
Friday, March 25, 2005

Song of the day:

Now if there's a smile on my face
it's only there tryin' to fool the public
but when it comes down to foolin' you;
Now honey, that's quite a different subject

But don't let my glad expression
give you the wrong impression
Really I'm sad
I'm sadder than sad
You're gone and I'm hurtin' so bad
Like a clown I pretend to be glad

Now there's some sad things known to man
but ain't too much sadder than
the tears of a clown
when there's no one around

folks, we missed a week of Hometown Hotties, and I apologize. I had wanted to post, and even had some oppurtunity to, but it has proven difficult to do these days. And I think it's time that I came clean to my public as to why the updates have been so few and far between.

Since roughly May of last year, your Daily Update writer has been battling through some major relationship issues, and this year it has come to the point that it is ir-repairable. The woman I have loved for 10 years now and I am seperated, and there are plans for divorce. We won't go into the specifics here as to how all of this happened; I'm not interested in badmouthing someone I loved (and still love, to some degree) for so long. Suffice to say that we failed each other in each other's eyes, and now the attention and care of the children becomes tantamount to anything else. I cannot say too much, for there is still alot to be decided, and I do not want to disrespect the memory of my soon-to-be-ex-wife's legacy when we were a family. And out of respect for her wishes, I will not air our issues in this forum. It would make things rather ugly, and it's hardly in the best interest of the kids.

She will always be the first woman I married, and had we been able to make it work, there never would have been another. She is also the first woman I loved so completely that I gave every part of myself to, without holding back, for good or bad. That sort of love, fully commited with no restraint, will be hard to offer again. I hope to be able to one day, but I fear that I may never be able to. Time will tell.

In the meantime, I will continue to update what I can, and when I can. I hope someday to be able to get back into a regular routine, where I can post more often, as I had intended when this project started a little over a year ago.

I appreciate my audience's patience and understanding during this time. You have my gratitude for that and your friendship.

For those with questions, feel free to e-mail me at the appropriate addresses, and I will answr what I can. I reserve the right to a cetain amount of privacy, so please don't feel offended if there are certain things I don't answer, but at the same time, feel free to ask whatever question you feel relevant.

As a reward for your patience, I am going to work on 2 updates today. One regular one, and of course, a seperate Hometown Hottie post. It seems to work best if I seperate the two, for some reason. Otherwise it gets too long (somewhat like yours truly) and (hopefully not like yours truly) gets cut off at the end.

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