
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Song of the Day:
Thought I'd visit the club
Got as far as the door
They'd have asked me about you
Don't get around much anymore

Darling, I guess my mind's more at ease
But nevertheless, why stir up memories

Been invited on dates
Might have gone but what for
Awfully different without you
Don't get around much anymore

This Day in History:

In 1564, Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa.

From The Writer's Almanac-
He devised a simple open-air thermometer (1607), but his greatest breakthrough was to build an improved refracting telescope (1609), with which he clearly confirmed the view of Copernicus, who insisted Aristotle was wrong, the Earth was not the center of things; the Sun was. Galileo's books were banned; he was summoned to Rome, to be tried for heresy. In 1633 he was convicted, sentenced to house arrest for life, and his books were ordered burned. He was forced either to renounce all his Copernican beliefs or be tortured on the rack. While signing his declaration that the earth was stationary, he muttered, "And yet... it moves." Confined to his home, he continued to study physics and astronomy, until, in his seventies, he grew completely blind.

In 1989, NASA sent a satelite to study Jupiter, and named it after Galileo. You can read about that here.

In 1764, the city of St. Louis was established.

In 1820, American suffragist Susan B. Anthony was born in Adams, Mass.

In 1879, President Hayes signed a bill allowing female attorneys to argue cases before the Supreme Court.

In 1898, the U.S. battleship Maine mysteriously blew up in Havana Harbor, killing more than 260 crew members and bringing the United States closer to war with Spain.

In 1933, President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt escaped an assassination attempt in Miami that claimed the life of Chicago Mayor Anton J. Cermak.

In 1942, the British colony Singapore surrendered to the Japanese during World War II.

In 1961, 73 people, including an 18-member U.S. figure skating team en route to Czechoslovakia, were killed in the crash of a Sabena Airlines Boeing 707 in Belgium.

In 1982, 84 men were killed when a huge oil-drilling rig, the Ocean Ranger, sank off the coast of Newfoundland during a fierce storm.

In 1989, the Soviet Union announced that the last of its troops had left Afghanistan, after more than nine years of military intervention.

Today’s Birthdays:
“Simpsons” creator Matt Groening is 51.

Actress Sarah Wynter (“24”) is 32.

Actress Ashley Lyn Cafagna-22

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:
Ham. If thou dost marry, I'll give thee this
plague for thy dowry: be thou as chaste as ice,
as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny,
Get thee to a nunnery, go; farewell. Or, if thou.
wilt needs marry, marry a fool; for wise men
know well enough what monsters you make of
them. To a nunnery, go; and quickly too.
Oph. O heavenly powers, restore him!
Ham. I have heard of your paintings too,
well enough; God hath given you one face, and
you make yourselves another: you jig, you
amble, and you lisp, and nickname God's crea-
tures, and make your wantonness your ignorance.
Go to, I'll no more on't; It hath made me mad,
I say, we will have no more marriages; those
that are married already, all but one, shall live;
the rest shall keep as they are. To a nunnery, go.

Hamlet-ActIII Sc. I

Word of the Day:
forlorn \fur-LORN; for-\, adjective:
1. Sad and lonely because deserted, abandoned, or lost.
2. Bereft; forsaken.
3. Wretched or pitiful in appearance or condition.
4. Almost hopeless; desperate.

Random Picture of Paz Vega:

Twins sign Johan Santana

The Twins have been able to sign their best pitcher for 4 years,and $40 million. This is a huge step for the Twins since it locks up their best chance to win the division, with a strong lefthanded pitcher for some time. And if the club flounders to the point that they need a new influx of talent, they'll be able to trade him and get more value for him than they would have if he had to be traded this year.

That said, the last thing the team wants to do is trade him. If they continue to have success, he should be a major driving force on their pitching staff and propel them to a few more division championships. This, with the development of some of the younger players ion teh pipeline, should set the Twins up to be competitive for at least the next few years.

Inner Warmth during the winter months

My friends, we are heading into a premier time of women objectification. Some of you may not appreciate that, and for that I apologize. However, since it is February,and post-Super Bowl,and much time before Baseball stats in earnest, and precious little else to keep my attention since I don't get into basketball... well, a man has to find SOMETHING to entertain himself!

The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue is due out very soonand like in years past, the daily Update will strive to provide a critique of such. In the meantime however....

Hometown Hotties 2005!!

Each Year, MaximOnline.com presents the Hometown Hotties contest, aloowing beautiful women all over the country to submit pictures of themselves to be judged by people like yours truly, and hope to win our affections and leerings andbe crowned the Hometown Hottie. Last year, We tracked this phenomenon as it progressed throughout the year, and we return this year, ever more hopeful that our vote will count, and we can consider ourselves amngst the few who saw the rise of said hottie long before she attained her rightful place on top of a pillar, in only to make it easier to look up her skirt. Thus endeth the run-on sentance.

