
Friday, March 11, 2005

Hometown Hotties Week 4!

Amazing how quickly it has come upon us, hasn't it? the weeks are just racing by (bi?)!

Anyway, I don't have anything clever to say, so we'll just jump right ino the frey.

Row 1: Anna, CA; Lana, MD

row 2: Melissa & Jen, IL (really, this was unavoidable. THey HAD to be chosen); Reese, VA; Claudia, FL; Tracy, FL; Cheri, NC (Lord, are we ever going to make it out of row 2? I simply HAVE to stop doing this during rutting season.)

Row 3: Martha, WA

Row 4: Johanna, FL; Kimberly, NY

Row 5: Biani, MD; Marie, NJ; Anna, PA; Oksana, NY

Row 6: Kellie, FL; Caroline, CA

Row 7: Randee, NE; Anders, TN

Row 8: Noelle, MA; Jennifer, CA; Ok, I'm not picking her, but Alicia of NV mentions that he won a Michael Jackson impersonation contest...I don't think I'd brag about that...Stephanie of Holy CR*P! MI (OK, I made up the Holy cr*p part...but you tell me you first reaction...)

Row 9: Catherine of NV; Cherry of HI

Row 10: Simona, CA

There were plenty that I could have chosen, and some that I chose that I knew that had no real shot at th top 10. But I'm not handling my duties well, so we'll quickly cut to the elimination round. 24 girls for 10 spots.

Let's start with the quote-unquote easy cuts.

Anna of CA isn't one of them, but I'm cutting her anyway, for brevity's sake. I've got to be hard, er, uh....tough on this. Anna of CA is hot, but she'll baely make the top 10 if at all, and that's saying alot this week. Lana of MD is very hot, bu she has a rather large tatoo on her back, and belly button bling. That violates two rules, and it was more the large tattoo than anything.

Melissa and Jen of IL isn't going anywhere. Sorry, but on their own, they could have made it...as a dynamic duo..well...the world is theirs.

Reese of VA is out. Smoldering sexy, but I can't afford to be kind here. Claudia of FL is just sexy enough to almost vaul her past the duo of Melissa and Jen. YOu can't cut beauy like that.

Tracy of FL has some nice legs, and a very pretty smile. We'll keep her around for now. And we have to do the same for Cheri of NC. Ugh, this is so hard.

Martha of WA is gorgeous. Not on the level of Claudia, but her body is amazing,and should easily ease her into the top 10. PLus, she's in Vancouver. I think I've foudn the next keeper of my....well, never mind that. She's hot.

Johanna of Fl can't be cut! She has much moe important duties ahead for her! Like...starring in one of several dreams I'll have later tonight!

Kimberly of NY is cut, though she is beautiful, and has some very nice legs. I think part of the attraction was knowing that she was from Poughkeepsie, which just sounds naughty.

Biani is cut as well, but she has a great body and a pretty smile. the ruffled garter thing got to me, and she has a nice derriere.

Marie is a French tutor. That's the kinda tutor I like! But its not enough to overcome the slight celine Dion resemblance. Gone.

Anna of Pa is a redhead, which we at the daily update don't choose alot. She probably dyes it, but we don't care. She'll stick around for now.

Oksana is easy on the eyes, but it ws her Russian background that really appealed to me. Well, that and her beauty. But it wasn't enough. So much for Glasnost.

Kellie of FL likes intersting underwear. Not that I was looking THERE or anything. She stays. So does Caroline, who has an intoxicating smile. Caroline, Claudia, Martha...man there are some possibilities out of this group to win it all!

Randee is willing to be naked. She can kick my ass. She has a nice smile and a great body. She gets demerits for short hair, but I am inclinde dot keep her around. Why, I don't know. SHe's not as pretty as the others mentioned before, but something inside me (ok, on the outside too) says "Mate with her!"

Sadly, thtat isn't gonna happen soon. Except in the coming attractions of The Matt Amundson Theater of the Mind.

I had hoped to cut Anders to drop the # of girls, but looking again, I can't do that just yet.

Noelle has that ruffed garter thing going on too, and that drives me insane. A nice pair of legs to boot. But I gotta cut her loose. Set her free. See if she comes back to me on her own. I'm setting Anders loose too.

Jennifer of CA, however, is going to stay locked in my basement for quite some time. I'll treat her right, but I'm not setting her free if I can avoid it.

Stephanie of MI (Holy cr*p!) has huge...plots of land, to quote the King in one of those Monty Python movies. Nice legs, nice smile...the complete package. She and I should exchange or share packages with each other sometime.

Catherine and Cheri isn't going to be cut any time soon either, and Cherry has that ruffled garter skirt thing going....man that is popular. She's so very hot to boot.

Just by default, I'm gona have to cut Simona. I don't wanna. I have ta.

That leaves 15.

Oh kay.

Randee is gone. Mating instincts or not, I just...can't. I don't have any logic behind the next cuts as it is anyway. Tracy of FL is next, and I'm weeping at this point. Kellie of FL may have blinded me with her underwear/bikini. We'll cut her too.

I click on submit...and it took it! I was able to avoid cutting anyone else! Or I lost count someplace. But we won't mention that. There. my work is done. Well...Still some stuff to do at home. We'll try to finish up some more updates in teh next few days.

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