
Friday, January 14, 2005

Song Quote of the Day:
Through the storm we reach the shore
You give it all but I want more
And I'm waiting for you

With or without you
With or without you
I can't live
With or without you

And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
And you give
And you give
And you give yourself away

My hands are tied
My body bruised, she's got me with
Nothing to win and
Nothing left to lose

With or without you
With or without you
I can't live
With or without you

Susan Ward. Because.

This Day in History:

In 1559, England’s Queen Elizabeth I was crowned in Westminster Abbey. As Mel Brooks pointed out, It's good to be the king. Notice he never said anything about the queen, however.

In 1844, the University of Notre Dame received its charter from the state of Indiana. If you're a catholic football player this used to be THE place to go. Not so much anymore.

In 1870, the Democratic party was represented as a donkey for the first time in a cartoon by Thomas Nast in Harper’s Weekly.

In 1929, civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta. To hear or read his most famous speech, click here. 42 years later, it still can send chills down your spine.

Remember why we have a Martin Luther King Day.

In 1943, work was completed on the Pentagon, now the headquarters of the U.S. Defense Department.

In 1947, a grisly, still-unsolved homicide came to light in Los Angeles as the mutilated remains of 22-year-old aspiring actress Elizabeth Short, known as the “Black Dahlia” for her dark outfits, were found in a vacant lot.

In 1973, President Nixon announced the suspension of all U.S. offensive action in North Vietnam, citing progress in peace negotiations.

In 1976, Sara Jane Moore was sentenced to life in prison for her attempt on the life of President Ford in San Francisco.

In 1992, the Yugoslav federation, founded in 1918, effectively collapsed as the European Community recognized the republics of Croatia and Slovenia. Can you blame it though? I mean, it's only following the standard set by the vehicles they put out. If the car is going to break down, surely the government isn't far behind. (Yes, I knwo there isn't any logic or actual connection beteen the two. )

Today in Revisionist History:

In 1967, the Kansas City Chiefs of the American Football League defeated the Green Bay Packers of the National Football League in the first Super Bowl, 35-10. The victory legitimized the fledgling AFL, and the Green Bay Packers, shamed by the loss, fired coach Vince Lombardi (who later went on to become a successful baker), and have yet to revisit the post-season since.

Birthdays for today:

Ethel Merman-Who knows, but she was born in 1908. THat makes her...56, or something.
I only know of her because of the movie Airplane! THat is so sad. And no, no picture. You can thank me later. You know how to thank me.

Mario Van Peebles-48

Lisa Lisa of Lisa LIsa and the Cult Jam-48

Lisa Lisa is llummy llummy.

LL Cool J (Ladies Love cool James)-37

What did momma say?

Word of the day:

obsequious \ob-SEE-kwee-us\, adjective:
Servilely attentive; compliant to excess; fawning.

Example: Don't you wish Monica Bellucci was being obsequious to you?


Shakespeare Quote of the Day:

I have of late,—but wherefore I know not,—lost all my
mirth, forgone all custom of exercises; and
indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition
that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a
sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy,
the air, look you, this brave o'erhanging firma-
ment, this majestical roof fretted with golden
fire, why, it appears no other thing to me but
a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours.

-Hamlet, Act II Sc. II

NFL Playoffs

The Falcons and the Rams go at it in the palyoffs today. That is to say, they are playing football against each other. We certainly didn't mean to imply some sort of cross breeding program in nature.

THe Falcons ahve a fast dynamic defense filled iwht guys you probably ahven't paid any more attention to thatn I have, and an offense that has plenty of talent, but doesn't seemto be working cohesively. Fortunaely, they're going against a defense that lacks their own coheisveness. there isn't anyone on that defense that really makes you concerned. The offense, however, si starting to get into a groove,a nd that could be dangerous. Marshall Faulk is nothing what he used to be back at the turn of the century. (It's fun using that phrase. ) The game is going to rest on how well Mark Bulger is able to get the ball to Torry Holt in the passing game, and how well the Rams run the ball. Torry Holt calls himself "Big Game" becuse he always makes plays in big games. Makes sense. They'll need that today though.

