
Monday, November 29, 2004

There are times when I wonder if it would be better if my wife did not have a job, if only to have a voice or reason around to keep me from doing some of the stuff I do. Last night, it was 9pm. The wife was at work, and I was at home, with 2 hours to go before I had to go pick her up from work. The children were fast asleep in their rooms, leaving Dad to the influences of the voices in his mind.

My hair had recently reached a length where I had to actually tend to it, which for me is simply too much responsibility. (Yes, I realize that I am in control of 3 human beings lives...) So in an effort to reduce my morning tasks back to

1. get Dressed
2. Start car
3. drive to work

instead of having to include YET ANOTHER STEP of

"1a. comb hair"

I decided that it woulf be the perfect time to trim my hair myself. The best investment I've made in the way of grooming and hygiene products was the barber electric shears. Most people would say toothbrush, or soap, or something like that, but I am partial to my electric shears. Within mere minutes, I had reduced my shaggy dog hair to a stubbly scalp.

This is where I lost any grip on sanity.

The stubble was TOO LONG. It should have been a warning sign when I found myself applying shaving cream to my head. I made pass after pass across my dome with a razor, removing hair, follicles, skin, skull shavings... until I was positive that I had removed any sign of hair from my head. Once finished, I stood back and marveled at my now smooth cranium. It reminded me of a scene in Alien, whee the light reflects off of the Alien's long sleek torpedo smooth noggin.

Now see...that's 50 different kinds of sexy, right there.

Now, I don't regret doing this, as I have yet to do anything that I regret. However, by doing this I have brought even more attention to my already prominent eyebrow(s). There is more hair in between my eyebrows than there is on my scalp. My EARS have more hair. There is more hair in your typical school lunch than there is above my ears at this point.

If ketchup is now a vegatable, what is hair? Meat?

ONce done, I headed off to pick up the wife from work. Her reaction? None. She didn't say a thing about it. I got a fairly positive response about it later, however. Nothing more needs to be said about that.

A couple of things...if you ever decide to shave your head, consider for a moment razor burn on your scalp. A soothing gel is highly suggested. Also, don't do as I did, and use only one old razor blade. Expect to use 2 at least, and try to use a new one.

Hometown Hotties Contest Winner!

I have purchased a copy of the most recent Maxim issue, and it it reveals the winner of the 2004 Hometown Hotties contest to be....


Yup. A blonde won the competition. Martina, the official Daily Update choice, came in as runner-up, though certainly not in our minds.

Why brunettes? We'll let Eva Longoria make the case for us...

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