
Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Song of the Day:
There she goes
There she goes again
Racing through my brain
And I just can't contain
This feeling that remains

There she goes
There she goes again
Pulsing through my veins
And I just can't contain
This feeling that remains

Picture of Rosa Blasi for no reason:

This Day in History:

In 1914, Germany declared war on France. It must have been for hte lingerie. Be sure to check out the "Lecons" section. Some very talented photographers, there.

A sampling, for you...

In 1923, Calvin Coolidge was sworn in as the 30th president of the United States, following the death of Warren G. Harding.

In 1936, the State Department urged Americans in Spain to leave because of that country's civil war.

In 1943, Gen. George S. Patton slapped a private at an army hospital in Sicily, accusing him of cowardice. (Patton was later ordered by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower to apologize for this and a second, similar episode.)

In 1949, the National Basketball Association was formed. Tall Men everywhere rejoice. Wilt Chamberlain is 13, and thanks to the NBA, becomes the most prolific scorer of his time. IfyouknowwhatImean....

In 1958, the nuclear-powered submarine Nautilus became the first vessel to cross the North Pole under there. "Under where?" Ha ha ha....that joke never gets old! Underwater.

In 1980, closing ceremonies were held in Moscow for the 1980 Summer Olympic Games, which had been boycotted by dozens of countries, including the United States.

In 1981, U.S. air traffic controllers went on strike, despite a warning from President Reagan they would be fired, which they were.

In 1987, the Iran-Contra congressional hearings ended, with none of the 29 witnesses tying President Reagan directly to the diversion of arms-sales profits to Nicaraguan rebels.

In 1993, the Senate voted 96-3 to confirm Supreme Court nominee Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Today's birthdays:

Singer Tony Bennett is 78.

Actor Martin Sheen is 64.

Lifestyle guru Martha Stewart is 63.

Movie director John Landis is 54.

Rock singer James Hetfield (Metallica) is 41.

Hip-hop artist Spinderella (Salt-N-Pepa) is 33.

Word of the Day:
apotheosis, noun
plural apotheoses \-seez\:
1. Elevation to divine rank or stature; deification.
2. An exalted or glorified example; a model of excellence or perfection of a kind.

Shakespeare quote of the day:

"To thine own self be true; and it must follow, as the night the day, thou can'st not then be false to any man"
Hamlet, Act i, Sc.3

Twins trade Doug

It was bound to happen at some point. Just a matter of time. Apparently Doug was so vocal about wanting out that the Twins felt they had no choice but to trade him to prevent the clubhouse from becoming the Maginot Line.

I'll miss Doug and his defense. It was like re-living the days that Kent Hrbek was out there, having a 1st baseman who took pride in defense. But with as oft-injured as he was, and with how much better Justin Morneau is hitting htan him....it was best to get what you could for him.

The disturbing part was that we didn't get any immediate help for the playoff push. Not a backup catcher, or a starting pitcher, or a middle infielder better than Rivas/Guzman. Like, say, Nomar. BUt I don't really blame the GM for not getting a major league pitcher...Kris Benson was the best (reasonable) pithcer available. Randy Johnson was NOT about to head to Minnesota, and Kris Benson wasn't worth a top prospect like Justin Morneau or Jason Kubel, etc. for only 2-3 months of work out of him. He wouldn't have re-signed here after this season ended, so it simply wasn't realistic to give up that much talent for that short of time.

BUt even still...it'd be nice to add another arm to the rotation for a solid push to the playoffs. The good news is that it's starting to look like it's not going to be necessary. Chicago is slowly dropping out of the race, down 4 or 5 games. It's possible that they could get back, because there is alot of baseball yet to be played. But for the moment, it looks like hte Twins are starting to put some room between them and the other members of the division. And the best part? Chicago made a bunch of trades to load up for their own playoff run, and it seems to have hurt them more than it helped. Trades for Everett and Garcia haven't sparked the team as it was supposed to, and while COntrares hasn't pitched for them yet...well, if he was pitching all that great in new York, why owuld htey have been in the market for a starting pitcher like Loiza?

Caroline Ardohain Break!

