
Saturday, March 05, 2005

OK, little time, and lots to cover, so we're gonna get the Hometown Hotties Week 3 stuff in first, and then if we ahve time, a regular update.

Hometown Hotties Week 3!

Row 1: Ashley, FL

Row 2: OK, I'm not really voting for her, but I had to point out Buddah of AL. It's not every day you see a deity like that. It brings to mind the old rhyme...

"Oh, Buddah, bring me luck
Or maybe just one good..."

Summer, MI; Bri,UT

Row 3: Michelle, TX;Dawn, TX; Natalie, MO

Row 4: Candy, FL; Tori, NC; Sara, MI

Row 5: Shae, CA

Row 6: Mackenzie, ME

Row 7: Crystal, FL; Trudi, NV;Cindy, MS; Sage, FL

Row 8: Kristin, Fl

Row 9: Sara,ME

Row 10: nothing to report, sadly.

So that is 16 girls wrestling for 10 spots...man, I've had dreams like that.

I also think I've used that line before.

Ashley of Fl in Row 1 says that she is a big people person. Does that mean she likes fatties? (Ok that wasn't as funny as I though tiw as originally. But I'm leaving it rather than hitting the delete key. )

She has a small tattoo, but it's nothing that really hurts her chances. It's small enough that it isn't distracting. I'm still on the fence though.

Summer of MI in row 2 is a bit thinner than I typically prefer, but she is long and tall, and blonde, and has good taste in baseball teams, so we'll allow her to move on.

Michelle of CA looks amazing and has a great smile. She's not going anywhere. We have our 2nd position filled. I thought about saying we had our 2nd spot filled, but that just doesn't sound quite right.

Dawn of TX is pretty, but to be perfectly honest, she made the list for 1 major reason. she's got really nice legs. Other than that, she looks like too tough of a chick for me. That's my failing, and not hers. But it still means she's cut.

Look at picture #2 for Natalie of MO, and tell me that she doesn't deserve spot #3. And then call yourself a filthy liar.

Candy of FL...I've got Lil' Kim's "How many licks" playing in my head right at the moment. She was a salad girl at an Amish resteraunt. There is something about that that just doesn't make much sense. Candy is pretty, and has a decent figure, but I'm going off the wall and cutting her. There isn't any one reason for doing so, other than the impression taht I get in looking at her that she could make my life miserable. That, and she has a small mouth. And there are those of us out there that need a woman with a bigger mouth.

I'm just saying. You know.

Moving on.

Tori of NC claims the 5th spot, though for most she wouldn't. She's got some wider hips than other girls, but her smile and her presence in her photos is so alluring, that I can't resist. 4 spots taken. 6 spots left for 10 girls.

Sometimes it's hard to be honest with yourself. Sara of MI looks great smiling in the first picture. Int eh second pcture, she's wearing white and is wet. Ok...not bad...a little slutty, but that's good right? Well,t he 3rd picture she looks horrible. Airbrushed and painted up and set to walk the streets. Sara, you're gone.

Shae of CA however, is fantastic to look at, curvy and beautiful. A nice smile, and a zexiness that really comes out. Shae gets spot # 5.

Mackenzie of ME nails down spot #6, and how I wish I was spot # 6, to be ailed down by Mackenzie. You cant put words to that. beauty like hers, you need John Williams to create a soundtrack for.

Crystal of FL gets Spot #7 to her own. she's a taller version of Tara Reid, from what I can see, and doesn't have too much of a problem with nudity. HTat's a good thing.

Trudi of NV is really cute, and sems to have a fun flirtatious side to her. All I know is, when I look at her, I think it would be fun to mate with her. And it would be fun. Oh, yes. It WOULD be fun. That's enough for spot # 8. She also has some nice sticks (re:legs) that I wouldn't mind rubbing together if I wasn't so busy holding them apart.

Looking back at Cindy of MS, I am not enteiely sure what I was thinking. She's hot, there's no doubt. But her face is somewhat of a blank slate. Gone.

Sage of Fl is next, and she has a nice tush, but in taking a closer look...she resembles Paris Hilton, if Paris Hilton ate anything at all. And she conjures up the same reaction in me...I don't want to be dipping my bucket in a poisoned well. Parsley, Rosemary and Thyme need to perform an intervention here. (If you got that, then you should really stop listening to Simon and Garfunkel.It's a terrible song.)

But I can't shake the feeling that I am forgetting someone. And it's because I am!

Bri of UT in the second row has the nicest set of legs I have seen in quite some time. She also has a nice smile, and is willing to go topless, which is always a good thing. It also offsets the burden she carries of having a name that is normally associated with a stinky French cheese. My oriignal reaction was to cut her, because her photos weren't the quality of other girls who had sent in their picture But I saw past hat, and I think she ahs some real potential if given the chance. Now if only I could see past her hair... Spot #9 is spoken for.

That leaves 1 spot for Kristin of Fl, Sara of ME, and Ashley of Fl. Sara is still pretty, but after taking a second look, she has some issues. she's rather muscular, which in an dof itself, isn't bad. But her tush has more muscle than one should, and her calves are formidable to most linebackers. I'm not comfortable enough with my sexuality to continue any further. Sorry Sara.

Krisin of LF gets teh last spot. Partially because I waffled earllier with Ashle, and partially because when Kristin's hair is straight, she's gogeous and deserves the vote. But that 3rd picture, where her hair is teased...no, that just will not do. I will vote for you as long as you never do that again.

So that is our 10 for week 3! I'm going to post this while I can, and hope to whomever that it doesn't get sheared off like it has in weeks past!

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