Mike Martz, the Rams head coach, has been justifiably criticized for ignoring the run,and getting obseqious with the pass. So to shut up his critics, he came out running the past few games, and it earned him a win. I think he'll get back to his reagular wacky self this week though, and start passing all over the field. I see the Falcons winning this, as long as Vick doens't turn it over more than 2x.

Falcons win a close one.

The Pittsburgh Steelers are taking on the New York Jets in Pittsburgh, where New York ahs never won before. The jets were lucky to escape with a win last week, and witha QB in chad Pennington who has a bad wing, and a premier DE in John Abraham who has come out and said he won't play because it would jeopordize his future...too much bad karma in the air for the Jets to win. The Steelers are starting a rookie QB who has played like a 5 year vet so far. If, for no good reason, he all of a sudden gets nervous because it's his first playoff game, then he could throw a bunch of picks and the Jets would stand a chance. But I think the Steelers will protect him at first and run the ball to start,a nd then open it up a little later, and the Steelers win this one to advance.

Steelers win a tough one at home.

Randy Moss has done a heck of a job, providing a distraction for the media, so no one focuses on the fact taht the Vikings have hardly beat a quality opponent all year long. Seriously. Just look at their wins on the shcedule. Which one tells you that they were a competant and winning team that could beat a quality opponent?

Week 1:Dallas? Dallas was 6-10 this year, folks.
Week 3:Chicago? Well, I don't want to rip my own team, but we were terrible, and if we hadn't lost our starting QB, there is a chance we come back and win that game.
Week 4: Houston? 7-9. Hardly a better team than the Vikings.
Week 5: New Orleans Saints. You're going to tell me the Saints are a premier team? Sorry. They have talent, but it's much too streaky.
Week 6: Tennesee Titans. They went 5-11 this season. 'Nuff said. (Sophomoric humor? Yes. Yes it is. But, oh, so much fun.)

Either one of the LIons wins?! I didn't think so. That hardly says this Vikings team is a nt force. Besides, i don't thnk we have to go over the missed extra point at the end of the gme that saved the Vikings from yet another loss.

The win against the Packers int he playoffs was big, because it was the fist time that the Vikings won a game they needed to in a pressure situation all year long. they won the game on the road, on grass (er, uh...on a natural grass field), in the cold. However, let's not get carried away here, either.

They won a game in which Brett fare threw 4 interceptions. Brett's playoff careeer of late has been one littered with interceptions, particularly at really important junctures in the game. Brett Favre is not the Brett of the mid-to-late 90's folks. He's not the playoff magician others have made him out to be. Add tot he fact that the WR's the Vikings defensive backs ahd to cover were clearly 3rd and 4th string guys, it's pretty clar to see the Vikings defenders weren't challenged.

That's not to say that we're throwing out injuries as an excuse though. As bad as the Vikings defense has been, there's no reason you shouldn't carve them up left and right. It's inexcusable. The Vikings did what they should have done,a nd that was take advantage of a Packers team that clearly wasn't ready to play, wether it be because of injury or lack of proper preperation.

So now the Vikings move on to Philly to face an Eagles tam that has been resting for about a month now, and has everyone but ther own dynamic WR available to them. There are laot of people panicking that the Eagles are going to fall apart with TO and I just don't se that happeing. they were good enough of a team to get to teh NFC Championship in the last 3 years without TO...I think they can do it again this year. Minnesota's defense is playing a little better, but against an offense like the Eagles, they should be reduced to their previous standing, of bottom 5 defenses in the league over the past 20 years.

Minnesota's offense is also going up against a very formidable defense, whose secondary should be able to adequately cover the Vikings recivers,a nd the defensive line will work aginst a battered offensive line, putting alot of pressure on Culpepper. The Vikigns best hope is to run the ball, since the Eagles LB'ers are a bt banged up, but I don't think the Vikings have the players to be a run-dominant team. They've proven that all year, in fact.

Unless Philly fails to generate any offense whatsoever because of their own fault, i don't see the Vikings winning this one.

Eagles comfortably win this game.

The Coup de grace for football action this weekend will be the Indianapolis Colts against the New England Patriots. Alot has already been written about the Patriots being without the services of both of their starting corners. This is a huge detriment, to be sure. Especially when you are going up against the best offense the league has seen since the 1998 Vikings. Bill Belicheck, the head coach of the Patriots, has a history of overcoming such things and scheming around them, however. In fact, I cant think of anyone who is better at it in recent history. I hve no doubt that the Patriots will be ready, especially with 2 weeks to get ready for it.

