
Saturday, September 11, 2004

Mother Nature and the NFL have forced me to rush this preview and prediction out, since the Titans vs. Dolphins game was moved up to today. So I'll do what I can to keep it short and sweet, but I have a few things to say about a few things, as always. So lets get down to business, shall we?

Saturday, September 11th
1:00 p.m. ET Tennessee Titans @ Miami Dolphins

The Titans lost alot of guys to free agency in the off-season, leaving them to re-tool across the board. Especially on defense. They've replaced them with a bevy of draft picks, but it remains to be seen if they are ready to contribute just yet.

More than anyone else, the Titans hang on the success of Steve McNair. Their offense is built with balance in mind, with equal amounts run and pass. Wait, that's not right. There's a smidgen more run than there is pass. It's not an offense that is designed to put up huge #'s like Minnesota, but they have their moments. The main idea is to wear you down with the run, and hit key passes now and then to convert, and catch the defense snoozing and hit them with a big play when they are expecting the run. MCNair can and will put up big numbers now and then, but for the most part, he's a 250 yard 2-3 touchdown and 1 interception kinda guy. Average #'s, but what he does for his team doesn't show up in the stats. He can run a little it, and he's AS tough as any other QB in the league, Brett Favre included.
Alot of people think he's overrated, but I wonder if he gets enpough credit for being not only physically tough, but mentally tough. You think back to that Rams-Titans Super Bowl, and with the grit and will he displayed there, you'd like to see them get there again to see how it'll turn out again. THere's decent depth behind hium in Bobby Volek who pitched in some help last year, but Volek is an average Qb at this point. The team wll be led and sometimes carried on McNair's shoulders.

At running back, they let go one of my favorite players in Eddie George, though it's understandable why. Eddie didn't break any big plays...he had worn down to a guy who gets you maybe a yard or 2 beyond the defensive linemen and that's the end of the run. Net gain:2-3 yards. IT was acceptable for awhile, but they've gotten tot he point where they need more. A 24 yard gain here, a 17 yarder there. They hope to get that out of Chris Brown, and he's looked good so far in the pre-season. But can he handle the load as the main guy all season long, or will he wear or break down? George got a huge amount of work; more than alot of running backs. IN fact, it could be said that he wasn worn out by the Titans, because they liked giving the ball to Eddie so much. The ball was safe with him...he rarely fumbled. Chris Brown has to prove that he can do the same. They won;t ask him to take it all on right away though. They've brought in former Patriot Antwoin Smith to spell Chris Brown now and then, to keep him fresh. Smith isn't anything special, but he is reliable.

Clearing the path for him is Robert Holcombe, who has become one of the better blocking FB's in the league. Robert is also pretty good at running the ball himself, though he's so-so at catching the ball. He'll keep his guy from getting to the RB however, and help keep pass-rushers off of McNair on passing downs. His contribution shopuldn't be overlooked; the FB is very important in this offense as a blocker, and without him, their running attack wouldn't be NEARLY as effective.

The Titans have some very good WR's to throw to, if only they could stay healthy. Titans WR's have been notorious over the years for getting various injuries keeping themout of games. It's forced them to be deep at teh WR position and to have a solid to upper echelon TE. That TE USED to be Frank Wycheck, but he retired this past year, so it falls to Eric Kinney to take up the slack. I'm not all that confident in him, to be honest, but they do have draft pick Ben Troupe, who reminds some of Shannon Sharpe. He's tall and quick enough to play a big possesion reciever, but he's strong enough to block as a TE. The only problem is that he's not ready just yet. BUt I expect him to ahve a big career if he works hard, and should be a major weapon in the years o come for Steve McNair. Meanwhile, McNair will have to work with Kinney to get the job done. Kinney is average, but nothing more. His biggest contribution will be playing the role of an extra offensive lineman for the running game. The WR's are Derrick Mason, who has proven to be a great possesion WR, and has made some good clutch cathes over the years. He has a hard time staying helathy, but when he is, he's one of the guys that Steve looks for on 3rd and long. ON the other side is Tyrone Calico. Calico is actually a young and up and coming WR, who could really blossom here, but he's injured right now and may not play in this game. That means that it's up to Eddie Berlin (no, not the band Berlin. They only ahd tat 1 Top Gun hit anyway.) to step up. Berin doesn;t have much speed, so teh Titans will ahve a hard time stretching the field without Calico. There is also Drew Bennett, who has glimpses of making the next step now and then, ut we ahve yet to see it on a consistent basis.

Because of the importance of the run on this team, the offensive line has a good group of talent itself. The midle of the line is held by Jeff Hartwig, who isn't a pro-bowler, at least not yet, but he's a solid center who provides enough push. He's helped with experienced and strong guards Zach Piller and Benji Olson, who are better known for their run blocking than their pass blocking. On the outsides, you have Brad Hopkins and Fred Miller at offensive tackle. Both are equally adept at pass and run blocking, though I don't want you to think that they are premier talents. They aren't. ut they aren't at the bottom of the league either. Solid players both of them, though Miller is more prone to letting a pass rusher by from time to time.

The defense meanwhile. is trying to overcome the loss of 2 major players on the defensive line in Jevon Kearse and Robaire Smith. Their defense is an attack style defense, which will resort to any menas necessary to get pressure on the QB. This includes an occasional return to the 46 defense that the Chicago Bears used to win the Super Bowl back in 1985, and it always brings a twinkle to my eye to see it dusted off and ran, if only for a few plays. And it makes sense, since the Head Coach Jeff Fisher was a player on that 1985 team. The defense still has one of the league's best young defensive tackles in Albert Haynesworth, and Kevin Carter, who made a name for himself long ago with the Rams. Carter isn't what he used to be, and isn't as fast as he once was, so they've moved him into the other DT postiion, and away from end. It wouldn't suprise me to see him bumped back out to end though, if for just a play or two to work in a rotation, or possibly if they are unable to generate an outside pass rush. They also have some depth at DT with rookie Randy Starks and Rein Long. Rein showed some ability in the pre-season, and can at least be a contributer against the run,and Randy Starks could develop over time, like Robaire Smith has, and Albert Haynesworth has.

At DE, you have Carlos Hall, who really showed that he could play towards the end of last season in relief of Jevon Kearse who was oft-injured. The emergence of Hall made it easier for the Titans to accept the loss of Kearse, whom they could not afford to keep, with the salary cap and all. Hall needs to prove that he can do it again,a d over a course of an entire season, but it looks promising. i think the Titans are cautiously optimistic that it's going to work out. On the other side of the line though, they've got to be worried. The other DE position is up in the air,a dn they'll probably go with a rotation of some rookie players in Antwaan Odom and travis Laboy. Antwaan is built to stop the run, and LaBoy has the speed for the pass rush, but he isn't strong enough yet to be able to bull rush. He may get pushed around a bit by the stronger tackles in the league. The kids are going to have to grow up quickly, because th Titans can't afford to bring them along slowly. They need help right away, and if the rookies wilt under the pressure, they'll have a hard time making the playoffs.

