE OF FL!!! THAT is how you take good pictures. Spot #6. And Liza of Ca shows us jst how good it can be to be a grain of sand on a beach someplace.

Only 3 spots left. Until Yvette came along. She's making it very hard....to choose the last two. Have no fear, Yvette is here to stay.

Heather of MD is very pretty, but none of her pictures stand out. Sorry, Heather. Jody of CA on the other hand....wait; that hand is busy. never mind. Either way, Jody has the #9 spot. Long legs, pretty eyes, and presence of garters. Check, check and check (and double check).

This leaves Celeste of Ventura CA. Her first 2 pics are nothing out fo the ordinary,but that 3rd picture....I'm having a CCR moment here, because I see the bad moon a' risin! I see trouble on the way. Her bad moon is enough to eliminate Marina and Tina. But it couldn't stand up to the cute-ness provided by Naomi of NV. And in doing so, Naomi ("I moan" when spelled backwards) eliminates Kris of VA and Nicole of MN.

Now it should be mentioned that Rachel of TN could have made the cut, if only she had fewer tattoos, and much smaller ones, at that. However, she has to be who she is, so we'll leave her alone.

Into each life a little rain must fall. But for now,Sunny days are here again. It's interesting to see how after the snow falls, everyone comes out of their homes and re-aquaints themselves with their neighbors. Our new neighbors to the north are of Spanish decent, and speak little english. So sometimes it's a challenge to carry on a conversation. However, our children play well togeather, as they have one in 2nd grade, and another that just turned 2. the 2 year old doens't speak a lick of english, but thanks to Dora Dora Dora the Explorer!, Anna knows a little of Espanol. This will be an interesting experiment, to see what sort of shorthand they use in order to communicate with each other. I'll keep you upated. In the meantime, we'll see you next week.

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