
Tuesday, September 28, 2004

I don't see why people make such a big deal about dream analysis. It's so danged easy. Or, maybe it's just that mine are fairly transparent. I dunno.

Last night, I had quite a science-fiction induced dream sequence. My first dream started out with me and some other random people standing around a guy who was beaten and battered, with no control over his emotional state anymore. And as he wept and talked, he explained what had happened to put him in such a sorry state. While he talked, we were able to witness the carnage, as some sort of flashback that you see in the movies. An invisible force punched and kicked and beat him savagely, breaking him in every way conceivable. He had broken bones, he was bleeding, he couldn't stand, and his will was broken completely and totally. The invisible alien dishing out the punishment? The alien from Predator.

And as savage and heartless as the beating was, it was made worse, because the man telling the story was left alive, and he knew that it would be back to beat and torture him again. And there was nothing he could do about it. So he sat and silently cried and laughed to himself, knowing his fate and having no control over it. His spirit broken, he sat and waited for the return, and for his life to end.

It was then that I awoke, and after finding my surroundings, content to find my wife beside me, I brushed it off as nothing more than cinema of the mind, and drifted back to sleep.

I found my self in a desolate world of ruins. Looking about, it was clear to me that it was shortly after a major war, an life was a hard scrabble for anyone left alive to stay that way. As I gathered my bearings, I found myself thrown into a battle against the robot/androids from the Terminator movies. As it was early in the sequence, the robots were easily felled by reagular arms fire. They had yet to develop any sort of exterior skin to disguise themselves, so it was just the robotic form hunting down any living human within sight. I fought and fought, and yet they kept coming wave after wave. People all around me were taken down, and yet I survived. I tired after a while, but continued o defend myself and others as best I could. They resorted to grenades along with their arms fire and we threw them back before they could detonate. Some robots developed the idea to skin their victims, and wrap themselves in it, though it hardly fooled anyone, as they only wrapped it around their torso in someimes comic attempts to disguise themselves. Or at least, it would have been comical if it hadn't been for the act of atrocities it took for them to get that way.

I fought them off, left and right, and they still kept coming. wave after wave after wave. And they would keep coming. And at some point I would tire. I was alredy tired. And sooner or later, they would overtake me. And then I awoke.

And I knew what they were.


"Are you aware you are 2 months late on your cable bill, sir?"

I'm about to reveal an ugly ugly truth about myself. I'm not good with money. Just not. If left in charge of my paycheck, it would go to Whoppers and Big Bacon Classics, and Big Macs, and Stuffed Fajita Burritos, and there would be nothing left for the mortgage.

So for as long as I can remember, I've left the bill paying to the wife. We've had a few bumps and bruises here and there, but we've always wethered the storm. But now, we're running out of options, and we have a move to Oregon coming up, and our credit ating is headed for the drain....I feel as if I have failed. I've left it upon her shoulders for much too long, and it's so unfair for her to carry that load by herself. I've also failed as a provider. Why am I not making enough money to support and feed and house this family? Granted, we have 3 kids, but what the hell am I doing wrong that I can't do this?

I COULD blame it on society I suppose, for creating a world where both mother and father have to work full time jobs, leaving the kids at home to fend for themselves, while mom and dad work to have enough money just to scrape by week to week. What happene to the days where one income was enough to raise and feed a family?

Or I could blame my plight upon those in politics, both Republican AND Democrat for ignoring the needs of the middle class families, while they bicker and argue back and forth as to whom is more to blame, and what is the best method to strengthen the lower and middle class. I have time for neither party however, since both seem to be powerless to accompish anything with the amount of partisan politics over the past decade. 1 step forwad, 2 steps back.

OR I could blame it on a health care system that I can't afford even if I do have health insurance, with a $&*#@! $20 co-pay just to have the doctor say that it's just the common flu, and not...ebola or something like that. Or $25 co-pay to get a prescription filled. It just ain't right.

"Naughty nurse! Making things rise like that! LIke health care costs and such! I can barely keep them from becoming an out of pocket expense!"

I could blame those things, but let's be honest. I'm the one in charge of my life, and it's up to me to provide for my kids. And I'm not gettting the job done. the only problem is that in order to provide for them correctly, I need to be away from the home more, working a paying job. But if I do that, who will be at home to watch the children? And they need me to be in their life, right? How the hell do people balance this crap out?

I'm hardly the first voice to say this, and I'mm not going to be the last. Or the loudest, I'll guess. But how long before someone is able to do something about it?

All I know is, I wanna move to Washington. And soon. And if I have to sell my home to pay off debts here, then I'm not gonna waste my time living here. If I leave my house, I'm leaving it for one destination in mind.

In the meantime, why can't I have dreams about stuff like this?!

Yearly NFL prediction record after last nights game:


That's still about a 2-1 ratio. It's not horrible. I'm getting around 66% right. But it could be better. And it should be.


We check in on the Hometown Hottie contest to find out the final 10.


Th wife just called to say that the power was shut off, since we missed a payment while at my grandmother's funeral. Nice. Closed circuit to the wife: I'm gonna grab a cooler and pack the freezer food with as many cold items as I can find. Chicken, burritos...all of it.

The power will be back on tomorrow at 2pm, but in the meantime, we're living frontier style.

On the other hand, I've got a perfect excuse to grope my wife in the dark.

"Oops! Sorry! Didn't see you there. "

Just because life is tough doens't mean we can't have fun with it.

You're dreams could also be telling you to stop watching cheesy sci-fi movies... ever think of that? j/k
love, ginger
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