
Monday, July 19, 2004

Song of the Day:
I used to love her
But I had to kill her
I used to love her, Mm, yeah
But I had to kill her
I had to put her six feet under
And I can still hear her complain

Picture of Sara Spraker for no reason at all:

That Day in History (Saturday, July 17th):
In 1821, Spain ceded Florida to the United States.

In 1898, during the Spanish-American War, Spanish troops in Santiago, Cuba, surrendered to U.S. forces.

In 1917, the British royal family adopted the name "Windsor."

In 1944, 322 people were killed when a pair of ammunition ships exploded in Port Chicago, Calif.

In 1955, Disneyland debuted in Anaheim, Calif.

In 1975, an Apollo spaceship docked with a Soyuz spacecraft in orbit in the first superpower link-up of its kind.

In 1979, Nicaraguan President Anastasio Somoza resigned and fled into exile in Miami.

In 1981, 114 people were killed when a pair of walkways above the lobby of the Kansas City Hyatt Regency Hotel collapsed during a "tea dance."

In 1996, TWA Flight 800, a Paris-bound Boeing 747, exploded and crashed off Long Island, N.Y., shortly after departing John F. Kennedy International Airport, killing all 230 people aboard.

In 1998, Nicholas II, last of the Romanov czars, was buried in Russia 80 years after he and his family had been executed by the Bolsheviks.

This Day in History:  
In 1553, 15-year-old Lady Jane Grey was deposed as Queen of England after claiming the crown for nine days. King Henry VIII's daughter Mary was proclaimed Queen. No, comic Book fans, this is not Jean Gray, of "X-Men" fame.

In 1848, a pioneer women's rights convention convened in Seneca Falls, N.Y.

In 1870, the Franco-Prussian war began. The importance of this event, however, is overshadowed by the emergence of the Franco-AMERICAN product, Spaghetti-O's in 1965.

Next year will mark the 40th anniversary for this delectable meal that sustained me through much of my childhood...sometimes with the hot dogs, and sometimes without. (It was a time of experimentation; I don't judge YOU for your past mistakes. )

(OK, so maybe I do. )

According to the Spaghetti-O's website, there are more than 1,750 "o's" in each can. Some small o's. Some larger O's. BUt try as I might, I can never seem to provide THE BIG O's.

OK, I think I was trying to hard on that joke. Moving on.

In 1941, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill launched his "V for Victory" campaign in Europe.

In 1943, allied air forces raided Rome during World War II.

In 1969, Apollo 11 and its astronauts, Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins, went into orbit around the moon.

In 1989, 112 people were killed when a United Air Lines DC-10 crashed while making an emergency landing at Sioux City, Iowa; 184 other people survived.

In 1993, President Clinton; announced a compromise allowing homosexuals to serve in the military, but only if they refrained from all homosexual activity.

So lemme get this straight (Err, uh...lemme make sure I have this correct)- "You can BE gay, but don't BE gay." IS that right? Or is this the old message repeated to me when I as just a wee little lad, and entering a china shop: Look, but don't touch.

God forbid you might meet someone with the same interests... I'm not in the military, so I can't say too much, but this kind of thing seems to be rather inconsistent.

"Gays cannot be in the military".
"OK, you can be, in the military, but just don't tell anyone."
"OK, you can be gay, but just don't act on your feelings."
"OK, you can be gay and act on your feelings, but don't let us catch you, or we'll drum up some charges and ship you right on out."

Being heterosexual,and out of the military, I don't have much voice in this discussion. I can imagine that in the military that there is a certain subculture that isn't inclined to accept gays. But I don't see that they've got much choice, to be honest. And even if they did, I'm not sure that they should have a choice. It's not like there is some sort of test that will prove one way or the other someone's sexual preference.

That days Birthdays:
David Hasselhoff-52
 Elena Anaya-29

This Days Birthdays:
Actor Pat Hingle (Commisioner Gordon of Batman fame) -80

Guitarist Brian May of Queen-57

Anthony Edwards (Goose!)-42

Actress Rachel Miner-24
I don't know her either. Apparently she was on Guiding Light, according to www.imdb.com. Here is a picture, anyway.

Word of the Day:
quisling \KWIZ-ling\, noun:
Someone who collaborates with an enemy occupying his or her country; a traitor.
Shakespeare Quote of the Day:
All my fond love thus do I blow to heaven:
Tis gone.
Arise, black vengeance, from the hollow hell!
Yield up, O love! thy crown and hearted throne
 To tyrannous hate.
Swell, bosom, with thyfraught,
For 'tis of aspics' tongues!
Othello-Act III Scene III

Spiderman 2

Thursday night found the wife and I without children, seeing as how the oldest was away at camp, and the 2 younger kids were off with Neighborhood Nanny. So what better to do than spend a night out on the town with your favorite dame, and catich one o' dem picture shows?

Confession: I'm not going to say anything new about the movie than what you probably already have heard. they did a great job showing the emotional conflicts that our superhero faced, and still maintained the pace and action that you expect of a summer blockbuster.

One thing I was happy to see is how well they're setting themselves up for some of the future movies, if there is to be a Spiderman 3 or 4 or 5. (Note, you would do yourself a favor if you haven't seen the movie to skip to the next section) At the end of the movie, you have Harry Osborne finding the Green Goblin suit, setting him up as the villian in SPiderman 3. Not only that, he knows that Spiderman IS Peter Parker. PLenty of story line there. And since we've already seen the green goblin in one movie, they'd have to make it a bit of a different challenge,s o why not throw in a 2nd villian? But who?

Well, they've set it up nicely by introducing the audience to the one-armed professor, who changes into The Lizard, which is basically a Crocodile who stands on his hind legs. Not only that, but you've got JOhn Jameson, who is the son of J. Jonah Jameson. John was the guy who was supposed to marry Mary Jane, but since she left him at the altar, all that is left is his career as an astronaut.

SO how does he fit into all of this? It's too easy. He's an astronaut. So they'll send him into space to get him out of the way for the next movie. In space (moon, Mars, etc) he'll come across a bubblin' crude. But it won't be texas tea. Instead, it'll be an alient symbiote that will become Spiderman's new suit for a small time, before it becomes one of the great villians in Spiderman Lore. And my favorite to boot. Venom.

It was also one of the first comic book villians that I was introduced to. My dad had purchased a Spiderman comic when I was younger that detailed how Peter Parker was able to shed the black and white costume that was threatening to suffocate him within itself. So the character left an indelible image on me. The amount of CGI that will be required to create this character will be amazing, but I'm hopeful that they'll do right by him, and really show him as bad as he can be.

ONe other thing...at the end of the movie, they IMPLIED the death of Dock Ock, but you can't say for sure that he's dead. It wouldn't surprise me if he showed up again.

OK. Enough geekiness.

Still looking for topics...

Anyone? Is anyone there? Hello?

Link of the Week:

Kalucha. It's all I'm saying.

Ok, it's obvious I don't have much to say lately. So I'll (ahem) jiggle the tip jar so to speak, and suggest again that you try the comments section.
Talk to you soon.

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