On the COlts side, there is alot of pressure. If the COlts lose the game, all of the talk will be about how Manning can't win the big game, which is a load of horse hockey. It just so happens he keeps running into the Patriots mastermind who has Manning's #. I have nothing against the Colts. I'd love to see Manning in a Super Bowl someday. However, I can't pick against the Patriots. They're the defending champs, have done nothing to make me think of choosing someone else, and in fact, have overcome other obstacles just as daunting. I'm not saying taht it's going to be easy, but I still think that the Patriots are going ot win this one. It's at hime in the weather, and the Pats defense will find a way to get it done. It'll help if the Patriots offense can hold onto the ball, and make liong time eating drives.

Patriots win a great game. But no bad feelings on my side if the COlts win.

Randy Moss

Everyone else has talked about it, so why not me?

After scoring a TD last week against teh Packers, Randy Moss ran over to the goalpost and pantomimed mooning the crowd. Then he pretended to rub his derriere on the goalpost, all in the name of celebrating a touchdown.

NO, it wasn't the end of the world. It did, however, show how little class Randy Moss has. And I'd say the same thing about any other player who pulled the same stunt. Then again, it's not like I expected any different fron Randy either. It's the same thing over and over again. I think that if you couuld talk to his teammates, confidentially they are tired of his antics, and would be open to a trade. But his talent is too damn alluring.

It's kinda like having a friend who is mean, and vicsious, and s your friends, and doesn't cook, belittles you for everything, and complains tht you don't make enough money. You'd get a different friend, but the between-the-sheets loving is too good to give up. Well, sooner or later the Vikings are going to realize that there's moreto life than what Randy offers them, and cut him loose. It's not you, it's me" they'll say.

Is it being bnlown out of porportion? Yes. It's a little thinkg. But sometimes the little things are everything. It is a small glimpse of who that person really is. And it's been made readily apparent. I would have found it fuinny iof I wasstill in the 3rd grade, but in this instance, it showed a complete lack of class.

The Yankees add Randy Johnson

I had a Randy Johnson once. I just thought about baseball, and it went away.

OK, I'm sorry. I simply couldn't resist.

Randy Johnson is now a Yankee. With his addition, the Yankees now have a payroll of somewhere over $200 million. THe Twins, meanwhile, have a payroll of around $55 million.

Competitive balance? Riiiiiight.

The Twins only real hope against the Yankees (or any other team witha payroll UNDER $100 million is that the Yanks will invest their payroll in overpaying stars past their prime, who don't heal as quickly or move as quickly as tehy once did.

Enter 41 year old Randy JOhnson. Randy is still a tremendous pitcher, who just last year threw a no hitter. However, Randy has never been 41 years old before. (This just in, I know.) He's never been a pitcher for the Yankees in the post-season before. And with a payroll as high as it is, the Yankees are required towiun the World Series. THat's a hell of alot of presure.

Now, I'm not putting all of this on Johnson. Johnson has dealt with plenty of pressure situations before, and come out on top. (Stop snickering, dangit.) I don't doubt he could handle it. In fact, I'mn sure that if it comes to that, he'll perform brilliantly. But I DON'T think he'll have the stamina that he used to. I DON'T think he'll make it through the season unscathed from injury. And I have a feeling that he Yankees aren't going otothe World Series again. Just call it a hunch, but I don't see it. I think they're about to learn a lesson in investing in players past their prime. BUt then, I could be wrong again.

Fish in the toilet

The wife and kids stopped to pick me up form work on Thursday,a dn Anna had to use the restroom. So rather than rolling the dice, and making Anna hold it I brought her into the building to let her go. I showed her the door,a nd sent her in to do her business. 5 minutes go by. 7 minutes go by. A lady goes in, and comes back out a few minutes later. The nice lady says that she was sitting on a chair in the restroom, and wiggling her feet back and forth.

Lady: Do you need ot go to the bathroom?
Anna: (in a hushed but serious tone: There's a fish in the toilet.
Lady: Well, I think your daddy is waiting for you.