The Titans defense is reliant upon the down linemen providing pressure on the QB. HTey're not afraid to send a linebacker or safety in on a blitz (somethimes both) but whether they blitz or not, the front 4 have to be there too. If one of them isn't carrying his own weight, then the Qb has enough time to find the holes in the defense and pick them apart.

Speaking of linebackers, Keith Bulluck is the best the Titans have. He is equally adept at rushing the Qb, or dropping in coverage, or in stopping the run. A pro Bol player, He's one of the best outside LB'ers in teh league, and reminds this writer of Derrick Brooks of the Tampa Bay Buccanners. Who, as we all know is reminiscent of Wilbur Marshall, a great LB from that same 1985 Chicago Bears team. (Though, Wilbur was better at getting to the Qb than Brooks was.) The Titans would love to have more linebackers like him, but then, every team would like to have a LB with his versatility. IN the middle they have Rocky Calmus, which is such a ggreat name for a Middle Linebacker. He's only average in coverage...maybe a tad bleow average, but he is stout against the run. He would hve been replaced in pass coverage by Peter Sirmon, but Sirmon was lost posibly for the season wiht an injury. They'll ahv to make do without Sirmon at this point.

The other OLB spot os held down by Rocky Boiman, and he proved that he could play last year as well in spot dutty. He's getting a chance to prove that he can do it full time, and he'll need to provide some pass rush helpsince he is behind the rookie ends. There isn't much provem depth behind them though, so they can't afford alot of injuries this year in their lnebackers.

The secondary however, has tons of talent and depth. Andre Dyson and Sumari Rolle ave Pro Bowl or near-Pro-Bowl level corners, and are getting better as the seasons roll along. Depth comes in the form of Andre Woolfork a rookie formm last year who stepped up in the playoffs. They also have Micke Echols, who isn't the normal tall rangy corner taht the Titans usually ahve, but he has ability. The corners are really important to this team, becaaue they are left alone to cover the WR's with everyone else often applying pressure on the QB. There isn't alot of help from teh safeties on this team, so the corners ahve to be top flight. They are. Meanwhile the safeties are pretty high quality themselves. Tank Williams (another great football name) is a hard hitting playmaker on one side, with plenty of speed to boot. On the other side, tehy ahve Lance Shulters, who had better years in San Fransisco, but seems to ahve found a slight re-birth in tennesee. IF his legs get tired however, they ahve good depth with Lamont Thompson. Thompsn struggled in Cincinnatti, but then again, who doesn't? Lamont can step in for Shulters and teh defense won't miss a beat.

For Miami, it's been a horrible offseason. Ricky Williams quit right before the training camp season started,a nd they lost theirfree agent singing David Boston at WR for the year. With only TE Randy MchMichael and Chris Chambers at WR as proven offensive weapons, the Miami Dolphins looked sunk. This team needed Ricky Williams, because it was predicated on the run being the majority of their offense. IN Ricky's absence, Travis Minor becamse the starter, but he doesn't have teh typical buiild to take the pounding of being the main ruinning back. He's not the type to grind out hard yardage, and eat up the clock the way the Dolphins like to do. So the Dolphins were forced to trade in order to add the extra pieces they needed. They traded their holdout DE Adewale Ogunleye to the Bears for possession WR Marty Booker. Now, possession Wr is an unkind label for Marty, since it's usually a label for really slow WR's who catch everything thrown to them. (If you cna't run fast and you can't catch...you ahve no business on an NFL roster.) Marty has average to good speed. He's not that slow. But Chambers is faster, so he gets the Speed WR lable,a dn Booker the possession WR label. Well, the addition of Booker is nice, but it hardly makes the Dolphins a passing team, beacuse the Dolphins O-line is built to run-block, and not necessarily pass blocking, as it goes against their strengths. Besides, their Qb situation is a complete mess. Jay Fiedler is an OK Qb as long as you limit his pass attempts. He;s proven that he'll never get teh Dolphins beyond a 9-7 win loss record. But the Qb they brought in AJ Feeley, wasn't able to beat him out because he isn't much better or different than Fiedler. (Maybe it's the Jewish community in South Florida campaigning to keep a nice hebrew boy like Fiedler in the starting lineup. )

(OR not. )

The Dolphins recently traded for Daily UPdate favorite Lamar Gordon from the Rams, and he better fits their design on a running back. He;s not incredibly fast, but he can grind out the tough yards, and wear out a defense. (Lamar Gordon also went to North Dakota State University, located in Fargo ND, and follows fellow alums like DE Phil Hansen of the Buffalo Bills and CB/S Tyrone Braxton of the Denver Broncos into the NFL.) However, since the trade went down a week ago or so, Lamar hasn't had enough time to learn the playbook, and won't be a huge impact this first week.

The Defense is still great, but it's starting to get a little long in the tooth. Jayson taylor is a great force on the defensive like, and he gets help from some big detfensive tackles in Larry Chester and David Bowens, who concentrate on the run, and are better than average against the pass. The other end spot was held down by now-current Bear Ogunleye, but with his departure, it has left a hole that can't be said ahs been filled yet. David Bowens and Ja Williams get teh first shot at filling it, ubt I don't know that they'll be able to do it. For what I can see, that is a weak point right now.

Behind them, they have ZXach Thomas, who lik Taylor is consistent every year,and you know exactly what you'll get out of him...a pro bowl effort, and an unquestioned leader on the team. But in football years, they're starting to run out of time,and you gotta wonder how long he can keep it up. Especially since Zach Thomas has a bit of an injury history. Junior Seau still brings his heart and intensity adn the wood to the OLB position, even if he's not as fast as he used to be. He's still a force against the run, but tehy replce him on passing downs when they can. Partially to rest him, and partially because he's not as good as he used to be. He's also one of the NFL good guys taht you hope would win a Super Bowl before his time is up. On the otherside is Marlon Greeenwood, who provides the speed of the LB group, though not always in an ogranized fashion. HE's an avergae linebacker, but he has enough great talent around him that it isn't an issue.

The corners of Miami are probabl the best pair in the AFC< just barely ahead of the Titans pair of corners. For brief periods, both have been known to shut down Wr's, but they can't maintain it for an entire game,a nd it's never at the same time as the other guy. With all that said, don't forget that they're the best corner tandem in the AFC. At safety they have some decent talent there as well, in Sammy KNight and Antwan Edwards. They aren't the fastest guys around, but they're often in the right place at the right time. Knight especially. Edwards was projected to be starter for the packers at some point, but he never lived up to their expectations, so here he is in Miami with another shot at holding down the job.

