
Friday, July 23, 2004

Song of the Day:
Let's go down to the water's edge
And we can cast away those doubts
Some things are better left unsaid
But they still turn me inside out
Turning inside out...turning inside out
Tell me...
Tell me...
This is the book I never read
These are the words I never said
This is the path I'll never tread
These are the dreams I'll dream instead
This is the joy that's seldom spread
These are the tears...
The tears we shed
This is the fear
This is the dread
These are the contents of my head
And these are the years that we have spent
And this is what they represent
And this is how I feel
Do you know how I feel?
'Cause I don't think you know how I feel

That Day in History (July 22nd):

In 1796, Cleveland, Ohio, was founded by General Moses Cleaveland.

In 1934, a man identified as bank robber John Dillinger was shot to death by federal agents outside Chicago's Biograph Theater.

In 1937, the Senate rejected President Franklin D. Roosevelt's proposal to add more justices to the Supreme Court.

In 1942, gasoline rationing involving the use of coupons began along the Atlantic seaboard.

In 1943, American forces led by Gen. George S. Patton captured Palermo, Sicily.

In 1975, the House of Representatives joined the Senate in voting to restore the American citizenship of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

In 1995, Susan Smith was convicted by a jury in Union, S.C., of first-degree murder for drowning her two sons. (She was later sentenced to life in prison.)

This Day in History (July 23rd):

In 1885, Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th president of the United States, died in Mount McGregor, N.Y. at age 63.

In 1914, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia following the killing of Archduke Francis Ferdinand by a Serb assassin; the dispute led to World War I.

In 1942, Harry James and his Orchestra recorded "I Had the Craziest Dream" in Hollywood for Columbia Records.

In 1952, Egyptian military officers led by Gamal Abdel Nasser overthrew King Farouk I. Pass fell incomplete, it's now 3rd down and 15 yards to go. If only King Farouk I had a faster 40 time.

In 1967, rioting that claimed some 43 lives erupted in Detroit. But God Forbid that some night show host make a joke that calls you on it.

In 1977, a jury in Washington, D.C., convicted 12 Hanafi Muslims of charges stemming from the hostage siege at three buildings the previous March.

In 1984, Vanessa Williams became the first Miss America to resign her title, because of nude photographs of her that turned up in Penthouse magazine.

And now she's doing commercials for Radio Shack....amazing.

In 1986, Britain's Prince Andrew married Sarah Ferguson at Westminster Abbey in London. (The couple divorced in 1996.)

That days Birthdays (July 22nd):

Former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, R-Kan.- 81.
Now, do you want a picture of E.D.-sufferer Bob Dole, or do you want a picture of what might cure him?

Smart choice.

Actor Terence Stamp is 65.

All will kneel before ZOD!

Game show host Alex Trebek is this old. What is 64?

Actor Danny Glover is 57. BUt leave him alone. He's getting too old for this shit.

Actor-comedian-director Albert Brooks is 57.

Rock singer Don Henley is 57. But all she wants to do is dance.

Oh sure, I could have gone with End of the Innocence, or Heart of the Matter or some other Don Henley song. But this was the first that came to mind.

Actor Willem Dafoe is 49.
He was the Green Goblin, you know. Also starred in Mississippi Burning.

Actor John Leguizamo (and Daily Update favorite) is 40.

What are the chances that 2 actors playing drag queens would have a birthday on the same day?

This is why clowns aren't liked....

Pretty good looking guy, in a Benjamin Bratt/Quentin Taranino kinda way.

Actor-comedian David Spade is 40.

Actress A.J. Cook is 26.

It's ok girls....just go with that feeling...

Todays Birthdays (July 23rd):

Actress Gloria DeHaven is 79. Actor Calvert DeForest is 76. Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy is 68. Actor Ronny Cox is 66. Radio personality Don Imus is 64. Country singer Tony Joe White is 61. Rock singer David Essex is 57. Actor Larry Manetti is 57. Actress Belinda Montgomery is 54. Rock musician Blair Thornton (Bachman Turner Overdrive) is 54. Actor Woody Harrelson is 43. Rock musician Martin Gore (Depeche Mode (news - web sites)) is 43. Actor Eriq Lasalle is 42. Rock musician Yuval Gabay is 41. Rock musician Slash is 39. Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman is 37. Rock musician Nick Menza is 36. Model-actress Stephanie Seymour is 36. Actress Charisma Carpenter is 34. Rhythm and blues singer Sam Watters is 34. Country singer Alison Krauss is 33. Rhythm and blues singer Dalvin DeGrate is 33. Rock musician Chad Gracey (Live) is 33. Actor-comedian Marlon Wayans is 32. Country singer Shannon Brown is 31. Actor Omar Epps is 31. Baseball player Nomar Garciaparra is 31. Actress Stephanie March is 30. Country musician David Pichette (Emerson Drive) is 27. Rhythm and blues singer Michelle Williams (Destiny's Child) is 24. Actor Daniel Radcliffe is 15.

Word of the Day:
eructation , noun:
The act of belching; a belch.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:
"Thus we play the fools with time; and the spirits of the wise sit in the clouds and mock us"
Henry IV, Act ii, Sc.2

Hometown Hottie that should have moved on in the competition from last year:
Holly of CO. With legs like that...whew.

