
Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Song of the Day:

Don't touch me please
I cannot stand the way you tease
I love you though you hurt me so
Now I'm going to pack my things and go
Touch me baby, tainted love
Touch me baby, tainted love
Touch me baby, tainted love

Bonus Song of the Day:

Me mind on fire
Me soul on fire
Feeling HOT HOT HOT!
Party people
All around me
feeling HOT HOT HOT!

This Day in History:

In 1821, Napoleon Bonaparte died after being exiled for hte second time, this time to St. Helena.

IN 1862, The Mexican People who were loyal to Benito Juarez defeated French troops sent by Napoleon the 3rd. Now, it's just a reason for a bunch of people to get drunk, even if maye...MAYBE 5% know the reason behind the holiday. The French were a little pissed because of the loss, so they sent so many troops that they overwhelmed the Mexican army, and occupied Mexico for another 5 years or so. Finally they gave up, pulled the troops out, and went home, but not before they wasted alot of time, money, and people in a losing cause.

In 1925, John Scopes was arrested for teaching the Theory of Evolution. People didn't like the idea that JUST MAYBE God's method of creating man was by way of Monkey evolution. As far as I am concerned, it's alot better than evolving from reptiles, as was foretold by the classic 1980's mini-series.

(You know it's a good update when I can workin an obtuse referrence like that one. ) (Well, that and the lack of typo's, but you and I BOTH know that ain't gonna happen. )

And yes, that's the best spin I can put on the Theory of Evolution bit.

In 1955, a musical opened on Broadway called "Damn Yankees". And here you thought something like that would premier in Boston....

In 1994, American teenager Michael Fay took 4 for the team across the backside for being a stupid teenage kid performing vandalism in Singapore. Originally, the caning was scheduled for 6 swats, but they worked it down to 4. Those expecting a link to a web page with Kevin Bacon saying "Thank you sir, may I have another" are very, very, sick individuals.

Today also marks the birthday of one Lance Henriksen, best known for his role as Bishop in the Aliens movie. He is 64 today. He had a series on Fox for awhile that I wanted to get into, but was never home when it was on.

A quick scan of his work shows a developing project that all Aliens fans like myself can only hope for..."Alien vs. Predator". Were I 14 years old again, i would be bouncing up and down in my seat in anticipation for this movie. Man, I hope this movie doesn't disappoint.

Also celebrating a birthday today is Danielle Fishel. As some of you might remember, Danielle is an old Daily Update favorite, thanks to some work she did on a show called "Boy Meets World".

Danielle has a new project of her own, called The Chosen One, that coincedentally also includes Lance Henriksen. Apparently it's an animated film, where a man finds himself at the whim of Gods. Also adding their voice talents is Tim Curry, Deborah WIlson of Mad TV fame, and Traci Lords. I think we all know where her fame came from.

Today is NOT Jonny Depp's birthday, but I thought I'd throw him in there out of fairness.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:
"A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!". - (Act V, Scene IV) --King Richard III

Word of the Day:

abstruse, adjective:
Difficult to comprehend or understand.

Wedding Day F.U.B.A.R.

8am Saturday morning found your own Daily Update writer boiling 36 lbs of chicken, which was to be shredded in time for a wedding at 2pm. OK. No problem. The wife was required to take the Mother of the Bride to get her hair done, and they would return "later". Ok. No problem.

11am rolls around however, and I still have 2 pans full of chicken to shred. I am a sweaty mess from standing over a boiling pot, or hot chicken shredding. I'm in a panic, forgo-ing the forks in favor of my hands, desperate to make them work faster, while I stand in my pajamas from that early 8am rise. The children have all bathed, but the youngest is screaming for a bottle and is having severe seperation anxiety, the middle child running around completely naked, and the oldest is in her play clothes (as requested, since we did not want to get the dresses dirty.) Add to it the fact that the father of the bride wants me to drive the limo over to the church, so he doesn't have to. I get a call from the church. the girls need to be there by noon, for pictures.

This involves making myself presentable for public viewing, packa diaperbag, getting the girls dressed and primped, not to mention that I'm now required to do hair...HAIR!!! for all 3 girls.... a complete NON-DAD thing to do. In short....I am S-C-R-E-W SCREWED.