Dream Analysis:

Interesting dream I had, last night. (No, not that.) I dreamt I was in some sort of downtown rooftop setting, onmy way to some sort of meeting, when a co-worker stopped me, and re-directed me to a bar, in order to hang out and lift my spirits. THat co-worker? Incredible E. ANd there wasn't anything sexual about it..it was just 2 friends hanging out having a drink and talking. Later on in the dream, the wife showed up to pick me up, the kids running around under foot,a nd we had to corral them abck into the vehicle, because we were running late for some odd thing.

SOme dreams require deep introspection to understand what they mean. Others are just scinema for the mind. This one seemed to have no real message, other than a wish to kick back and talk of old times,and enjoy some good company. I guess I just miss my friend.

And for me, it's a heck of a revelation in and of itself, because while E and I have been friends, and have had many conversations, we didn't socialize much. I deeply regret that now.

E, I wanted to take the oppurtunity to tell you that your friendship means alot to me...even more than I thought it did.

Sunday, August 1st was another old friends birthday. I wrote about him before. Ryan Swanson would have been 27. He and I never got a chance to socialize, and never got a chance to build on our at-work relationship. And while it's not soley because of Ryan that I regret it, it IS a GOOD reason. As someone who liked Ryan as much as I did, I'm sure that you'll understand, and won't be offended.

I miss Ryan. And I miss E. I don't miss E because I miss Ryan, and yet at the same tiem I miss E because I miss Ryan. I miss you for your own seperate reasons, and for some fo the same reasons. At this point I'm rambling, so I think it's best I move on.

My birthday

August 4th marks my own 28th birthday. What I will do for my birthday, I don't know. Maybe go check out that Bavarian resteraunt Winzer Stube. Maybe spend some cash at Victoria's Secret on Booty Shorts. (Some for me, some for the wife. )

(Ok, maybe none for the wife. )

(Oh, come ON! I'm kidding!)

The girls will probably bake me a cake, which I in all seriousness, can't wait to try. Anna, with her inclination to cooking, will probably orchestrate everything as she seesit, by cracking the eggs. Restory will mix it, supervise the addtion of the critical components, and ask if she can frost it. Mom will say no, ansdrestory will throw a mini-pout fest. Bailey? I dunno. Drool into the batter, possibly. It'll be the sweetest cake I'll ever have.

And then maybe just enough time that night to spend some time with the wife.

Oh, wait. I'm married. Never mind.

Ok, that was wrong on alot of different levels. I apologize.


Turns out The Ranch on Showtime is actually a 1 time deal....it's not a re-occuring show. A failed pilot they felt they had to release anyway. All I can hope is that enough people will tune in and give the show a 2nd life. CHances of that happening? About the same as being married and ge... never mind.

Random thoughts

If I see one more damned Reality Series built around poker that doesn't involve the ladies pictured in this publication playing the Strip version, then, well...I'll whine and complain and eagerly await the day that they stop putting the shows on TV. Not MUCH of a threat really, but it's all I have.

Maybe if I'm really really lucky (no, not that!) (well, maybe that....) the wife and I will be able to attend a movie on Wednesday (my birthday). If so, we'll go check out the Village. I'll get abck to you either way.

Is it just me, or does anyone else obsess over the items that surround their birthdate, like different historical events, or famous people that share the same birth day (Roger Clemens, Jeff Gordon, the Queen of England before she died)? I can't be the only one. I have yet to see my horoscope in the paper for " IF your birthday is today.." kinda thing.

What I want for my birthday:
(other than that)

1. Mel Gibson's Hamlet. After seeing Kenneth Branaghs version of Hamlet, its obvious that Mels version is better. Ken has his guys reciting the lines with no change in tone at all, firing off the lines as fast as they can get tehm out. Sorry. give me emotion in my Shakespeare, not speed reading.

2. A chicago style pizza.

3. A web site that I can upload and host pictures at, so I can get some pics of the girls up here for you all. (My girls, not the hoochie kind.)

4. Beer for my horses. Whiskey for my friends.

5. Forgiveness for referring to a country western song.

6. Any trace of Celine Dion's singing to immediately disintegrate, with no hope for making more.

7. For crying out loud, The Bears to sweep the Packers in the regular season. Just run them down, and turn them into paste. (Same wish every year,a nd yet it never happens...)

8. My family and friends to know how much I've loved being allowed to be part of their lives. Thank all of you for all you have done for me over the years, especially for the things I'll never know about.

We'll see you later this week.

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