
Friday, February 04, 2005

Song of the Day:

Oh but I think she's leaving
OH man, she's leaving
And I don't know what else to do
(Can't go on not loving you)

Cause it's all in my head
I think about it
Over and over again
And I can't keep
Picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad
Yeah, cause it's all in my head
I think about it
Over and over again
I replay it
Over and over again
And I can't take it
I can't shake it, no

This Day in History:

In 1631, the founder of Rhode Island, Roger Williams, and his wife arrived in Boston from England. According to the link, Roger Williams was born in England, was a Puritan (see: boring ), and preached to the natives. You can tell I read it real closely, can't you?

In 1881, Phoenix, Ariz., was incorporated. 103 years later, we had Kids Incorporated.

In 1917, Congress passed, over President Wilson’s veto, an immigration act severely curtailing the influx of Asians.

Unlke congress, President Wilson knew the value that they would bring to the dry cleaning businesses, resteraunts, martial ats movies, and massage parlors that I have just stereotyped the entire culture into.

In 1917, Mexico’s constitution was adopted.

In 1958, Gamel Abdel Nasser was formally nominated to become the first president of the new United Arab Republic.

In 1962, French President Charles De Gaulle called for Algeria’s independence. That took ALOT of Gaulle.

(OK, that was bad. Even I can admit it. )

In 1973, services were held at Arlington National Cemetery for Army Lt. Col. William B. Nolde, the last American soldier killed before the Vietnam cease-fire.

In 1981, a military jury in North Carolina convicted Marine Pfc. Robert Garwood of collaborating with the enemy while a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

In 1983, former Gestapo official Klaus Barbie, expelled from Bolivia, was brought to Lyon, France, to stand trial. (He was convicted and sentenced to life in prison—he died in 1991.)

In 1994, white separatist Byron De La Beckwith was convicted in Jackson, Miss., of ing civil rights leader Medgar Evers in 1963, and was immediately sentenced to life in prison. (Beckwith died Jan. 21, 2001, at age 80.)

Random picture of Kelly Hu, because, let's face it, she was hot in the picture above:

Today’s Birthdays:

Baseball Hall-of-Famer Hank Aaron is 71.
Football Hall-of-Famer Roger Staubach is 63.

Actress Barbara Hershey is 57.

Singer Bobby Brown is 36.
It's his pierogi to give.

Word of the Day:

kvetch \KVECH\, intransitive verb:
To complain habitually.

1. A complaint.
2. A habitual complainer.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:

Ay, sir; to be honest, as this world
goes, is to be one man picked out of ten thou-

-Hamlet Act II Sc. II

Bonus Shakespeare Quote of the Day:

What a piece of work is a man! How noble in
reason! how infinite in faculty! in form, in
moving, how express and admirable! in action
how like an angel! in apprehension how like a
god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of
animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintes-
sence of dust? man delights not me; no, nor
woman neither, though, by your smiling you
seem to say so.

-Hamlet Act II Sc. II

Super Bowl Sunday

Many of you have been waiting for my breakdown of the game. I had originally thought of breaking it down position by position each day, and revealing my pick today. But depression and other issues have prevented me from posting. So, I'm forced to pack it all in today.

The problem with making a Super Bowl prediction at any point before kickoff, is that there is so much pressure associated with the game, that it can make the most normal of men and act out in strange and bizarre ways. You've got your Eugene Robinsons (arrested the night before trying to get oral loving from a professional lover), your Stanley Wilsons (Bengals player who had some issues),and your Barret Robbins' (Raiders player who went AWOL the night before teh game). Barring any player making some pre-game faux pas that provides a huge distraction to their teammates, and taking their attention away from the game, I'll make my predition now.

THe Philadelphia Eagles ahve gotten where they are now because of a stout defense that is great against both the run and the pass, along with an offense that has an average running game, and a better than average passing game that becomse a good passing game when Terrell Owens is 100% healthy and performing at his best. WHat shouldn't be overlooked however, is the karma of the Philadelphia Eagles s. Because of the commitment they have made over the past few years in putting out the best calenders money can buy, they have created a wealth of good feelings and positive vbes around the team, which has finally swelled to left them to the penultimate game.

Giving credit where credit is due...

However, the s cannot play the game for the players, so we will turn to them for the answers we need to determine a winner.