In order to win this game, the Dolphins are going to have to have a dominant performance frem their defense, keep McNair in the pocket, and keep constant pressure on him, while also shutting down the running game. They ahve enough fith in their corners against teh Titans WR's taht they shouldn't worry too much about that. Just make sure they get to McNair. IF they aren't,and MCNair as time to pass, he'll find dsomeone open, whether it be a running abck out of the backfield, or the TE.

ON offense, the Dolphins should run off tackle and sweeps past the rookie defensive ends and male them prove they can stop the run. The Titans corners will also negate the Dolphins WR's, so it's imperitive taht whomever they ahve at RB is able to move the ball.

For the Titans, its pretty obvious at this point. Leave their corners to take care of the WR's. Getting pressure on Fielder shouldn't be too tough of a deal to do. The OL isn't known for their ability to pass block as much as they are for run blocking. The Dolphins don;t have the ability to dominate in the running game right now, so if they can hut down teh run, and force Miami to pass, they should be able to hold Miami to around 10 points or so. that should be enough to win, provided taht the titans offense can run against a tough defense. they don't ahve to have a huge day on the ground. Just well enough to make the Dolphins respect the run, so that the play-action pass is effective (that's when tehy fake the andoff to the RB and throw the ball, for those that don't know),a nd avoid any turnovers, like interceptions and fumbles...like onest athat are returned for TD's.

My prediction: Titans win this one fairly easily.

Sun Sep 12, 2004
Jacksonville Jaguars @ Buffalo Bills

For the Jacksonville Jaguars to win, they'll need to run off tackle, and get their WR's past the corners and hikt some deep passes. They're capable of that, with Byron Leftwich and Jimmy Smith, but it won't be easy against a really good secondary in Buffalo, with troy Vincent, Nate Clements Lawyer Milloy and Ike reese. I went into this prediction thinking I would go with the Jaguars, but the more I look athhe Buffalo defense, the more I think Buffalo counters the Jags fairly well. The only downside to the buffalo defense is that they don't ahve a guy who is known for geting tot he QB, but they're solid up the middle with Sam Adams and Pat Williams clogging the pipes. They do a grat job of protecting London Fletcher
(who isn't what he was in St Louis, by the way) and Takeo Spikes (great football name again....we'll have to collect these at some point.)

But doess Buffalo have what it takes to beat the Jacksonville defense? Well, they have Travis Henry and Willis McGahee at running back. They won't be able to run up the middle either, with Marcus Stroud and John Henderson protectig the middle for Jacksonville. But the Jags DE's are terrible, and is probably the target for the Buills to attack in he running game. The Jags have some decent OLB's to stop the run behind them, but by the time they make the stop, the RB may be 5 yards past the line of scrimmage. The Jags corners are nothing to write home about, or write here about for that matter, though they have plenty of talent at safety. The safeties may be able to intimidate some of the Bills younger WR's but Moulds will probably keep them busy, and draw their attention.

My prediction: Bills win thanks to sweeps and off tackle runs by Henry and Magahee.

Detroit Lions @ Chicago Bears

The Lions ahve worked hard to add some new exciting talent to their team in an effort to give their young QB Joey Harrington more to work with and less excuses handy. Now that he has a plethora of weapons on offense to use, there isn't any reason he shouldn't succeed. He has Charles Rogers and Roy Williams at WR, not to forget Az-Hakim and Tai Streets for extra depth. At TE they ahve the sporadic (not spaztic) Stephen Alexander who has bounced around the league as teams have tried to see if they are the ones to unlock his talent. So far, noone has, but good luck to them for trying, I guess. At FB, they have a battering ram they call Corey Schlesinger, and I'm hard pressed to think of a better blocking back off the top of my head. He's known to contribute now and then as a runner and a reciever, but his main importance is blocking for whichever RB lines up behind him. This year that will be a tandem made up of Atrose Pinner, the rough and tumble guy who earns the tough yards the hard way, and Kevin Jones, a 1st round draft pick who will slice and gash you with his speed and moves. Neither has grabbed the job for themselves yet, but it may happen somewhere during the season. IN the meantime, theyll trade off depending on what the situation calls for at the time.

The'll run behind an offensive line with a Pro-Bowl caliber center in Domonic Raiola, a nasty mean son-of-a-gun who gets some help from newly signed and pro-bowl player Damian Woody. Jeff Backus holds down the LT position, and at times he can be really good, but other times he struggles. He'll never be an elite LT, but I'm sure teh Lions would like some better consistency from him. A very average David Loverne (LG) and George Foster (RT) fill out the line.

On defense, the Lions are working on getting faster on the outside. Up the middle however, the Lions want to stay biig, even if that means being slow. They have 320+ lb. Shawn Rogers to stuff the run, lining up next to "Big Daddy" Dan Wilkenson (remember when he was a Bengal?) to eat up space and tie up blockers to stop the run. Rogers, like Haynesworh, is yet another of the young Defensive tackles in the league on the brink of stardom. IN addition, they have Kevin Pritchett and Corey Redding to provide depth. Behind them, they have Earl Holmes who is one of the slower middle linebackers, but can hit like a ton of bricks. Holmes will never be a guy to sprint sideline to sideline to shut down the run on sweeps. He'll have to rely on his outside linebackers to help with that. BUt any runs in between the offensive tackles he should be able to stop.

At DE, the Lions have tried to find some fast guys to push up the edge of the field, and try to help funnel the action back to the middle to the big DT's and the aforementioned Holmes. It's been a bit of a mixed result, because while they're pretty fast for DE's, they're not especially strong and can be moved. Kalimba Edwards is exhibit A. On the other side, they have a bit of a DT/DE 'tweener in James Hall. Robert Prcher comes in on pssing downs. Porcher has been with this team for around 10 years now, and it probably working on his farewell tour, whether it be retirement, or just being let go by the LIons after this season.

The real speed on this team comes from the outside LB Boss Bailey, who can fly up and across the field. He's not the best in coverage right now, but he has the raw speed and agility to get to the QB. They'll ask himm to blitrz on occasion, and when we last saw him, he didn't have many skills to defeat the blockers, but I suspect that has changed over the past year. The remaining LB's Davis, Curry, and Lewis are all very average guys that need to prove they can play. Curry represents the speed we were talking about, as he was a speed rusher in college back in North Carolina.

Dre Bly brings even more speed to the corner position, and is a big play kind of guy. He either is making them, or giving them up. On the other side, Fernando Bryant was signed to provide some experience and some stability to what was a shaky spot in the defensive backfield. The only problem is, I never saw anything great about Bryant's performance in Jacksonville, where he came from. The only real improvement is tat he has just a bit more ability than some of the guys they put out there before,a nd a few more years experience. He's an average corner, but he's not a difference maker.

