
Saturday, August 14, 2004

Song of the Day:

I ain't happy,
I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless but
Not for long
The future is coming on
It's coming on,
It's coming on
(Rah, yeah)
It's coming on,
It's coming on

Finally someone let me
Out of my cage
Now time for me is nothin'
'Cause I'm counting no age
Now I couldn't be there now
You shouldn't be scared
I'm good at repairs and
I'm under each snare
Intangible (ah y'all)
I bet you didn't think so
I command you to,
Panoramic view (you)
Look I'll make it
All manageable
Pick and choose,
Sit and lose
All you different crews
Chicks and dudes,
Who you think is
Really kicking tunes

Funny stuff. I try writing without a song of the day, and I can't do it. I've trained myself to write in tis forum so much that I can't work without the net. Sad, really. BUt now that I've posted the Song of the day, it flows from me like hot grease from a Denny's hamburger.

Yes, yes, I know. That's great Matt, but what is taking so long? Where's the freaking pictures?

"Why are you hiding under there?"

This Day in History:

In 1848, the Oregon Territory was established. In 2005, your Daily Update writer moved to Oregon. (Hopefully.)

In 1917, China declared war on Germany and Austria during World War I.

In 1944, the federal government allowed the manufacture of certain domestic appliances, such as electric ranges and vacuum cleaners, to resume on a limited basis. Frustrated and lonely housewives would apparently have to wait for the electric washing machines, however.

I've often wondered about that period of time, however. You've got the military draft taking just about every able bodied man from 18-to-whenever to ship across the sea and fight the Germans or Japanese, or whatever the location might be. So what is left behind for the girls of that demographic? The dating pool shrinks considerably, and if the military wont take them...did the men left behind that were NOT taken by the military get percieved as the scraps?

Based off of what I was taught by the schools growing up, you'd think that the women left behind had little to no prospects for romance and family and all that comes with that. The young men who were most virile and athletic..the ones that women would be most attracted to...the alpha males were shipped off, leaving what may have been percieved as the lesser males...the ones deemed not as fit and healthy as the others. Or men well out of their age group; older men who didn't qulify for the draft.

Women in their 20's who felt an inner need to propogate their species or to have a family seemed to have few options. Either get a sugar daddy in his 40's and 50's or go with one of the precious few men who were not drafted, even though he's not the Grade A meat they might have had at any other time in history.

Course the 3rd option is to forget men altogeather,and get togeather with other women. Which is all fine and dandy, as long as I get to watch.

Am I blowing it all out of porportion? Probably. I'm sure there were plenty of young guys around to date who weren't in the military, men who wouldn't kiss them good-bye, leaving them with the fear that in 2 weeks or in 2 years, tehy might have given their heart to someone who wasn't coming back.

Does any of this make sense at all, or am I babbling at this point? I just wonder if anyone else has had that same perception as I do, or if I am way off base.

In 1945, President Truman announced that Japan had surrendered unconditionally, ending World War II.

In 1951, newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst died in Beverly Hills, Calif.

In 1962, robbers held up a U.S. mail truck in Plymouth, Mass., making off with more than $1.5 million.

In 1969, British troops arrived in Northern Ireland to intervene in sectarian violence between Protestants and Roman Catholics. Because you know...the British are ALYWAYS welcome in Ireland. No history there...(rolls eyes)

Yahoo's Launchcast is a weird program....Frank Sinatra's "I wanna be around" -a song about wanting to be there when your lover's heart is broken by another, just like she broke yours- is followed by Nat King Cole's "Unforgettable". That's a pretty big leap across the spectrum of feelings. And for those that ahve feelings closer to the former, you probably know it's not compeltely far-fetched to go from one side to the other in such a quick moment. Love, hate....hate, love...all mixed in one big candy dish. And that's not Charleston Chew or Baby Ruth in there.

It seems impossible to love AND hate one at the same time, and yet there you are. And what emotion wins out changes from moment to moment. If you've seen lava lamps or other visual oddities you get the idea. Or maybe Oil and vinegar in a bottle. Only, they both have the same weight, so one isn't firmly sitting on top of the other. Two emotions, fluid and in motion, trying to claim dominancy over ones destiny and mood.

Two warriors locked in battle for what seems like eternity. Kinda like that Star Trek episode.

Only in this battle, the only hope for a future is to hope that love wins out. What is there to gain if the hatred wins?

Today's Birthdays:

Whoa, do we have some great birthdays for August 14th.

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Russell Baker is 79.

Comedian-actor Steve Martin is 59.

Steve Martin used to sell Mousekateer ears and Davey Crockett coonskin hats at DisneyLand before he became a "wild and crazy guy". Kind of easy to picture, isn't it?

Actor Antonio Fargas is 58. "Huggy Bear" for those that know. Apparently I'm not one of them, because when I saw the name, I thought of ALBERTO VARGAS, a famous pin up artist.

"Far Side" cartoonist Gary Larson is 54.

Actress Marcia Gay Harden is 45. I have no idea if she actually is.

Aptly named former basketball player Earvin "Magic" Johnson is 45.

I'd provide a link where you can get your own "Magic Johnson", but if you've found this website you either already have one, or know how to find the websites yourself.

Actress Catherine Bell is 36.

Actress Halle Berry is 36.

And if the other girls weren't enough....actress Mila Kunis is 21.

Word of the day:
gamine \gam-EEN; GAM-een\, noun:
1. A girl who wanders about the streets; an urchin.
2. A playfully mischievous girl or young woman.

Shakespeare quote of the day:
Tybalt: What! drawn, and talk of peace? I hate
the word,
As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee.
Have at thee, coward!

Romeo and Juliet Act I Sc. I

Madden 2005 is out,and lo, it is good. I could spend more time writing right now, but I'd rather go get my fix for that, seeing as how I am on hiatus until I can get my other fix. (T.M.I., provided in bulk.)

I feel sorry for my Madden 2004...only a day or so ago, it was perfectly fine. NOw? Discarded and set tto the side, unlikely to see the light of day ever again. Meanwhile, the siren calls. Have a good weekend,and we'll get deep again on Tuesday.

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