The criteria for every persons choices are diffeent. However, if you are going to subscribe to the Daily Update way of thinking when choosing amongst all of the lovely women, then know that the following guidelines are in place:

1. The women chosen must be hot and cause a stirring within. (Obviously)
2. The lesser the piercings, the better. ear piercings are fine, but beyond that...it's hard to find a woman who isn't pierced all over the place anymore. I'm just saying it's rare, is all.
3. Same goes for tatoos. The lesser the better. And if she has to have one, the smaller the better. We'e not completely dismissing women with tattoos, but it's a rare woman who doesn't have either a weird piercing or a tattoo, much less both.
4. The girl has to look like she's having fun. If she's bored, it makes it no fun for us either.
5. Though not absolute, girls in ballcaps stand a greater chance of getting voted for.
6. Again, not absolute, being a Green Bay Packer fan hurts your chances.
7. Little or no clothing increases your odds. Fair or not...well, I am a guy, so it's just how it is. If that makes me a pig, then a pig I shall be.

Now, onto the Week 1 field!

Row 1: Brooke, TX gets us started, and gets us started quickly, which follows the C and C Music Factory accordance of 1992; I admit it, Kristi, NJ got me with the plaid skirt, white top, and stockings. She won't move on to the top 10, but it gives me something to think about. Stephanie has some nice legs, but beyond that...no connection.

Row 2: Limarys, Pa is a pre-school teacher. They must have alot of fire drills, since she probabl sets off the smoke detectors. Kristina of FL could have made it, but she glared in each one of her pictures...never pick a mad woman. Stacy of nearby Woodbury, MN just looked like a bitch.

Row 3: Sasha, CA (though it may be because she has a certain Adult film star quality to her...). Nothing else of note in this line, from what I can see.

row 4: Kristal, NH;Really green eyes stand out, if you can peel your eyes off of her bust. Tiffany, FL. If I have to explain, then you will never understand.

row 5: Maggie, CT; Nikki of SC had some hot pictures (licking a cupcake wrapper), but ultimately it wasn't enough to overcome her resemblance to Celine Dion.

row 6: IF there was ever an example for Guideline #4, it's Rebekah, of WA. She is NOT one of our choices, for the simople reason that she looks pissed that her picture is being taken at all. Ranelle of MI, however... now that is what we are looking for!

row 7: It's hard to believe that the contest is already won in week one, but it's going to be very hard to improve upon Rhonda of FL. I mean, wow. WOW. Of ourse, Claudia of FL holds her own quite well too. KimLoan of TX makes row 7 my favorite so far. That was fun!

row 8: Aaryn of AZ spells her name weird, but whn you look like that, it doesn't matter. TO be honest, Michelle of IL stands only an outside shot of getting into the top 10 for thisweek. But she looks great wearing a ball cap, thus justifying Guideline #5. Lauren of FL makes me wonder why the H*ll I'm not in FL right this d*mned moment. Ari of OH really doesn't have a chance in the top 10, but I should point out that she was a camp counselor. Why, oh WHY weren't my camp counselors looking like that?

Row 9: Ooooh, I think I'm in trouble. Row 9 has plenty to talk about, starting with Mariana of FL, and Jessica of FL too. Jessica violates the tattoo and piercing guidelines, but has enough hotness that we can't possibly leave her off the list. Francesca of WA has a great island look about her. Jenna of CA has a belly piercing. I don't care. She reminds me of an even hotter Lucy Liu with a bigger bosom. To state the obvious, that is a good thing.

Improve on this? That MUST be something good.

Danelle of NY isn't sepcatacular in any one way, but her smile really stands out, and really adds a special charm to her that should be noted here. Naomi of AR proves that there are hot women in places other than FL. Should we go with the old joke about what Naomi spelled backwards is? I think we just did.

Row 10: Apparently, we just needed to pick up some momentum, because Row 10 has a bit to choose from as well. Loni of KS is there, and I am here. We're too far apart for my tastes. Course, were she standing a foot in front of me, she might be too far away for my tastes. 8" sounds about the right length away. No, wait. That'd put her just out of reach. She'd need to be closer.

Did I just share more than I should?

Julia of IL is next, and deserves our attention. She lives in my favorite town, too. So very much going for her. Bree of Ca, however, brings back more memories of Celine Dion, and that's just leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I think I'll go back and look at Rhonda of FL for a bit.

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