Another veteran brought in to show the youngins how to play is Brock Marion, the former Cowboy and Dolphin. he's jsut the kind of veteran a team like these guys SHOULD bring in, because he's a steady influence, and is known to make a few clutch plays when needed. He's equally good against the run and the pass, and knows what success costs in personal sacrifice and hard work. The other safety is Brian Walker. He's just a guy, and in the pst few years as a starter he hasn't done anything signifigant for the LIons. They simply haven't had any better options to start instead of him.

Chicago has been working on their own defense. Rather than the plodding linemen that they're used to, they've shifted radically to fast linemen who go after teh QB and let the linebackers worry about themselves, rather than protecting the LB's by holding the line. In shifting to this style, the Bears hope to create more havoc and a few more turnovers in the process. The defensive line is young and hungary, but the dust hasn't settled here yet, and they havn't jelled to teh point where anyone feels confident about them or the rest of the defense for that matter. Everyone wants to see them perform before they pass judgement. The Bears traded their best WR for Ogunleye and he'll bring the pressure from one side. On the outher outside edge, 2nd year guy Alex Brown will try to provide the heat, like he did in college. However, this isn't college. He got 5 1/2 sacks last year as a 2nd year guy in a really different kind of defense, so that # could grow. I think he's been getting alot of unfair heat for not having better #'s. It's his 2nd year for crying out loud!! That being said, that sack total has to come up in this defense or he'll find himself quickly replaced. Last year's rookie Michael Haynes provides depth, and he'll be fine for running downs if the other guys need a breather, but he'll need ot gain some wings and some speed. It's going to be tough for him, because his body type isn't compeltely built for this system. On the inside, you have 1st round Pick Tommie Harris who is a perfect fit for this kind of defense. he's fast and agile, and has a knack for disrupting plays. Still, he's a rookie, so it'll be interesting to see if he's ready this early in the season to be a major factor. Next to him is Alonzo Boone, who is one of those guys that is just a solid or good player, but nothing flashy. He'll start for now and rotate with teh other guys until 2nd round pick Defensive Tackle Tank Johnson is ready to do it full time. And even then, the coaches like o have a rotation to give everyone rest. While this group may not yet be rady for prime time yet, in a year or two this front line could be something really special. But they have to earn their growing pains yet.

THe Linebackers are another group with a good amount of talent. Brian Urlacher leads the group form the middle, and is the prototype for MLB's with speed to play sideline to sideline. The only problem is that he can't seem to shed blockers, and at times you really wish he had a bit more grit or raw fury to him. When he hits, he can level people but it seems like the last year, he kinda sat back a bit more. Some of that had to do with the injuruies of the guys in front of him, bu some of it was him as well. On the outside, the Bears have a guy in Lance Briggs who could develop into a star in his own right, as he's proven to be able to make plays. This defense is supposed to bring out the playmaker in all of the defenders, so we'll find out soon enough. BUt so far, it looks really positive. ON the other side, they have a bunch of unknowns and underachievers. There is one kid form the NFL Europe league who will be injured for 6 weeks, and he'll be replaced by fast confused JOe Odom./ He played well in relief last year, but he's had a hard time adapting tot eh new scheme, based off of reports I've heard. The depth at LB is pretty thin, so Chicago has to hope that it's starters can hold up. THat's a bit worrying since Urlacher missed all of the pre-season with a hamstring problem. He's just coming back now, so if you are a Bears fan keep your fingers crossed.

Chicago's secondary has some really nice pieces, but because of injury, they are pretty thin right now. Charles Tillman was a rookie last year, but he quickly became the best cornerback on the Bears roster, and drew the opponents best WR. A highlight reel interception where he ripped the ball away from Randy Moss in the end zone has become the signature moment of his career,and has left Bears fans salivating at the thought he can produce more moments like that. Especially agains t Moss, whoim we hate anyway. The other side is supposed to be held down by Jerry Azumah, a guy who has come along way since being drafted as a RB. But he's out unitl october, leaving R.W. McQuarters to step into his place. But R.W. is just getting back from his own hamstring issues, which leaves his ability in question. If he can't go, it comes down to a fringe roster guy and a rookie who doesn't ahve ideal height to start on the opposite side. Not exactly the best scenario going against the offenses of the NFC north.

At safety, Mike Brown has been performing at a pro bwl level for the past few years, but because of the amount of great safeties in the NFC, he simply gets out-numbered. He'll go soon enough though, once he starts playing on a winning team. At the other safety position, you have Mike green, who tehy like becuae he has good cover skills, but I've never seen them. Behind him is Bobby Gray, a hard hitting safety, and a Daily UPdate favorite, but he's a bit stiff in coverage. He's not a playmaker in the sense that he won't get alot of interceptions and such, but I'd love to see him develop. Into a fine young girl. No, wait. That's just not right. I meant, I'd like to see him grow breasts.

No, that wasn't right either.

I'd much rather Bobby gray was the start on the team and provide some hard hitting intimidation to our defense, rather than the milquetoast half-hearted hitting that Mike Green does. Either way I think we'll end up needing a new safety in the next year or so.

ON offense, they've handed over the keys to 2nd year QB Rex Grossman. WHile many question whether or not he'll be able to play, I would like to point out he DID play last year. IN fact, he won 2 games. Now, his stats weren't anything special I'll admit. BUT I want to see how well he'll do not just this year, but next year,a fter the new offense he learned in the offseason has had a chacne to sink in and he has some experience with it. But Chicago fans haven't been knwon for their patience with QB's. On the other hand, it's hard to have patience when you've watched Rick Mirer or Cade McNown or Steve Walsh lead your team straight down the drain.

At running back, the Bears are talented and deep. Thomas Jones is the starter, and word out fo Chicago is taht he really could be the real deal. He has the speed and pass catching ability to be a dual threat, and when he's tired, Anthony Thomas is waiting in the wings to spell him. HE's a different kind of back than Thomas Jones, as he won't juke you out of your shoes; he'll just run right over you. There's something to be said for both styles, but Jones gets the starting job because of the emphasis on speed, adn Thomas JOnes' ability to catch passes.

The offensive line is strong in the middle, with Pro-Bowler Olin Kruetz at center, and supported on either side by Pro-Bowl guard ruben Brown, and solid starter Mike Gandy. Gandy played tackle alast year, but it was obvious he was out of place, and this year he's back at home at the other guard position. At Rt, they have another near-pro-bowl guy in John Tait, who solidifies the line in 4 of the 5 positions. the only one left is the all-important LT postion, which typically sees the other teams best pas rusher. Chicago is going with unknown Quasim Mitchell. He's a road grader type taht is pretty good at run blocking, but is just too danged slow for pass protection. It'll be a problem all year, unless someone else takes over the position. I am willing to guess that will b amongst the top priorities in the next offseason.

