
Saturday, June 05, 2004

Song of the Day:
Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday you'd leave me for somebody new

Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wond'ring what in the world did I do?
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you

Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you.

That Day in History (Saturday):

In 1783, The Montgolfier brothers, Joseph and Jaques, showed off in public with their hot air balloon in a 10 minute flight over a French town, Annonay. The balloon wasn't manned however. It was simply an exteremely large paper bag that rose about 3,000 feet into the air (thanks to hot air from a fire), remained aloft for the 10 minute period,a nd then came down a 1 1/2 miles away. Later, tehy would perform a demonstration for Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette where tehy loaded a sheep, duck and rooster aboard a balloon, and this time it stayed up 8 minutes and traveled 2 miles.

In 1968, Robert F Kennedy declared victory during the Democratic Presidential Primary in California. Within minutes of his pronouncement, he would be assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan. He would later say "They can gas me, but I am famous. I have achieved in one day what it took Robert Kennedy all his life to do."

What he failed to realize was that while he was famous, he wasn't revered like Bobby was. Robert reminded people of his brohter for good reason, and many hoped to return to days they percieved better than the ones that were in place. Unfortunately, whatever curse that hides within the last name of Kennedy claimed Robert that day, Sirhan went to prison, and Richard Nixon became president.

There were no birthdays of note, though Saturday was the 5th anniversary for Ryan Phillipe and Reese Witherspoon.

It would be very disprespectful to comment on Reese's Pieces.

This Day in History:

Nothing interesting. Not even a birthday.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:

"To mourn a mischief that is past and gone is the next way to draw new mischief on". -OTHELLO (Act I, Scene III)

Link of the Week:

Jessica Canizales needs more work. With your help, she can get it.

Rappin' 'bout Ronnie

One of my earliest memories is standing in some non-descript public building in Fargo, and following my father into a voting booth to vote for the President of the United States. All of 4 years old at the time, I remembr thinking that whomever was the guy who was currently President should remain President. (it was Jimmy Carter.) What did I know about Jimmy Carter? Absolutely nothing. Not much has cahnged since.

MY civic and political awareness wasn't much better throughout the rest of the early to mid 80's. Since he wasn't He-Man, a Transformer or Voltron, he wasn't about to get my attention. (We'll forget for a moment what the visual image of He-Man might reflect upon my own orientation. He was a popular cartoon at the time, and I was impressionable dammit. And you can't knock the Transformers or Voltron. 40 foot tall robots that cahnge into cars and trucks and stuff is cool, no matter what you might say to the contrary.) Where was I? Oh yes, Reagan.

Kids 8 years old normally don't understand politics. I knew that he WAS the President, and that was all I knew and needed to know at that point. It took a major event for him to register on my social radar, and even then,it was the event and not hte President taht captured my attention. The Challenger disaster for one. The Iran-Contra Affair for another.

I guess whatI mean to say is that I can't say much about the man's politics. He's respectable for standing toe to toe with the Soviets, and not flinching. He contributed to the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, albeit indirectly. But I have to say that I am glad the man has died. I don't mean that in a mean spirited way, or out of spite or meanness. Ronald was put through a terrible terrible death by way of Alsheimers. The essence of who Ronald Reagan IS was slowly taken away by that terrible disease. It must have been horrible for his family to watch a man who had accomplished so much lose his identity step by step, until he was unidentify-able. He was dead long before his body gave up. My best wishes to his family.

Does the Hennepin County Detainment Facility have a Vikings Suite?

Over the weekend, 3 Vikings players were arrested for their involvement in a fight at a nightclub. Apparently one of the players "allegedly" ran into a Brooklyn Center man's wife, and the Brooklyn center guy demanded an opology. things escalated, punches were thrown,and the 3 Vikings players continued to pound on the man even after he was unconcious.

Now as football players, many of them become targets because of their profession. And as such, in the pulic eye, they are required to avoid such transgressions at all means possible. Else, they are automatically guilty. It doesn't matter if some loudmouth drunk threw the first punch or not. (Which is not to say that is what happened here.) They have to walk away and avoid a scene at all costs, or tarnish their image in that same public eye.

But why is the Vikings Orginization so prominent in their off-field woes like this? Viking fans would scoff at the suggestion, and say that it happens on other teams as well. And it does. But there are sOME teams that are very good about avoiding it altogeather. Chicago doesn't seem to have near as many problems off the field as the Vikings do. Nor does many other teams. Or at least not to the extent that the Vikings do. In the time that I have observed football, there ahs been a minimum of at least 1 off-field issue, whether it be a child support scandal, or DWI, or a sex assault case, or in this instance, assault and battery.

For crying out loud, the Vikings Middle linebacker E.J. Henderson accounts for 2 of those alone this year! He had a DUI earlier this spring,and now this assault case. The other linebacker Mike Nattiel has the same issue! He had a DUI as well.

This isn't a new thing either. The Vikings have changed quite a bit from the days of Millard and Doleman. Millard, you may remember, drove his car thru a wall at a local fast food place, and then told the cops when they showed up that his arms were stronger than their guns. That was around 1988-90. It's 12 to 14 years later, and the Vikings still struggle keeping their players in line away from the field. this has remained despite a wholesale change in players, coaches, General Managers and OWNERS. From top to bottom, just about everything has changed but the prevailing sentiment within the orginization that they are infallible and untouchable. That needs to change, and soon. The Vikings Orginization needs to be held to a higher standard by the NFL, and they need to consider charachter a bit more before signing some of these people.

Hometown Hotties

Did you think I forgot? Heck, no! There have been some distractions recently, but I could not shirk my duties. As you might remember, there was quite a few Hometown Hotties that needed to be reduced down. (For further explanation, just scroll down.)

Well, we've been able to eliminate Elizabeth of MD, Cece of IL, Valerie of CA, Amber Dawn of FL, Agnes of IL, Nikki of SC, Natalie of SC, and Rhea of TX.

Meanwhile, Heidi of KS, Sonia of AZ and Michelle of MI have already locked up 3 of the 10 spots. That leaves 7 spots open.

Ninel Conde is NOT in the Hometown Hotties contest, but if she were, she would have a spot of her own.

So there you go. We'll talk more this week. Have a good night, everyone.

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