
Friday, June 18, 2004

Song of the Day:

I love the way ya look tonight
With your hair hangin’ down on your shoulders
N’ I love the way ya dance your slow sweet tango
The way ya wanna do everything but talk
And how ya stare at me with those undress me eyes
Your breath on my body makes me warm inside

Let’s make out - let’s do something amazing
Let’s do something that’s all the way
Cuz I’ve never touched somebody like the way I touch
Your body
Now I never want to let your body go...

Let’s make a night - to remember
From january - to december
Let’s make love - to excite us
A memory - to ignite us
Let’s make honey baby - soft and tender
Let’s make sugar darlin’ - sweet surrender
Let’s make a night - to remember - all life long

This day in History:

In 1778, American forces entered Philadelphia as the British withdrew during the Revolutionary War. Unfortunately for the British, in this instance the withdrawl method failed to prevent the birht of a new nation.

In 1812, the United States declared war against Britain.

In 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte met his Waterloo as British and Prussian troops defeated the French in Belgium. From The Writers Almanac:

Today is the anniversary of the day in 1815 that Napoleon Bonaparte lost his final major battle near Waterloo Village in Belgium. Napoleon was a great French emperor and general, but he came from the island of Corsica; his father sent him to military school in France. When he was in school he hated the French, and his teachers referred to him as "that dangerous islander." He was an impatient person even at an early age. He once went to see a hot air balloon launch, and when the launch was delayed, he walked up and cut the balloon loose with a penknife because he was tired of waiting around.

Napoleon took command of the French army after the French Revolution, and he was the first military leader in Europe to use commoners as officers. He believed that in order to inspire his men, the officers of his army should be dressed in beautiful uniforms, and they should all carry the same flag. Before Napoleon there were many different French flags, but he made sure that there was only one. He handed out specially made medals after every major battle—silver mounted muskets, carbines, drumsticks, axes. He once gave a special ear trumpet to a captain who had gone deaf after a mine explosion.

He declared himself emperor of France in 1804 and started invading and attacking almost everyone in Europe: England, Germany, Russia, Spain. His invasion of Russia became the subject of Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. His invasion of Spain inspired the Spanish painter Francisco de Goya to paint some of the most famous of anti-war paintings of all time, including "Third of May," which shows French soldiers shooting at a crowd of unarmed men.

After a series of defeats, Napoleon abdicated the throne and went to live on the island of Elba. He took long salt baths and read The Arabian Nights. After a year in exile, he got bored and went back to France. He gathered an army and marched north toward Belgium where he hoped to attack and destroy the English and Prussian armies, which were gathering near Brussels.

His plan was to split his own army and attack the English and Prussian armies separately, in order to drive them apart. Then he could defeat them one at a time. But the men in his army were mostly peasants and farmers he had gathered on his way north. They loved him, but they had no real experience on the battlefield. Due to a series of blunders, his two flanks accidentally drove the English and Prussian armies closer together rather than further apart.

Napoleon got the bad news at 11:00 PM on June 17th, and he spent all night worrying about it. There had been a thunderstorm that evening so he'd been forced to delay his attack on the British troops near the village of Waterloo. It was still raining on the morning of this day in 1815, as Napoleon rode his horse around the camp, inspecting his troops. He was so exhausted that later that morning he sat down in a chair and immediately fell asleep.

But despite everything going against him, he still thought he could win. He had 74,000 men compared to the opposing army's 68,000, and he had superior artillery. He told his chief of staff, "This affair is nothing more than eating breakfast." Unfortunately for Napoleon, the rain had delayed the battle so long that the Prussian army had time to arrive with reinforcements and help the British win the battle. Napoleon lost 25,000 men. He signed a second abdication in Paris and went to live on the remote island of St. Helena off the coast of Africa.

The word "Waterloo" has come to mean a decisive and final defeat. It was the abolitionist and orator Wendell Phillips who first said, "Every man meets his Waterloo at last."

In 1928, aviator Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean as she completed a flight from Newfoundland to Wales in about 21 hours.

In 1940, during World War II, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill urged his countrymen to conduct themselves in a manner that would prompt future generations to say, "This was their finest hour."

In 1945, William Joyce, known as "Lord Haw-Haw," was charged in London with high treason for his English-language wartime broadcasts on German radio. (He was hanged the following January.)

In 1983, astronaut Sally K. Ride became America's first woman in space as she and four colleagues blasted off aboard the space shuttle Challenger.

When I was growing up, there was a fairly popular song by Blues Image called "Ride Captain Ride". THe lyrics of the refrain were:

Ride, captain ride upon your mystery ship
Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip
Ride captain ride upon your mystery ship
On your way to a world that others might have missed

The only problem was that I mis-heard the lyrics. I thought it was Ride, Sally Ride, upon your mystery ship. I thought it was a dedication TO Sally Ride since she was the first American woman in space. Turns out not only was I wrong about the lyrics to the Blues Image song, but there actually is a song that has those lyrics of Ride Sally Ride. But it has NOTHING to do with the astronaut that I know of.

It's Mustang Sally.

And what it's about, well....

Mustang Sally
Guess you better slow your Mustang down
Mustang Sally , baby
I guess you better slow your Mustang down
You been a runnin' all over town
I guess I'll better put your big feet on the ground, oh yes, I will

All you wanna do is ride around, Sally (ride Sally ride)
All you wanna do is ride around, Sally (ride Sally ride)
All you wanna do is ride around, Sally (ride Sally ride)
All you wanna do is ride around, Sally (ride Sally ride)

It seems rather obvious. Cars.

