
Thursday, November 11, 2004

Ok, yesterday's link has ben fixed for those who tried and got nowhere. (Sorry if that seems personal.)

For those of you who didn't, it's the trailer for the next Star Wars movie. there's plenty not to like about the previous two movies, and this one has a chance to be just as bad as those. However, I think everyone still holds out for that little glimmer of hope that it willbe able to exceed your low expectations, and come out to be what it COULD be.

More than likely, Lucas caught lightening in a bottle with Star Wars and The Emire Strikes Back, and it's just as unlikely that he'll never duplicate that kind of success again. But you still hold out hope, if you're like me.

My oldest daughter came to me and asked if we could go and see the movie when it comes out, sometime next May. OH, yes. We WILL see this movie. Why? because I want o see just how bad they'll make Darth Vader. As bad as he was in the first 3 movies (ok, he really wasn't all that evil in the 3rd movie), you always knew that his history PRE_Star Wars, his reputation, was what made him the greatest villian in Science Fiction History. This is the movie for him to show that, since there isn't going to be a movie between this next one and the original. So if darth is going to live up to his GREATEST VILLIAN OF ALL TIME title, this is the movie to do it in.

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