At Wr, the Bears ahve a bunch of unproven or unknown quantities to choose from. David Terrell was drafted 2-3 years ago,a nd we still don't know much about him, other than that there si a strong possibility he's a jerk. He's got to prove he is the Wr he thinks he is, or he's bound for another team next year. On the other side, Chicago is starting Bobby Wade, who was a rookie wr lsat year, who proved that he could make some clutch catches. But he also dropped some too, so it remains to be seen if he's improved on taht in the past year or not. Personally, I would prefer that they start Justin Gage, who is a tall lanky WR who is excellent at the jump ball and had some great games last year. I think in time, he'll end up as the starter anyway, though which WR he'll take over for is unknown. They also have a speedy 3rd round pick in Bernard Berrian waiting, but like the other WR's noone knows what he can do yet. It's similar to the approach Chiacgo took in 2001 when they let Bobby Engram go and went with the unproven kids to more quickly find out if they could play or not. (Philly tried the same thing too, and then went out and got Terrell Owens. GO figure.)

In fact the Bears most experienced reciever would be Desmond Clark the TE. He'll prove to be important, as the Bears will most likely use him as a bit of a security blanket for Grossman. Clark has some ability,and should be solid for the team. He's not going to be Ben COates, or Keith Jckson or Ozzie Newsome, but he'll succeed i this offense.

For Chicago to win, they're gonna want to run off-tackle alot, away from the mammoth DE's and to the weaker but faster DE's of the Lions. BOss Bailey is out for the game with a knee injury, negating alot of the speed they have at the LB position,and as we mentioned earlier, the MLB isn't fast enough to stop the outside run. IF they can get taht going fairly early, it'll open up the play action, especially to the TE Clark. The offense ahsn't been very smooth, so I dont expect alot of points, but if they can get to 17 or 20, they'll have a chance to win.

ON defense, their success all depends on the health of R.W. McQuarters. Tillman can only cover one of the Lions recievers, meaning someone else has to take Roy Williams or Charles Rogers. I think the safeties will probably play a big role in the game, and how mcuh they are able to help will go a long way in determing the winner of the game. The Bears front 7 will need to also prove they can stop the run. I think they'll struggle with it, but you'll see brief flashes or glimpses of what they want the defense to be in the years to come. First and foremost for the Bears, it will be shut down the run, and then it will be to get to the QB. If they can do that and force some interceptions, they'll win the game.

For Detroit, they'll need to keep Chicago from running and force the running gmae inside, where Shaw Rogers, Wilkensen and Holmes are waiting. I would dare Chicago to beat me with their Wr's and take the TE out fo the game. No, not kill him or maim him, but roll the LB coverage to his side on passiong downs, forcing the ball elsewhere.

ON offense, it just comes down to execution,and avoiding the turnovers. Of course, that was Harrington's problem the past few years. He ca't help ut throw an interception or two during the game. Neither team has been able to execute properly and I think that it could be a very sloppy game. I'm going to say that Chicago wins. I'll admit that part of that is because I am biased, but they ARE at home, and home field advantage has meant a bit more over the past few years.

Chicago wins a close one thanks to a fumble recovery or missed field goal, or interception within the last 4 minutes or so.

Baltimore Ravens @ Cleveland Browns

Man, the rest of these are just gonna HAVE to be shorter. I'm running out of time here. Baltimore's defense is just about back to the point it was when they won the Super Bowl. Ray Lewis has enough talent in the LB corps and in the secondary that he can get by with what they ahve on the defensive line, which is about the only weakness on the defense. And it's not that it';s that big of a weakness. They just need a mammoth DT in the middle and they don't have that to stop the run. BUt then again, they have ray Lewis to do that., so it's not that big of a deal BUt this defense wouldbe so much better witha Ted Washington like DT to stuff the run and save some fo the wear and tear on Ray Lewis.

Alot was made out of their aquisition of Deion Sanders, but I don;t think it's going to be THAT big of an impact. He'll look good with fresh legs the first maybe 3-4 weeks of the season, but I think beyond that point, he'll start to feel the burning and the aching and the full effect of the 37 years he's lived, adn he'll go back to the bored and dis-interested Sanders we saw back in 1999 when he was with the Cowboys and they were just barely good enough to get to the playoffs. Or the one who signed in Washington, and KNEW he didn't have it anymore, but it was easier to pretend taht he was hurt rather than admit the awful truth that he didn't have the speed he used to.

I went to a Vikings Cowboys game in 1999. It was a Monda night game. First week after Walter Payton had died. And it was the first meeting of Neon Deion Sanders against Randy Moss, who was coming off one of the most amazing rookie seasons ever. Partway through the game, the fans got the match-up they wanted when the Vikings sent Moss deep against Sanders, and Moss caught the ball for a big gain. But rather than just accept the fact that the new kid on the block beat him, Sanders came out of the game with a hamstring injury. Maybe it was legit. More than likely it wasn't. And I wonder how far into this season before Sanders does it again. Until that time, he'll be talking trash as he always has, and I'm sure he'll get a chance to pick one off and dance and all of that. But I see through you, Deion. I know. And you know, too, don't you?

Anyway, back to the Ravens. The offense is built entirely for Jamal Lewis, as you have a strong run blocking offensive line, and a Qb who to this point has been asked to do just enough to win the game, but ahsn't been asked to win it outright. That's fine for now, if all he ahs to do is hand off to Jamal LEwis. But Lewis has some off-field problems that may lead to his incarceration. If so, the Ravens QB Kyle Boller had better step up. The only problem is that there ins't much at RB after Jamal Lewis, and the only trusted reciever is TE Todd Heap. And Heap is good, ut the Wr position is as bleak as the Bears right now. There just isnt any difference makers amongst the WR corps right now.

The Browns for the past few years have suffered for the lack of any sort of play making differnece maker. One off-season isn't going to dramatically fix that on it's own, but the Browns did what they could They added an under-rated Qb in Jeff Garcia, and in doping so added some heart and grit to a team that had little of either. They also added Kellen Winslow Jr at Te, in order to give him some weapons to work with. Well, that's prtty much the ONLY weapon right now, since none of the WR's are known for much. Andre Davis has some promise, but what exactly has Quincy Morgan done in this league, again? The offensive line is about as plain and dull as the Cleveland Browns uniforms. IF the Browns are going to win, this offensive line has tom come togeather, and succeed. Jeff Garcia needs the running game to work of he's going to be able to pass in this offense. The Browns think they can do that with Lee Suggs. It means nothing to me. It shouldn't to you either, or you've been watching Cleveland Browns videotape, and that's a sure sign you're taking football too seriously.

ON defense, the defensive line for the Browns is filled with disapointment after disapointment. Gerrard Warren, Courtney Brown, Kenard Lang, Mike Myers...all promising guys coming out of college, but none of them became what their talent would ahve allowed them to be. Behind them, the linebackers are athletic, but either haven't done anything of note, or are have had imjury concerns over teh past few years, and can't be counted on to stay healthy. The seconday isn;t much better. The corners are very very average and the safeties are great against the run, but neither are knwon for thier pass defense.