Thankfully, a neighbor was able to ride to the rescue and take the chicken shredding duties off of my hands, but not before I wasted a good 15 minutes racing around the house trying to accomplish everything and in the process accomplishing NOTHING.

ONce the chicken was addressed, I got another call from the church. Just bring the kids as-is to the church, and they would handle the dressing and the brushing,and the primping for me! Huzzah! So I throw the kids into whatever clothing I can find, without paying much attention to what it actually is, and the 3 year old helps by getting herself dressed. I run the kids out to the car, strap them in, run back into thehouse and grab their dresses and shoes and socks and hair supplies, and pack them into the car. Ok we're set to go. All we have to do is start up the car and go.

But where's the keys?



SO now I'm runnning around the house frantically while the kids are waiting in the car, and I can't find what I did with the #&*@#$ keys! Living room gets torn apart, dining room, bathroom...nothing. The wife walks in, returned from her mission, and immediately puts things to order. The oldest 2 are loaded into the limo with their dresses and supplies, while the youngest has fallen asleep, thanks in part to a major need for a nap. the keys are found for the van shortly after they leave, and the wife runs over any other supplies or items needed for the wedding, giing me time to take care of the 3 S's.

From that point on, the wedding was fantastic and uneventful. We enjoyed tostadas at the dinner afterwards (with shredded chicken), and good company. The father of the bride even asked me to drive the limo to take the happy couple to their hotel, as he thought it would be uncomfortable taking his own daughter to her honeymoon. And seeing as how I had no big present to give, I was honored to help in any way that I could.

We drive downtown to the Holiday Inn Metrodome, where the reservation was at, and I escorted the bride and groom in, as to help get them checked in. Only a small issue. The reservation wasn't there at all. Turns out (we would not find out until 24-48 hours later) the reservation was at ANOTHER Holiday INN. But we didn't know that then, and our bride (determined not to have her wedding day ruined by this) still was none too pleased that the reservation wasn't there. Rather than simply accept another standard Holiday Inn room for the place to begin their lives togeather, she opted to find a better location.

Enter the fine people at The Grand Hotelin Minneapolis. Upon finding the hotel downtown (an hour nad a half affair which can't be SOLELY blamed on the driver....), I left the couple alone in the limosine to amuse themselves while I checked on the availability of a suitable boudoir. Not only did they have a room suitable for a honeymoon, but it was more grandiose than one might get at a Holiday inn (yes, yes, I know...DUH!). Marble floors, marble tub with a color TV built in...heck they had a brochure just for that room. And it was bigger than the brochure displayed it! It was only $149 per night, plus tax.

We only had $300. flat. Hmm....

Well, they should be able to pick up the additional cash when it comes time to check out. They also required a credit card.

The Bride had no credit card. The groom had no credit card.

The limo driver HAS a credit card!! It would be used only to hold the room, as the cash would take care of the room itself. Besides, after the problems we ahd dealt with so far in the day, a little thing like that wasn't going to derail us.

The bride was beside herself with glee at the thought of being able to stay at their opulent hotel, and I was happy that I could have contributed even the smallest part in their happiness that day.

Congradulations to Heidi and Hector Estrada. May your marriage deepen each year, like the rivers that forge the Grand Canyon.

And thanks to Margieaux the Concierge and Jose the Bellhop for making things seemless at The Grand Hotel.

Monday Night Football is going over a bit of a shift, with the "re-assignment" of Lisa Guerrero, who proved week in and out that she just didn't have the chops to do the meaningless sideline interviews before and after halftime, or after the game for that matter.

In her place will be Minnesota gal Michelle Tafoya, who's done the sideline bit for the NBA, WNBA, and a bunch of other venues. While not quite the eye candy that Lisa Guerrero was, she'll bring more credentials to the position, and it's nice to see someone form Minnesota involved on such a prominent show like Monday Night Football.

In the end, though, it doesn't really matter. The sideline reports are again meaningless. They add little value to the viewer. I don't know why they continue with it, but to each their own.

Good bye Lisa......

Hello Michelle.

(That's her on the left. )

We'll provide more tomorrow or Friday, including our weekly check in on Hometown Hotties. Have a good night everyone.

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