
Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Expos headed to Washington DC

The Montreal Expos are going to play in Washington D.C. next year, if Major League Baseball has their way. NOw, this move was promised to be announced last year. And this year at the All-Star Break. And by the end of August, at the latest. Here it is, October, and they finally are able to say that they're sending the team to Washington D.C.

Well, yippee for them. They had to shoehorn the team in there, since it falls within 100 miles of another team, the Baltimore Orioles. teh owner of the Orioles, Peter Angelos, promised to make such a fit over the affect of losing his fan base, that baseball people promised to compensate him for any lost revenue.

So lemme get this straight: he is garaunteed revenue. Think about that for a moment. What incentive do they have to try to succeed if they are garaunteed revenue? And what sort of precedent does it set for teams who might move in the future? What if a team moves to Portland OR, and the Mariners claim foul, saying that it's their market? Does Major League Baseball pony up cash for them too? Stupid.

Thoughts on gender roles and dating
Tomorrow. And by tomorrow, I mean maybe tomorrow,maybe the day after. we'll see how busy it is.

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