
Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Song of the Day:

Now there's tears on the pillow
darling where we slept
and you took my heart when you left
without your sweet kiss
my soul is lost, my friend
Now tell me how do I begin again?

My city's in ruins
My city's in ruins

Picture of Katherine Heigl for the best reason, which is of course, no reason:

That Day in History (August 10):

In 1846, Congress chartered the Smithsonian Institution named after English scientist James Smithson, whose bequest of half a million dollars had made it possible.

In 1874, Herbert Clark Hoover, the 31st president of the United States, was born in West Branch, Iowa.

In 1921, Franklin D. Roosevelt was stricken with polio at his summer home on the Canadian island of Campobello.

In 1944, during World War II, American forces overcame remaining Japanese resistance on Guam.

In 1969, Leno and Rosemary LaBianca were murdered in their Los Angeles home by members of Charles Manson's cult, one day after actress Sharon Tate and four other people were slain.

In 1977, postal employee David Berkowitz was arrested in Yonkers, N.Y., accused of being "Son of Sam," the gunman responsible for six slayings and seven woundings.

In 1988, President Reagan signed a measure providing $20,000 payments to Japanese-Americans who were interned during World War II.

In 1993, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was sworn in as the second female justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.

This Day in History:
In 1860, the nation's first successful silver mill began operation near Virginia City, Nev. This has nothing to do with Marvel character Silver Surfer.

In 1934, the first federal prisoners arrived at the island prison Alcatraz in San Francisco Bay.

In 1942, during World War II, Vichy government official Pierre Laval publicly declared that "the hour of liberation for France is the hour when Germany wins the war."

Exhibit 1A as to WHY people hate the French.

But not French dressing, because, mmm-mmm is that stuff tangy!

In 1956, abstract painter Jackson Pollock died in an automobile accident in East Hampton, N.Y.

Now, they're pretty and all....ut it is really anything more than what my 2 year old could do? And yet people refer to him as a genius... I don't get it.

In 1962, the Soviet Union launched cosmonaut Andrian Nikolayev on a 94-hour flight. 10 minutes later, they launched the rocket he was supposed to be in! Ha!

Ok, that wasn't funny to anyone but me.

In 1965, rioting and looting that claimed 34 lives broke out in the predominantly black Watts section of Los Angeles.

In 1978, chiefs of state and foreign dignitaries arrived in Vatican City for the funeral of Pope Paul VI.

In 1984, President Reagan joked during a voice test for a paid political radio address that he had "signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."

Only kidding there, Gorby...

In 1992, the Mall of America, the biggest shopping mall in the U.S., opened in Bloomington, Minn.

Recent Birthdays:

Charlize Theron-29 (as of August 8th)

Antonio Banderas-44 (as of August 10th)

I'm straight, but that's a good looking man, right there.

Did I mention I'm straight?

Hulk Hogan-51 (today). give or take 40 years or so....

Word of the Day:
conflate \kuhn-FLAYT\, transitive verb:
1. To bring together; to fuse together; to join or meld.
2. To combine (as two readings of a text) into one whole.

Shakespeare quote of the Day:
Tybalt: Romeo, the hate I bear thee can afford
No better term than this,—thou art a villain.
Romeo and Juliet Act III, Scene I

Edgar Martinez

Let the record show that I hate Edgar Martinez. The man absolutely kills the Twins every damned year, and the one year (this one) taht I think he's finally fallen apart, and he announces his retirement. Well, great! No more Edgar to deal with, right?


Guy hits a home run to sink the Twins last night.

I hate Edgar Martinez.

It all started years ago, when I lived in teh Seattle Area. I didn't really ahve much against him, but then he started hitting everything the Twins threw at him. And then Tino Martinez came along, and 2x a game, I'd have to hear the Seattle PA guy introduce Tino or Edgar Maaar-TEEEEE-Nehzzzz! And BOTH of them would team up to trounce the twins every danged time Minnesota would play the Mariners. And of course, Tino moved on to greener pastures, but Edgar is still kicking our butt. This has to stop sooner or later.

Sex before Sports competition?

ESPN has an intersting article in regards to the Olympics coming up,and different athlete's views on how sex affects their performance in their different events. Some swear by some pre-tournament nookie, while others believe that the extra tension of abstinence adds to their competitive spirit. Makes 'em meaner.

For me, the only performance I have to worry about these days IS sex. It'd be a bit absurd to abstain from the one event I am competing in... Though the freestyle floor show is always entertaining to watch. In fact, it's completely backwards. The best reason I have to excercise is for my performance in sex, whereas for them, sex may or may not get in the way of excercize.

Either way, I should have put more effort into that danged Presidential Fitness Program back in grade school.

See, I already knew this. It just took an article for the rest of you to catch up:

An article published on CNN (And who doesn't repect the journalistic integrity of CNN?) states that your name contributes to just how sexy you are percieved by others.

Men with "front vowels" in their names -- sounds formed at the front of the mouth like the "a" in Matt -- were considered sexier than men with "back vowel" sounds like the "au" in Paul, she concluded.

The opposite held for women, who were sexier with back vowels than front ones.

Ok. So far so good! I think we can all agree that "Matt" is the sexiest name in all of creation...

But then thy have to bother to follow it all up with this...

Perfors said front vowels are often perceived as "smaller" than back vowels, so the difference could be a sign that women are seeking men that are sensitive or gentle, traits usually perceived as feminine.

So, in other words, I'm sexy because I'm gay.

Did I happen to mention that I'm straight?

Alexandrda Adi for no reason at all, and if you needed a reason it's to prop up my heterosexuality:

Publish! Publish now!

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