For Cleveland to win, they'll have to completely shut down the running game. That didn't happen at all last year, as Jamal lewis ran for 500 yards total in 2 ygames against the Browns. But they have to try to force Garcia to push the ball to the WR's, and take awa rookie Kelen Winslow II.

On offense, the Browns must run the ball well, and not allow any of their players to be intimidated by Ray Lewis and his wrecking crew.

For Boller to win, he ahs to keep handing the ball to Lewis and get out of the way, and complete the 3rd and 4's...assuming he's even needed beyond a hand off. I think that despite all the talk the Browns have done about how different their defense is, I don't think that its changed as much as they say.

My prediction: Baltimore Ravens win. With it being the season opener at home, there isn't any way that Ray LEwis is going to allow another team into his plae and win on the opening week. And I don't see the Browns able to stop the run. they'll be resptectable against the run, but Jamal Lewis will still get hi yards,a nd the Ravens will win fairly easily.

San Diego Chargers @ Houston Texans

THe San Diego Chargers on offense are built aroudn the only reall weapon they have in Ladanian Tomlinson. If there were a top flite WR to take some atention away now and then, he could be an MVP candidate. He pretty much is as it is anyway. But it's hard to be teh MVP of the league when your teams' record is consistently 4-12. The offensive line is largely average, other than Tunoti Fonoti. I think he has his own ice cream flavor. HE's a younger gaurd who has a long career in front of him, but beyond him,the offensive line is filled with...well....there isn't anyone along the line that is going to be a threat for a Pro Bowl visit.

But Tonlinson isn't the only one behind that line, either. They have a 3 headed monster at Qb, with Philip Rivers teh 1st round pick, Drew Brees,and Doug Flutie. Flutie is good for maybe 2-3 starts a yaear if called upon. Anything beyond that, ehe gets worn downand tired. It's hard to maintain that level of play as he gets older, so he is in the correct role as a backup QB at this point. The team has given up on Drew Brees at QB, though I think it's too early, seeing how he hasn't any weapons to work with. BUt Brees has to be the starter, because their first round pick Rivers held out and isn't ready to play yet. If your team doesn't support you, it's awfully hard to win in the league. ANd it doesn't much matter who teh Qb is right now anyway, bwecause the WR's are terrible. The only guy showing any sort of potential is the TE Antonio Gates. THey have some guys at WR who showed a glimpse of ability last year, but noone is established here. There are some growing pains here, and I think that if the QB situation was settled, it wouldn't be as bad but as of right now, the WR's don't know who is going to get them the ball,a nd they can't establish a rhythm with any of the QB's.

ON defense the Chargers have some young guys that can delop on the defensive line, but the real strength of the team is in the middle linebackers, in Donnie Edwards and Randall Godfrey. The OLB's are not pass rushers, but very sturdy run stoppers. They just don't ahve anyone to get to teh QB> That will hurt the other strength they have, which is a young set of corners in Quentin Jammer and Sammy Davis. (Yes, his name is Sammy Davis.) THey are not at the top of their game, but they're getting better. At safety, the don't have anyone that stands out. Very average safeties taht aren't going to help out the corners in any special way. It could be a long year.

Meanwhile, Houston has steadily slowly improved over the past few years. They're just starting to lose taht new team smell. David Carr was the very first pick of this team, and he's put in his time and has taken the required abuse of a young QB. This year seems to be his year to start dishing it out. At his disposal is a decent running gmae with Domonick Davis, and a passing game with Andre Johnson, Jabar Gaffney, and Corey Bradford at his disposal. Bradford and Gaffney will be at least solid, and Johnson has an oppurtunity to be a real star in the league. Johnson will be Carr's go to guy, and should have a big season.

the offensive line doesn't have any stars, but they are young and eveloping,and should be a solid unit by the end of the year. I do have concerns about LT, but that will ahve to wait to be addressed until next offseason.

On defense they go with a 3-4 look, and they have a bunch of blue collar guys across the lineup that won't get alot of star attention, but they'll get the job done. THe defensive line has a particular amount of talent with Gary Walker, Seth Payne (Great football name, again) and RobaireSmith. that talent along th line will go a long way towards making the LB's better, which is good, since this is a largely average group, but they'll play better than they are capable of, because of the talent on taht DL. They have a rookie in Jason Babin who will play outside linebacker,a nd will be asked to get to the QB. INt he secondary, they ahve some decent startoing corners,a nd the safeties are up and down, but I think they'll come out strong ebfore faltering.

For teh Texans to win, they must maintain their balance, and not be afraid to pass against the Chargers corners. Carr must be acurate and avoid the interceptions. That said, if the Texans defense can stop the run, Carr will be forgiven 1 pick. BUt he'll have to make up for it with 2 TD passes.

For the Chargers, they're going to have to get at least 2 turnovers, preferrably with the Texans backed up as far as possible. Make it a short field for their offense, which will have to get a big day out of Tomlinson to win. If Tomlinson can get 115 yards, it will have freed up the play action pass,a nd allow Brees to hit his targets. But I think that Brees will end up throwing an interception as a result of a mis-communication, and the Texans will wint this one.

My prediction: Houston Texans win.

Seattle Seahawks @ New Orleans Saints

Man, I'm gonna end up cheating my audience. These previews take some time to write. I've forgotten how much effort it takes. This is a great match=up because these teams have an equal amount of talent. The Saints have enigmatic Aaron Brooks at Qb, to go along with Duece Mccalister, Donte Stallworth and Joe Horn. They also ahve a decent offensive line that has had some shuffling around on it, but should be solid enough to allow Duece to run loose. (Yes, I know it's not original. SOmetoems you ahve to go withthe lciiche' instead.) But eh Seahawks ahve some really good corners to go up against the Saints WR's in Trufant, Lucas, and Bobby taylor. Not only that, but the FS is Ken Hamlin, who really came on last year, and the SS spot is kind of open. That's the place you want to attack. The Seahawks defensive line is average against the run, and may ahve problems with the Duece, but the Seattle linebackers are good enough to keep the running gmae respectable. The real qustion in that match-up is what Aaron Brooks will we get? Will he be accurate,a nd running wild,a nd allow his pure athleticism to take over? Or will some of his passes sail too far above his WR's, or to the right or left of thier intended targets,a nd give the ball back to the Seahwks? As exciting as Aaron Brooks can be, he can be maddening for Saints fans, because he shoots them in the foot (figuratively, mind you) so often.