SO Anna runs ot the stall,a nd the lady comes out to tell me.

Anna comes back out, and tells me that, yes, indeed, there is a fish in the toilet. OK, do you have to go potty?
Anna: I just wnat mamma.
Daddy: Mommy is in the car. You can use one of the other bath stalls.
Anna: But there's a fish in the toilet.

Ultimately we found another bathroom in the building that she could use. However, noone seemed to find the issue as amusing as I did, and noone owuld verify for me that there was a fish in the toilet!


Tomorrow, sunday, marks the 1 year anniversary of the Daily Update. Well, this version of it, at least. It hasn't always been what I wanted it to be, but given some more time, we will see what happens. As stated in previous updates, there has been alot going on this past year. However, I think that this new year will bring new life to the Daily Update, and I hope that you dear readers will follow with me, and enjoy the trip as I do.

I want to thank you for your attention, and wish upon you good health.

See you next update.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Christmas of 1990 finally ended tonight. After 14 years and --what, 2-3 weeks is it?--December 25th, 1990 has passed, and with it a chapter in my life.

You see, my mother meant to make that Christmas my most memorable. So she arranged for us to take a train from Minneapolis to Chicagoa few days before Dec 25th, where we would stay at the Palmer House, and enjoy REAL CHICAGO pizza. ONce there, we would attend a Bears game (the first of my life), and eat at Ditka's (the reteraunt, not the coach's house). It was amazing. We road the train back to Minneapolis, and when we got back, we spent Christmas day with a good friend of hers.

Having spent time in Chicago watching my favorite team,and meeting my favorite coach at his resteraunt, I had enough memories to last me a lifetime. But it wasn't over just yet. From a back bedroom, they brought out a small silver/tan furball with a big black snoot. It had a red ribbon tied around it, and I remember thinking "Well, some lucky kid here is getting a memorable Christmas, they're getting a really cute puppy."

That lucky kid was me. He was adorable. I picked him up right away, and promised in a little kid way that I'd never let him go. And then I dropped him. On the floor. On his nose.

It was a complete , with a wiggly puppy and all, and I felt completely embarrassed by it, but the only people who heard my promise was those who could read my thoughts. And MAYBE that little puppy.

I named him Payton, after Walter Payton, my childhood role . Payton Hampton Nelson. He would go to the lake cabin we had and get lost in the weeds,a nd romp and play, and get dirty, and smell like any other dog does when they roll around in the mud, or swim in a lake. Everyone at some point gets introduced to the wet dog smell. It's right up there with Deviled-egg farts from "Crazy Uncle Roy" or "burning pile of tires", or "crazy-hippy-girl who hasn't showered in 3 days but is 'in the mood'" or "Tacoma". And if you haven't ever had the chance to smell wet dog...I pity you.

There was one time we were riding in the back seat of a car, and the window was rolled down. We pulled into the lake cabin, which has a large wide open field next to it. In the middle of that field was a large groundchuck, or some similar rodent. He saw this, and jumped out the window of a moving car to chase it down to the waters edge. As we got out of the car, we heard a large yelp, and 5 minutes later, he came back happy as could be, but with a large gash across his nose.

Payton was a gentle dog, who never hurt anyone. He liked to chase the cats about the house when he was a young puppy, and as my family grew, he came to love them as well. Better than most dogs, he tolerated young Restory's hands pulling at his fur, or pushes and pulls at him.

He watched over my mother as she died, staying at her side as she succumbed to cancer.

And tonight, they are re-joined. I had to put him to sleep today, and I miss him already. I have lost my best friend. He never judged me. He never criticized me. There were no conditions with him. I feel as if I have betrayed him. I stayed with him until the end. He passed quietly. He was relaxed thanks to a sedative, and then they administered the medication to stop his heart.

Stopped his heart. Feh. Maybe in a physical sense. But not in an emotional way. I'll admit that he wasn't teh smartest dog, or the best dog. He didn't know any tricks. BUt he was a dumb goofy dog with alot of heart. He deserved better than I gave him.

All good things come to an end. No good thing lasts as long as we want it to. So enjoy the good things that you have in your life while you can.

