
Thursday, October 07, 2004

MEn and women have very much established roles in the mating process. women are to be courted and chased after, and women take a very passive role (for the most part) in waiting for suitors to come calling. It has been primarily my experience that women wait to see who approaches them in order to determine whom they will date, and whom they deem worthy to have dote on them.

Women are wined and dined, and swept off their feet, often leaving the man in charge of planning surprise weekends away, or just a night out on the town. The man is often responsible for sending flowers or a random card exressing his love for his beloved.

Women are given gifts expressing the love that another has for them, and are romanced by people trying to gain favor within the woman's heart.

And I'm jealous as hell.

I have no desire to be the woman in the relationship. But from time to time, it wouldn't hurt my feelings to be wooed. To be chased after. To be wanted and desired. I don't need to be swept off my feet, per se, but everyone has a need to feel needed. No, needed isn't the correct word.

Pursued. Courted. Charmed. Dammit women of the world, woo your men! It's time to return the favor. You do the pursuing for once. The chasing. The proposing. You want equal rights, and that's fine by me. Then pick up your end in the dating scene.

Hometown Hotties Final Round

This is the last week for voting for the final round of the Maxim Hometown Hotties competition, nd if you've followed this far, maybe you'll follow just a little further.

Finalist #1: Martina

Positives: likes Football, was a nanny, 34C, only 2 piecings, prefers to be naked over lingerie, size doesn't matter, prefers to go to a sports game on first date,a nd looks for eyes and butt in a man, 2 things I have. GORGEOUS SMILE.

Negatives: likes Britney Spears, Julia Roberts, 2 tattoos, lives too far from the Daily Update Writer

Martina has a latin background, based off of her appeareance, which will take her quite far. At this point,she's the favorite, and she's the first one off the list.

Finalist #2: Eriana

Positives: Likes baseball, worked at Hooters, 32D, 0 tattoos, never wears underwear, would date a man who wears tighty-whiteys, size doesn't matter, has previously skinny dipped, implying that it is a possibility in the future.

Negatives: 4 piercings (but apparently all in the ears, so it's not all that bad), has been in a fist fight (maybe that should be a good thing), likes handsome men who are well groomed and have a great job. (Strike, 1,2, and 3. ) Didn't smile in a single picture.

Very beautiful girl from Fl who is eliminated for not showing us her pretty smile.

Finalist #3: Stacie

Positives: Sports talk radio host and Hooters girl as a profession!, likes basketball, favorite actor/actress is Jenna Jameson, 34C, no tattoos, wants to go to a sports game for a first date.

Now appearing on a TV surprisingly close to you....

Negatives: The sports show is the Tony Bruno show, she's married,likes the San Antonio Spurs, has 7 piercings, Size matters

Blonde girl who has many wonderful qualities, but....too many negatives to win it outright

Finalist #4: Brittany

Positives: blonde haired girl, single, owns her own home, 34D, only has her ears pierced, 0 tattoos, never wears underwear (despite what the picture shows, apparently, likes to wear a teddy, never been in a fistfight, likes to try new things.

Negatives: pit bull puppy named Maximus....yikes, size matters though she won't admit it, list of her ideal man is longer than....well it's long and let's leave it at that.

Amazing girl who is probably going to give Martina a good run for her money. Very sultry.

Finalist #5: Naomi

Positives: cute college girl type look, single, likes baseball likes comedy movies, doesn't like country, works at a place called Hot Cats, and anyplace you can get a hot grilled cat sandwich, why that is the place for me! Mmmm, smoked tabby! born in Seoul Korea, 32C, 0 tattoos, prefers top be naked than wear lingerie, never been in a fistfight, has had public sex.

Negatives: Likes the San Fransisco Giants, has 6 piercings, including nose, belly, and labret. Size matters, but she won't tell you....(it's still lying if you don't say anything, despite what you might say)

She has a "cute" look to her, and I could see dating her for a few months, but sooner or later I'd screw it up, she'd get bitchy, and that'd end that relationship. I'd spend 2 months wishing I'd never met her,and then finally come around that I can date other girls. But for the small time we were dating, I gotta think that she'd keep things interesting.

Finalist #6: Amber

Positives: Reminds me of pre-slutty Mariah Carey. Yes, that is a good thing. single, likes football, borna nd went to high school in Tacoma, WA. 34B, only has her ears peirced, and 0 tattoos, never been in a fistfight, goes to sports games on a first date, self proclaimed "easily entertained"

Negatives: Likes the Seahawks and the movie Labyrith.

She reminds me of the babe.
What babe?
The babe with the power.
What power?
Voo doo.
Who do?
She do.
Do what?
Remind me of the babe.

Fan of Jessica Simpson's music. Jessica Simpson, I can understand, but her music....I dunno.

Musically, she is to be seen and not heard.

but back to the negatives:
size matters.

Finalist #7: Ursula

Positives: Another person with Seoul (Korea) in her heart, 32B, only 2 piercings in her ears, prefers to be naked, looks at the whole package when first checking out the guy

Negatives: pretty girl who has horrible streaked hair, likes Quentin Tarantino, tattoo, size matters (rather hypocritical of me when I list their bust size as a positive, huh?), not a single smile in a photo

Let's be honest, she's not going to win the competition.

Finalist #8: Crystal

Positives: posed nude, pretty smile, brunette, 34B, never been in a fistfight, adventurous

Negatives: Ohio State BUckeye fan, likes Britney spears, piecings and tattoos, won't admit that she likes 'size" in her men, a list a mile long for her ideal man....

Crystal is a very pretty girl, but she cna't compete here with Brittany and Martina.

Finalist #9: Ella

Positives: very big and pretty smile. likes football, and Minnesota guy Josh Hartnett. Also likes Sheryl Crow's "First cut is the deepest", 34C, never wears underwear, never been in a fistfight, check out the piture of her with the football...

Negatives: Likes country music, a belly piercing, tattoos, has "size" concerns that she'd never mention to you, it's going to take forever for you to get her drunk and convince her that you canuse your rather small equipment on her.

She used to look older to me, for some reason. But now that I look at her....wow. it's really too bad she's unable to break past martina and Brittany.

Finalist #10: Heidi

Ahhh, Heidi. I'd almost forgotten.

Positives-Has both T AND A. Prides herself on not being fake. Whatever that means. She's hot, dude. 34C. prefers to be naked

Negatives: Lynyrd Skynyrd. Nuff Said. Favorite sport is RUNNING?! Extra piercing and tattoo. Has been in a fistfight, needs SIZE to be happy, looks at a guys ring finger (this is bad for me, but a good thing in general)

(Oh, I'm kidding!!)

Again, it will take you a majority of your paycheck to get her under the table, or under the sheets, for that matter.

This brings us back to Martina and Brittany.

After much consideration, we've decided to go with Martina, ofr her gorgeous ethnic looks. It should be noted however, that she nevr would ahve won, had Sonia or Lidia had been allowed to progress to the final round, or even my own Lydia had entered the competition. That said, Martina is very much deserving, and I hoe you all agree with me. If not, well, that is why you can vote for your own damn girl based on your own sick and twisted criteria.

Tomorrow: NFL picks. And maybe a return to the old update style, for a moment or two...

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