
Monday, September 27, 2004

Prediction record from Week 2:

11 wins, 4 losses.

Total record for the year:


This weeks predictions were made PRIOR to Sunday afternoon, and if there is any question to the validty, you can contact Marge at the Fargo Holiday In front desk, who will swear to my honesty, as she witnessed my selections prior to 12:00 noon on Sunday.

1. Arizona Cardinals @ Atlanta Falcons

Prediction: Atlanta Falcons

2. Baltimore Ravens @ Cincinnati Bengals

Prediction: Baltimore Ravens

3. Philadelphia Eagles @ Detroit Lions

Prediction: Philadelphia Eagles

4. Houston Texans @ Kansas City Chiefs

Prediction: Kansas City Chiefs(with the thought that KC could not afford to fall to 0-3)

5. Pittsburgh Steelers @ Miami Dolphins

Prediction: Pittsburgh Steelers

6. Chicago Bears @ Minnesota Vikings

There was some talk amongst Wal-Mart stockboys (yes, I shopped in Wal-Mart. I feel bad enough about it already. No amount of hand sanitizer will ever rid me of the dirtyness I feel.) that the Bears could make a game of it, since we had beaten the Green Bay Packers the week before. But knowing that we lost a pro Bowl caliber safety and corner for most fo the season, I knew it would be folly to place trust in a crippled secondary against one of the best passing attacks in the NFL. I tried mentioning this, but it's obvious my presence wasn't wanted in their conversation,and I hid my head in shame and scurried to the next isle, knowing that my 2 cents wasn't good enough for even Wal-Mart employees. The shame. The absolute SHAME of it all!

Prediction: Minnesota Vikings

7. Cleveland Browns @ New York Giants

Prediction: New York Giants

8. New Orleans Saints @ St. Louis Rams

The Rams struggled against the Arizona cardinals. Not a good sign.

Prediction: New Orleans Saints

9. Jacksonville Jaguars @ Tennessee Titans

Prediction: Tennessee Titans

10. San Diego Chargers @ Denver Broncos

Prediction: Denver Broncos

11. Green Bay Packers @ Indianapolis Colts

The thinking here again, is that the Colts could not afford to lose ground to the Titans.

Prediction: Indianapolis Colts

12. San Fransisco 49ers @ Seattle Seahawks

Prediction: Seattle Seahawks

13. Tampa Bay Buccaneers @ Oakland Raiders

Prediction: Oakland Raiders

14. Dallas Cowboys @ Washington Redskins

Prediction: Washington Redskins (with the thinking they'll run it hard, but it'll be tough without a better passing game than they've had.

Record prior to the Monday Night football game for week 3:


Yearly record prior to Week 3's Monday Night affair:


Thinking of Grandma

A thank you to all of you who sent me your condolences an prayers over the past week, based off of the updte posted previously. My grandmother Shirley passed away from an aneurysm last Sunday. She had been diagnosed with it around 10 years or so ago, and had been told at that time that she may have years or she may have minutes. Nobody knew how long she would have.

She got 10 years out of it, and she squeezed as much life out of it as she possibly could. In that time, she saw the birth of 4 great-grandchildren, the graduation of all of her grandchildren from high school, travelled the world with her daughter, and endured countless requests for her knitted blankets or Christmas stockings, or water color paintings, or any number of other artistic outlets that showed her mastery of such hobbies.

These were not her greatest contributions to our life. Her presence was. Her compassion and vitality, and how she showed us her inner steel as a person to provide an example to all of us was her contribution. She was a very strong woman with a great sense of compassion and love. As a grandchild, I got to see both sides quite often. The love for us was often offset by a quick rant about teenagers who drove too fast, or the amount of skin they showed on TV, or any other numerous issues that drew her ire. Since we no longer have her, we find ourselves clinging to those material posessions even more, hoping to find her presence imbedded with them, right next to the smell of perfume and nicotine.

When I found out she was dying, she didn't ahve much time left. There isn't much that you can tell someone who is on their deathbed. Words seem meaningless and incapable of expressing how much they mean to you. Somehow, I stumbled across the two messages that mattered:

I love you.


Thank you.

Any other message beyond that is just expanding on those ideas. Thankfully, she was coherant when I called, and said that she loved me to, and told me to say Hi to the girls.

I got my chance to say what meant the most before it was too late. This is a reminder to the rest of you to make sure it's never too late for you to say what needs to be said.

Rosie the Riveter

I don't know how she would feel about that particular title, but I was surprised to learn that she had travelled to Washington as a young woman to help in an aircraft factory during the war. It's amazing the things that you learn about people only after they die, and never get a chance to learn about them after they pass. I would have loved to ahve talked to her about her experiences working in that factory, and what her thoughts were about life at the time.

Anna turns 4!

NOT lost amongst the weekend was the 4th birthday of my little imp Anna. It started off for her a bit sluggish, but she was able to have panakes for breakfast with Grandma and grampa, and aunt Ginger, a highlight in any 4 year olds life. That was soon followed later on with pizza and cake and ice cream, and more family than she could shake a stick at. However, the day waned, and she grew tired and surly. So we packed the children up and said our tearful goodbyes to Grandma and grampa, and began our long trip home.

After she decided upon TGI Fridays for dinner, she acted sluggish. I think she was a little disapointed in how the day had progrwssed, and maybe a little gypped on her special day. (Another Friday's patronn shared her birthday, and Anna was upset taht they sang to her, and wept aloud "But it's MY birhday!", implying that someone else had no right to claim the same day as theirs. And who hasn't felt that way at one time or another?)

That all changed the moment they presented her with an ice cream sundae, with chocolate and the requisite singing by the waitstaff to her. Her eye were alit with some beautiful spark, and the smile she shone awoke the smoldering embers in my own heart, overcoming me with pride that I was able to give her the moment she had hoped for.

Happy Birthday Anna. I love you. And thank you.

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