Well, maybe not about the ENTIRE car....more like just part of the car....

like the back seat, maybe....

There wasn't any familiar names amongst those celebrating a birthday (unless you REALLY want a picture of Roger Ebert) so instead I'll post a picture of Alicia Rickter.

I think we'll all agree that I made the correct choice.

Obligatory Shakeare Quote of the Day:
But love is blind, and lovers cannot see".-Merchant of Venice

Word of the Day:
love (luhv)n.

1. A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.

2. A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance.

a. Sexual passion.
b. Sexual intercourse.
c. A love affair.

4. An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object.

5. A person who is the object of deep or intense affection or attraction; beloved. Often used as a term of endearment.

6. An expression of one's affection: Send him my love.

a. A strong predilection or enthusiasm: a love of language.
b. The object of such an enthusiasm: The outdoors is her greatest love.
8. Love Mythology. Eros or Cupid.
9. often Love Christianity. Charity.
10. Sports. A zero score in tennis.

Love is patient and kind; It is not jealous or conceited or proud; Love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; Love does not keep a record of wrongs; Love is not happy with evil, but rejoices in the truth. Love never gives up. And its faith, hope and patience never fail. Love is eternal. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

Movie Quote of the Day:
Don Juan: There are only four questions of value in life, Don Octavio. What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same: only love.

News Flash! Not all teens want to dress like Slutney Spears!

Interesting article was in the Star tribune yesterday,a nd was also at Netscape.com. Seems that there are some kids out there that understand the concept of dressing respectable without being a prude, NOR a whore. Interesting idea, that. 12 eyar old girls shouldn't be wearing thongs in this dad's opinion. Not a radical idea amongst dads, and sure not to be popular with the pre-teen crowd who reads this publication (note: there are none), but it's still a valid point nonetheless. I think the low riding jeans and thong combination has worn itself out at this point anyway. It used to be kinda sexy to get a peak at a woman's underwear. Now? It's so commonplace, that it's lost it's luster. Rather than getting a hidden glimpse at a womans intimates, you feel like you're looking at someone's grundy undies. I'm probably alone on that, BUTT that's the way it is.

Case in point:

Either you find it sexy, or you don't. I don't. Now, were she to lose the pants entirely, then it takes on a different context. Otherwise, you just end up looking slutty. (the tatoo across the lower back does ablsolute zero for me, ASS well. The tattoo itself might be pretty, but it just makes your hips look even wider. NOT complimentary.)

Ray Charles

Ray is dead. Ray hasn't meant much to me beyond Diet Coke commercials (you almost forgot about them, didn't you?) until one fateful day I happened upon "the Blues Brothers". The best scene in which Ray is involved is when the kid goes to steal a guitar off the wall, and Ray puts a bullet hole into about 3 inches from the kids hand. It inspired one of my most favorite and funny mental images. Ray Charles and Stevie WOnder in a gun fight. Looks like Stevie won, but Ray, I have to say thanks for putting a smile on my face. Where ever you may be, I hope there's a keyboard there, and I hope they threw in the black keys for free.

Come on and let me see you shake your tailfeather!

Websites for Ray's music...
There's this one....

and another.

It'd be rather inappropriate to play "Hit he Road, Jack" on this day of mourning for one of the greatests musicians of our time. Funny, but wrong and rude.

American Hostages

Word came across just a few minutes ago that American Hostage Paul M. Johnson Jr was be-headed by the Al-Qaida terroists, because the parties that be wouldn't agree to releasing all Al-Qaida prisoners being held by Saudi Arabia.

Paul's family had been begging and pleading for his life over the past few days, in the vain hope to play on their sense of decency, and release Mr Johnson. It fell on cold, deaf ears and hearts.

The family didn't care about the politics involved that got Paul into the situation he was in. They won't care about the hundreds of radio talk show hosts are going to rationalize it by saying that the terrorists were making unrealistic demands, and that even if the demands were met, they would have done their dispicable act anyway. All they knew was that their family member was in horrible danger,and everyone of them would have done anything and everything necessary to get him back. And now he's gone. the pain and fury and anguish must be indescribable. I can't know the depths of their pain, and I don't want to. But as an American citizen, I nonetheless feel some of that pain with them. Nothing that we do can bring him back. But those that so callously took his life in such a grisly manner.....God help you if we ever find you. Any death that you get will be humane in comparison.

Plans for the weekend

The kids have already been dispatched to their caretakers. Which means that when I get home,. the wife and I will start our first vacation beyond 24 hours that we aren't "Mom" and "Dad". How long exactly? Who knows. It might be a 36 hour vacation. Maybe 28 hours. Who knows. All I know is that it's a great chance for her and I to spend time togeather as a couple, not as parents. Sautrday we're headed someplace (it's a surprise) to do something (what exactly, I'm not sharing), and we're not coming back until everyone is sufficiently relaxed.

Sunday is Father's Day, and we'll be headed up to Grampa Kurt's for hot dogs and onion burgers, etc,a nd then we will return home. And then, Monday is the grandest of all days, where we will celebrate our 7th year of being married. It hasn't always been as smooth as our babies bottoms (or mine, for that matter, since they have my fine backside by way of genetics), but it has been fulfilling in more ways than I could have imagined. 7 down, and at least another 93 to go. I can't wait to see what the upcoming years have in store for us.

Tuesday marks my lovely bride's birthday. This year, she'll finally be as old as E, a grand 28. Err, a wonderful twenty-eight years old. Not a thousand and 28. Sorry. So your Daily Update will most likely be updated next Wednesday.

Until then, here's a lovely latin lass to get you through.

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