When the Seahawks ahve the ball, they're a little luckier since Matt Hasselbeck is mcuh more accurate. He really became a good QB last year, and he has some WR's that have progessed to the point where they can live with a few drops because of what they CAN do when they do catch the ball. Following that up and supporting it is a great runnig attaack from Shawn Alexander, running behind a really good offensive line. They'll be tested because they're going up against a really fast defense that gets faster and faster as the years go by. Every year, it seems like they're drafting a defensive lineman with their first round pick,and he turns out to be a good pass rusher. Taht's the smwe deal this year, with Will Smith form Ohio State, and Darren Howard on the other side, and a few other guys to provide the extra rush. the DT are very average however, and will be the focal point of the running attack for the Seahawks. right up the middle. Which means that the LB's for the Saints will ahve to be active. Unfortunately, Sam Milsl is no longer in the middle for the Saints, and I'm not sold with the guy they have there. The outside LB's are fast and agile, and can fly to the ball on sweeps and outside runs, but I think the Saints will struggle in their middle defense. Te corners are a cllection of has-beens and maybe-will-be-somedays, but that won't be good enough to stop the Seahawks Wr's. The Safeties for the Saints are great, but they can only do so much.I'm looking at this game thinking it's going to be a bit of a shoot out, which of course means that it will be the defensive battle of the week.

My prediction: I see the Seahawks running the ball up the middle and taking advantage of the WR's against the average Saints corners, and I see the Seahawks corners forcing an interception or two, to offset whatever success that Duece Mcallister has. Seattle Seahawks win a tough one on the road.

1:00 p.m. ET Cincinnati Bengals @ New York Jets

Man are we ever running out of time. OK. We gotta get rolling here. New York si solid arll around,and I like the idea of Chad Pennington haveing some better Wr's to go up against a very mediocre secondary. hte Benglas have some really good linebacklers, and the Dl are hard workers with potential in Justin Smith to be special. BUt I don't like the idea of a rookie Qb in Carson Palmer succeeding agaisnt a defensive mind like Donnie Edwards and I don't lkike his chances winning on the road, even with a WR monster like Chad Johnson. He'll ahve a few bright spots, but I'll take ht Jets at home.

My Prediction: New York Jets win.

Oakland Raiders @ Pittsburgh Steelers

The Steelers offensive line is one of hte best in the league, though noone notices. they'll ahve their hands full with an Oakland lijne featuring 400+lb. ted Washington stopping the run and Warren Sapp lining up next to him. Both are knwon for taking plays off now and then, but at least when ted does it, he's on the sideline. No so with Warren Sapp. But he figures he's earnthe right after winning a Super Bowl and all of that. The Steelsers will keep ruinning the ball, even if they don't succeed at it, because the other choice is to let Tommy Maddox throw the ball. And while he has some great targets to throw to in Hines Ward, Burress, and Randel El, I just don't trust him. the raiders secondary has a bunch of big names, but I am not sure that tehy have come togerather as a group yet to work togeather. Despite me ill feelings of Tommy Maddox, I think they'll be able o move the ball, as long as thy concentrate on shorter passes against the LB's, and wear down the defensive line with sweeps. Ted Washington is graeat in the middle, but he can't run sideline to sideline.

FOr the Raiders, they're going with Rich Gannon for now, but at some point they'll get itchy and go with Kerry Collins. They'll bash away withtyrone Wheatley, adn then when you're dizzy, they'll try to gash you with Justin Fargas' speed. The offensive line LOVES to run block, and dish out some punishment, but it's offset with the grace and speed of Jerry Rice and Jerry Porter at WR. The Steelers had a hard time stopping the pass last year, and their corners haven't gotten much better. They'll struggle with the pass,a nd It wouldn't surprise me to see teh Raiders come out antd test that part of the Steelers defense. The trade off is that the Steelers are good at getting their linebackers to the QB. So they'll have to get the ball off before teh LB's an get there. the defensive linemen adn inside linebackers are good enough to stop the run, so it'll come down to how well the steelers can stop the pass vs. the Raiders, and how well tehy can run the ball. Normally, I'd say take the Steelers at home, but I'll take the raiders on the road in a little of an upset.

My prediction: Oakland Raiders beatthe Steelers with the pass in a classic rivlary match up.

Arizona Cardinals @ St. Louis Rams

I could go in depth on this one, but I'll just say that the Rams hold all of the "cards" and win this one easily. The Rams have all of the talent, and the Cardinals have....I dunno. heat rash.

For the Cardinals to win tis game, it will equire a bunch of turnovers by the Rams, for the Rams to beat themselves rahter than the Cardinals to win it outright.

My prediction: Rams win this game easily.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers @ Washington Redskins
THe Tampa Bay defense used to be something to be scared of, but it's lost alot of it's teeth. They still ahve Simeon Rice and Derrick Brooks and a pretty good secondary, but that isn't going ot matter, because the redskins can run aginst a depleteed defense all day long with Clinton Portis if they wnated to. But without another pass rusher besides Simeon Rice to provide a pass rush, Mark Brunell will have enough time to find WRs Coles and Gardner.

Meanwhile the Redskins ahve some good personnel on defense at corner to sht down teh over-rated WR's the Buccaneers ahve, and while there isn't many pass rushers on the Redskins, they are stout against the run,which will shut down the Buccanners best oppurtunit to win.

For the Bucs to win,they'll need to get a few interceptions or stripo the ball for a fumble. I don't see it happening enough, and I think the Redskins win this game.

My pridiction: The Redskins get a satisfying win in week 1, but they won't all be this easy. Welcome Back Joe Gibbs.

Dallas Cowboys @ Minnesota Vikings

Minnesota's offense is back to hwere it once was, though I still think they're missing another high level Wr on the opposite of Moss to make this offense go like tit should. IT's offset by a pretty good running game, and depth at the running back postion that every team is jealous of. Dallas has the playsers to stop the run , but the Vikings offensive line is big and physical, and the Cowboys may struggle with the speed of the Vikings offense. Add tothe fact that Darren Woodson is out of the Cowboys secondary, ad it adds up to a big day for the Vikings offense. In that way, teh Cowboys best chance is to keep the ball away formt eh Vikings and/or outshoot them. Theyt won't be able to out-score teh Vikigs so a ball control offense by the Cowboys is their best bet. And noone does ball control better than Bill Parcells. They'll do whtat they can to power run and grind it out against a new look defense form the VIkings that focuses on speed. I think the Vikings defense will be able to do enough to stop the run however, and the offense will simply be too much for hte Cowboys to corrall, nad the Vikings will come out on top.

My prediction: the Vikings win their homegame, but if it were alter in the year, I am not sure that they'd get teh win. I don't mind being wrong on this one, by the way.

New York Giants @ Philadelphia Eagles

This is a bad bad matchup for the Giants. their offensive line is average protecting a QB who hasn't won a game since about 2002. Warner WAS a great Qb, but I ahven't seen enough of hom this year to believe that he's back to his All-pro form. That very average line is going up a fantastic defensive line with Jevon Kearse, Corey Simon, Darwin Walker, and Hugh Douglass. That's plenty of guys just on the line to get to the Qb and rattle him,and if you throw in the myriad of blitzes that the Eagles can hrow at a QB....it could be ugly. The Giants can try to get it to good Wr's in Toomer and Hilliard, but if they do get the ball out, you have great safeties in Brian Dawkins and Michaewl Lewis waiting to punish the Wr's. For th Giants to win against theis defense, they'll have to run the ball and break a big pass play. They've got a Qb who was known for that, but that was a few years ago, and the Ealges defense, even with new corners, aren't knwon for mental breakdowns.