I apologize for the rambling. I wanted to wax poetic about my puppy, but instead I seem to be blubbering online. SO much to say, so little time. Not nearly enough time to share all of the memories he has brought me. It's one door closing in my life, and I am waiting for another to open.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Song of the Day:

This is the end, Beautiful friend
This is the end, My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again
Can you picture what will be, So limitless and free
Desperately in need...of some...stranger's hand
In a...desperate land
Lost in a Roman...wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane, All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah

Well, 2004 is over, and we are now 3 days into 2005. I can only hope that 2005 is the best year of your life, followed by an even greater year after, and so on, and so on.

Personally, I say good riddance. 2004 proved to kick my asterisk. So now, it's my turn to kick back. 2005 looks to have a rocky start. But hopefully, after the impending move to Washington this summer, the end of 2005 should bring with it calmer waters.

I ask for your patience as I navigate through the troubled seas that has become my life. Some of you have asked about my bout with depression. Still fighting. Somedays I win, somedays I lose. I have a doctors appointment on the 19th, and will hopefully find some answers then. Until then, I'll just have to self-medicate myself with....well, who knows, really.

Daddy needs his medicine:

See, I kinda always suspected, but I never had any proof:
Turns out that I am 26% gay, according to the official test. However, that leads 74% of me that still leans towards women. I was going to say to the right, but I didn't want to imply any sort of political affiliation. And besides, I usually dress to the left. That is, when I can keep it in my pants.

{/end false bravado}

Those of you expecting pictures of HOT MEN can just go looking elsewhere.

Ok, maybe just one.

But it's a picture of me, so it can only be said that I'm in love with myself...

Ok, so it's really Brad Pitt. Who according to the radio report on the way in, is back on the market after splitting up with Jennifer Aniston. Which now gives me a reason to post a picture of her.

I guess that you could say that now they're just ....


(I am SO sorry. )

Superman Returns

With all of th Spiderman/X-men/DareDevil/Electra(yuck)/Hulk/etc Superhero movies out, it makes you wonder when they're gonna get back to the guy wit the big Red S on his chest.

IF you clicked on the "HOT MEN" link (it's ok to admit it, noone here will know), you would have seen a picture of Brandon Blouth, the man who will be Superman AND Clark Kent. He certainly has the face for the character. Given time, I'm sure the studio will have him working out to have the body to match. I don't expect them to portray Clark as the bumbling fool anymore; more than Likely he'll be a nerdy cool computer guy. Which is too bad, since I think that Christopher Reeve's best work was the somewhat slapstick work he did as Clark Kent.

Here is his picture.

Remind you of anyone? NO? Are you sure? Look again at the eyebrows.

Reminds me of me. But then, all attractive sexy men with cute asses remind me of me. Not that I'm looking, mind you.

Kate Bosworth is signed on as Lois Lane.

Kevin Spacey will be Lex Luthor. He was rumored to be Braniac in a now scrapped plan for a Superman movie. I'm not against Kevin spacey in the least, but I wonder if they thougth of asking Gene Hackman?


NOw, I wasn't being completely dismissive on Elecktra...it's just that she's hardly a major superhero, along the lines of Superman, Batman, Spiderman, etc. that people care deeply enough to see a movie made for. BUt if it furthers Jennifer Garner's career...so be it. I'm not a big Jennifer garner fan, becusse there is something rather masculine about her jawline. But she has her moments.

Masculine Jennifer....

Yummy Jennifer!

Arrrgh. wanted to get to some sports stuff, but I'm running out of time.

Hell with it. Post what I can when I can.

In short-Vikings have only slightly more talent than that of the Bears, but the Vikes have it on offense, and the Bears have all of their talent on defense. Because of the league rules giving advatanges to offenses, the vikings have a winning record.

Coach Tice for the Vikes has his warts, and has some things to be accountable fr, but he's one of the few vikings coaches I respect. He talks plainly and takes responsibility. But then, maybe that's not enough to keep a head coach.

AJ Pierzynski is a White Sock, and I always repected him, but I think he'll be easy to hate as a White Sox player. He'll be successful against the Twins, and he's arrogant enough to really tick you off as a fan. He'll also be a good fit for what they are trying to do there. I'll love cheering against him, but oh so secretly be wishing him the best of luck.

Soo much more to write, and I'm rarely so motivated to do so these days.

Hopefully I'll get abck to this again soon.

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