TheEagles offensive line is a group that well represents Philadelphia, and Pennsylvania ing eneral, as it is comprised of a bunch of blue collar grunts that show up to do their job. There isn't anyone amongst them that stands out, or is clearly better than anyone else at their position. To be blunt, they are average. They are fortunate to have the QB that ehy do in donovan McNabb, who can move around and avoid alot of the pressure, makig the line look better than they are. They are not particularly great at run blocking..only mediocre. They are slightly better at pass blocking, which is why the Eagles are a predominantly pass-first offense. Well, that and that most of their offensive talent is WR's and TE's. In fact, the RB's are best known for their ability to catch the ball more than they are known for running the ball. It seems so weird to do so early in the breakdown, but I think this unit will decide if the Eagles are able to win this game or not. If they are able to give McNabb the time he needs to find his targets,a nd are able to open up some holes or the running back to get 2-3 long gains within the game, the Eagles can win it. However, if they get confused by the complex looks that the Patriots can throw at them, or succumb to their swarming tactics, the Patriots will make short work of the Philly offense.

Much has been made about whether or not Terrell Owens will play, and how much,and how effective he will be. he's said himself that he is going to play, and he's going to be just as effective, even if he isn't completely healed. If he does play, I would expect that the Patriots defensiv backs are going to be smacking their lips, because they will play him close and physical, and bump him at the line,and really work him over if he catches the ball. owens has been known in his days with the 49ers to drop some very catchable balls, especially when he was about to get hit. The Patriots happen to ahve one of he biggest hitters in Robert Harrison. It wouldn't surprise me if Terrell short arms some of the passes, or coems up just shy of some of them over the middle. Especially since he hasn't taken any hits with the ankle yet. Their is a mental barrier ofr him as to hw much he can trust it, and he won't know until he is hit for that first time.

All of that said, I don't think TO's prsence is goign to be that much of a factor in whether or not the Eagles win tomorrow. the egales havewon plenty of big games before he came to the team, and they won every playoff game so far withour him suiting up...they can definately do it again with or without him. The WR's on the roster after him are not anywhere near as talented, but they are serviceable. Freddy Mitchell has gotten alot of attention, but most of it being or his wisecracks. He's a clever guy, but his best asset to this team are his hands, not his mouth. In that respect, he's good, but he's not on that premier level yet. On the other side, they have Todd Pinkston, who has all the speed in the world, but is too shy to get hit, nd has only marginal hands. Any time he's in the game, he has to be the 3rd or 4th option because he's just not trustworthy.

The tight end will be a bigger factor because of the shaky reliability of those Wr's mentioned before. LJ Smith was a part time starter and the future at the position for the Eagles BEFORE they lost Chad Lewis to injury, so this is his biggest and best chance to take the role on permanently. Behind him is te media story of the year, forme Packer and Eagle TE Jeff Thomason, who left his construction job and is using his vacation time to play in the Super Bowl. thiswill proabbly be as close as it gets to the coaches calling one of the fans out of the stands to play for the team.

The primary weapon (beyond the QB himself) for the Eagles is Brian Westbrook, who is adept at catching passes out of the backfield, ro ocasionally lining upas a Wr. He gets most of his yards that way, though I don't know if that is because the line isn' all that great at blocking, o if he's just not that great of a RB. I'm more likely to blame the line, since he does a pretty good job once he ahs the ball in hand. His speed and quickness is contrasted nicely by Dorsey Levens, the backup, who has much more of a straight-ahead hammer the ball up the middle type of attack. If Dorsey Levens is in the game, it's going to be a run between teh tackles, or he is there as an extra pass-blocker. If Westbrook is in there, he can do some of the stuff between the tackels, but isn't great for the hard yardage. His forte' is more the sweeps and stuff off tackle, and the screens and motion plays they have.

The Eagles greatest threat however, is the man taht gets Westbrook the ball, Donovan McNabb. Years ago, he was the QB that I wanted the Bears to draft, but instead he went before the Bears had a chance. He's always been a Daily Update favorite since then, and has improved himself year after year. He also presents the Patriots with a type of Qb that they haven't face d in a while, in that he can scamble for yards when he has to, whereas Peyton Manning and Ben Rothlisberger were too slow to do that during the playoffs.

My guess is that they're going to concentrate on getttng the ball to the TE's and RB's thorughout the game,a dn only occasionally going to the deeper routes to the WR's when they have to. And only then to Mitchell or TO, if TO is able to play normally. Considering the weakened state of the Patriots defensive backs, most teams would try to attack there on the outside and work in. But I just don't think the Eagles have the talent at WR to pull that off. They'll also have to avoid turnovers. Anything more than 1 turnover will probably spell doom for the Eagles chances.

Something to break up the monotony:

Bai Ling, everyone.

Ah, to heck with it. I've run out of time.

The Patriots haven't done anything to make you pick against them. Patriots win this one despite heavy pressure from a good Philly defense.

Dirty computer screen? Clean it up!

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