ON offense, the Eagles have a good offensive line to keep the Giants pass rushers like Mike Strahan off of McNabb so that he can get teh ball to Chad LEwis at TE and LJ Smith, and even Terrell Owens, though I expect the Giants to take him away by rolling the coverage towards Owens. That will leave Freddie Mitchell open on the other side.

My prediction: It's pretty obvious at this point, but I'll take the Eagles, but say its going to be close because it's a rivalry game.

Atlanta Falcons @ San Francisco 49ers

Mike Vick is back to bring his athleticsm to the Falcons,and get the ball to Peerless Price. But he's been complaioning about not getting enough tome to work out this new offense they put in place for him. He's not the most accurate Qb,a nd it requires accuracy. Uh oh, That could be a problem. thankfully, they have a bit of a running attack, and they'll test a pretty good 49ers defense, which has good players at defensive line (Andre Carter at DE) LB, (OLB Julius Peterson) and in the secondary(Tony Parrish). But their corners are not what they should be, and I think that Vick will be accurate enough to make that work. Good enough for say...24 points or so. So that leaves the Falcons defense to keep the 49ers offense at 23 points or less.

ANd while they have individual stars, the defense as a whole lacks any ral punch to it. hat said, the 49ers offense has very little to make it go. They've got RB Kein Barlow, who could be a big part of any team, and is a solid starter at RB. They also have Brandon Lloyd, who showed alot last year and is looking to make the next step. He's at least a solid starter for the 49ers at WR. However, getting the ball to him might be touch, since the 49ers have unproven tim Rattay and Ken Dorsey ubder center. Neither has the arm to get it down field,so they'll have to work short to mid routes,and that will allow the defense to sit on the short pass and also sit on the run. They won't ahve to worry about the 49ers going deep.

My prediction: Atlanta wins (okay, survives) a close one as Mike Vick's physical skills are enough to pull it out.

Kansas City Chiefs @ Denver Broncos
THe Chiefs were able to score left and right last year,a d jsut about their entire offense is back, so there's no reason to think that they can't do it again. That's good,s ince it was one of the more prolific offenses last year, and the problem wasn't on offense. Their defense was really really bad. So overhault he defense, right? Nope. Same guys as last year for the most part. But now they'll attack on defense. (rolls eyes) they don't ahve the personel to stop the run,a nd that's what Denver traditionally does best. WEll, taht and traditionally they lost super bowls best. BUt all traditions come to an end sooner or later. Theis one might too, since hety traded away Clinton Portis. But they ahve a bevy of gusy to choose from to replace him. It's a matter of one of them stepping u and producing. I mean, if Derrick Loville can run for 100 plus yards in this offense, there isn't any reason anyone else couldn't. Heck, Sammy Baugh would like to come out of retirement and give it a shot. (Yes, I know he played QB and not RB. BUt you listen to a Sammy Baugh interviw and tell me he wouldn't like to get out on the field just one last time in his prime and play ball.)

Where were we? Ah yes. The Broncos should be able to run on the Chiefs, because I don't think the Chiefs ahve the talent on defense ot stop the run. the just don't from waht I can see. They oculd prove me wrong, but....

I still don't trust Jake Plummer throwing the ball, though. I liked him as a Cardinal, but he never looks set or comfortable as a Broncos QB. HIs WR's are a pretty good group, but this team still misses Shannon Sharpe. Not so much for his ability on the field, though he had that...it ahs more to do about his presence on that sideline and in that locker room. That said, Shannon Sharpe has become one of my favorite pre-game guys to listen to.

But can Denver stop the Chiefs offense? They've added and lost some pieces, and it looks as though they are treading water, to be honest. It might be slightly better than it was last year, but they lost their best pass rusher, and 2 good linebackers. Maybe it'll actually be a little worse than it was last year. I'm gonna take the Broncos in this one, only because they are at home. Naw, never mind. I don't know that the Broncos can stop Priest Holmes and the Chiefs running attack. The Chiefs will control the clock, and will score enoughto win a shoot out.

My prediction: The Denver Broncos in a blow out. The running gmae will allow them to control the clock.
The Kansas City Chiefs will win a shoot out against eth Broncos on the road. (Gotta go with some upsets here and there, right? Right. I'll take a chance ans see how It works out.)

Mon Sep 13, 2004
Green Bay Packers @ Carolina Panthers

The Green Bay Packers are my most loathesome enemy. Which means they are going to win. But let's take a closer look. At Holly Mcguire.

Done and done.

The Packers boast a pretty good offensive line that has been togeather for some time. They have a slew of good young WR's, and a good running back in Ahman Green. And then there is the devil himself, Brett Favre. He'll be going up against a defense that is armed to the teeth across the defensive line,and we'll find out just how good the Green Bay OL is, because the Carolina DL is the best in the league right now. Julius Peppers, Jenkins, and Rucker are the some of the leagues best pass rushers, and are backed up by a good set of LB's in Dan Morgan and Mark Fields, and a young but developing secondary.

The Packers will pass to take advantage of the young corners, but htey'll have to get teh passes off fairly quickly. I would expect alot of 3-5 step drops to get the ball out to the WR's ASAP.

The running game will be decent, as Ahman green has some serious talent, but the front 7 of the Panterhs will be focused on stopping him, and forcing the Packers to pass. (Weird...6-7 years ago, that would be the last thing you want the Packers to do...)

For the Panthers offense, they'll need to run, because the offensve line is jumbled, and hasn't had a chance to jell yet. Run blocking is typically easier for a group than pass-blocking, so I'd expect to see a healthy dose of Stephen Davis. It will also keep the pass rushers of teh Packers off o them, and set up the play action to the speedy wideouts of the Panthers (Muhammed, Steve Smith.) The Packers caroners are yound and inexperienced, becasue Mike Mckenzie is holding out, and has said he'll ever play for the Packers again. Had he been with teh team, they'd be deep at the position, but with his absence, they only have Al Harris on one side, and are forced to start either really raw rookies, or guys who are best used as a nickel or dime back.

Funny thing though...McKenzie is holding out because the Packers won't re-work and extend his contract. Just today, the Packers re-signed Al Harris to a 6 year deal. Some of it I am sure is to reward Al Haris for his skills. BUt another part of it has to o with sending a message to Mike. Somethign like "you know that money you wnated? We gave it to Al Harris, the cornerback who DIDN"T hold out. There's no more left for you. Now get in here."

My prediction: Panthers win at home in the midst of a close close contest.

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