Ah, footall season is approaching. I sense it. I feel it. If I were to put my ear to the ground, I could hear the thundering hoofsteps of the approaching stampede. It resonates deep within me. It's not here yet, but it is approaching. So I must prepare. While I am not yet ready to do a breakdown of every team (that is also on the horizon), I'll give my thoughts to some recent moves that have caught my interest.

Buffalo Bills sign Jason Gildon:

First and foremost, Jason Gildon is and yet is NOT Greg Lloyd. Greg Lloyd was another OLB for the Steelers who was a pass-rushing fiend for the Men of Steel. Then, he broke his leg in the first game of the season one year, and was nevr the same after that. He was cut by the Steelers, signed with the Carolina Panthers, and had brief glimpses of his former self, but never was able to be the same player ever again.

Jason Gildon hasn't suffered the major injury that Greg Lloyd did. But after 10 years or so in Pittsburgh, they figured the law of diminishing returns was about to be applied, so they let him go. And to be fair, he wasn't putting up the big sack #'s as he had previously. So now he'll leave the 3-4 system that he was a perfect fit, for a 4-3 scheme in Buffalo, where he'll be out of place. He'll provide depth, and enough of a challenge to OLB Jeff Posey that he may win the starting job. (He won't challenge Takeo Spikes on the other side, and he's not a MLB, so London Fletcher's job is safe.) He may even provide some pass rush on 3rd downs by being a sometime-DE. But I can't help but think that this is an awkward fit. IF this were the 3/4 system that they were running in the Super Bowl years with Bruce Smith,and Cornelius Bennett, and Nate Odoms, Mark Kelso....it'd be a different deal. He'd be a great Bennett-type replacement.

But in a 4-3, he's a guy without a home. Should he be an under-sized DE, like Leonard Little for the Rams, or should he be an OLB? I don't know.

But I DO know that he's got enough talent that he's worth adding to your roster, taking a calculated risk, and maybe you figure out where he fits best after you get him signed. And I think that's what Buffalo figures. I can't say that I have enough faith in them to find a role for him, like what the Patriots do with alot of their guys, guys who have numerous roles. I don't think Buffalo's defense is pliable and flexible enough to let them change on the fly. But I don't blame them for trying.

Tennessee Titans release Eddie George:

When Eddie George first came into the league, I wasn't a big fan, seeing as how he was an Ohio State guy. But as time passed, I got to see his running style, which was reminiscent of the late great Walter Payton. And after seeing how much heart that Eddie played with, I couldn't help myself. He wasn't the speedy kinda running back, who could outrun you to the endzone, but he was the kind that would run you over, and earn every yard he got.

But as time passed, he also got beat up. He never missed a game, and played hurt, but you could see the affect his injuries had on him. He wasn't breaking of the big runs anymore. He was getting only 3 yards per run towards the end, but he was and IS such a fan favorite, they kept him around. And it's a good thing they did, because he was able to finally shed the demons and th whispers that he was afraid of getting hit by Ray Lewis, by turning in a great performance in the playoffs, with a dislocated shoulder, no less. Like the kid being picked on by the school yard bully, he finally fought back and earned Ray Lewis' respect. Or at least, that's how we the viewers saw that.

Maybe Ray respected him all this time,and just got the better of him all the time. they are the only ones who know.

Either way, it's got to be sad for Titans fans to see one of your favorite players get released, because of what he meant to the franchise for so long. But that is the NFl these days, and he'll get an oppurtunity to prove Tennesse wrong, much like Stephen Davis did against the Redskins. It's only a question of who he ends up signing with. There is talk about Dallas, and Tampa and Philly. I'd love to have him in Chicago, but with the system they're putting in place, he doesn't have the speed to excel in the program. He deserves to go to a team that will make him they're undisputed #1 running back, adn the best palce for that wouldbe Dallas. I could see him doing good things there, especially with Bill Parcells, and how Bill likes punishing RB's.

Wait, that sentance has 2 possible meanings. Either one applies, since Bill likes to beat up on his RB"s, running them until they drop. But if you can take his abuse, and run it up the gut 25-30 times a game, and dish out just as much punishment that you get, you'll always be one of Parcell's guys. And george is just that kind of running back.

But if his goal is to win a Super Bowl (which I would imagine it is), his best chance may be in Philly. there are a few other talented but hardly complete running backs for the Eagles, but they may be able to provide the speed that he cannot. And if he is willing to trade some carries with those running backs for a shot at a Super Bowl ring, things could work out quite well in Philadelphia.

I'm dismissing Tampa on purpose, since I don't really see room for him there, with as crowded as that backfield is.

Tour De France

Lance Armstrong is going to win his 6th straight Tour de France after being at deaths door. The only thing stopping him at this point is some sharp corner that he forgets about, or someone running a branch through his wheel spokes. He's recieved accolade after accolade for it, abd yet I don't know that it will be fully appreciated for some time. He has an iron will that is simply too tough to measure. I remember when it was kind of a big thing when Greg LeMond won the thing 2x. But this is well beyond that. And I think that if it weren't for an American in the race, noone would care about it on this side of the Atlantic. Including myself. BUt it's hard not to cheer for him as he heads into history. And if it pisses off the French in the process...well, that's what we call a bonus.

No plans for this weekend, though we might be lucky enough to check out a club called "Ground Zero". IF the name means anything to you I don't think I have to say anything more. And if I have to explain it, then I don't want to scare anyone.
We'll talk more next week.

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