
Saturday, January 08, 2005

Song of the Day:

This is the end, Beautiful friend
This is the end, My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again
Can you picture what will be, So limitless and free
Desperately in need...of some...stranger's hand
In a...desperate land
Lost in a Roman...wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane, All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah

Well, 2004 is over, and we are now 3 days into 2005. I can only hope that 2005 is the best year of your life, followed by an even greater year after, and so on, and so on.

Personally, I say good riddance. 2004 proved to kick my asterisk. So now, it's my turn to kick back. 2005 looks to have a rocky start. But hopefully, after the impending move to Washington this summer, the end of 2005 should bring with it calmer waters.

I ask for your patience as I navigate through the troubled seas that has become my life. Some of you have asked about my bout with depression. Still fighting. Somedays I win, somedays I lose. I have a doctors appointment on the 19th, and will hopefully find some answers then. Until then, I'll just have to self-medicate myself with....well, who knows, really.

Daddy needs his medicine:

See, I kinda always suspected, but I never had any proof:
Turns out that I am 26% gay, according to the official test. However, that leads 74% of me that still leans towards women. I was going to say to the right, but I didn't want to imply any sort of political affiliation. And besides, I usually dress to the left. That is, when I can keep it in my pants.

{/end false bravado}

Those of you expecting pictures of HOT MEN can just go looking elsewhere.

Ok, maybe just one.

But it's a picture of me, so it can only be said that I'm in love with myself...

Ok, so it's really Brad Pitt. Who according to the radio report on the way in, is back on the market after splitting up with Jennifer Aniston. Which now gives me a reason to post a picture of her.

I guess that you could say that now they're just ....


(I am SO sorry. )

Superman Returns

With all of th Spiderman/X-men/DareDevil/Electra(yuck)/Hulk/etc Superhero movies out, it makes you wonder when they're gonna get back to the guy wit the big Red S on his chest.

IF you clicked on the "HOT MEN" link (it's ok to admit it, noone here will know), you would have seen a picture of Brandon Blouth, the man who will be Superman AND Clark Kent. He certainly has the face for the character. Given time, I'm sure the studio will have him working out to have the body to match. I don't expect them to portray Clark as the bumbling fool anymore; more than Likely he'll be a nerdy cool computer guy. Which is too bad, since I think that Christopher Reeve's best work was the somewhat slapstick work he did as Clark Kent.

Here is his picture.

Remind you of anyone? NO? Are you sure? Look again at the eyebrows.

Reminds me of me. But then, all attractive sexy men with cute asses remind me of me. Not that I'm looking, mind you.

Kate Bosworth is signed on as Lois Lane.

Kevin Spacey will be Lex Luthor. He was rumored to be Braniac in a now scrapped plan for a Superman movie. I'm not against Kevin spacey in the least, but I wonder if they thougth of asking Gene Hackman?


NOw, I wasn't being completely dismissive on Elecktra...it's just that she's hardly a major superhero, along the lines of Superman, Batman, Spiderman, etc. that people care deeply enough to see a movie made for. BUt if it furthers Jennifer Garner's career...so be it. I'm not a big Jennifer garner fan, becusse there is something rather masculine about her jawline. But she has her moments.

Masculine Jennifer....

Yummy Jennifer!

Arrrgh. wanted to get to some sports stuff, but I'm running out of time.

Hell with it. Post what I can when I can.

In short-Vikings have only slightly more talent than that of the Bears, but the Vikes have it on offense, and the Bears have all of their talent on defense. Because of the league rules giving advatanges to offenses, the vikings have a winning record.

Coach Tice for the Vikes has his warts, and has some things to be accountable fr, but he's one of the few vikings coaches I respect. He talks plainly and takes responsibility. But then, maybe that's not enough to keep a head coach.

AJ Pierzynski is a White Sock, and I always repected him, but I think he'll be easy to hate as a White Sox player. He'll be successful against the Twins, and he's arrogant enough to really tick you off as a fan. He'll also be a good fit for what they are trying to do there. I'll love cheering against him, but oh so secretly be wishing him the best of luck.

Soo much more to write, and I'm rarely so motivated to do so these days.

Hopefully I'll get abck to this again soon.

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