
Saturday, May 28, 2005

Song Quote of the Day:

A letter full of tears
I thought we had a love so strong (we had a love)
it would take a lifetime to break us apart
oh yes
but I found out today I was wrong
and my reward was a broken heart my my heart
oh here comes the teardrops welcome a welcome to my eyes
and I couldn't hold 'em back no matter if I tried
wo wo oh
You know it hurt me so inside
won't you pardon me while I cry
because he brought me (yes he did)
I said he brought me (yes he did) a letter full of tears

Bonus song of the day:
But Like A Dream I'm Flowing Without No Stopping
Sweeter Than A Cherry Pie With Ready Whip Topping
Goin' From Mic To Mic Kickin' It Wall To Wall
Well I'll Be Calling Out You People Like A Casting Call
Ah Well It's Wack When You're Jacked In The Back Of A Ride
With Your Know With Your Flow When You're Out Getting By
Believe Me What You See Is What You Get
And You See Me I'm Coming Off As You Can Bet

Well I Think I'm Losing My Mind This Time
This Time I'm Losing My Mind That's Right
I Said I Think I'm Losing My Mind This Time
This Time I'm Losing My Mind

Yeah You Can't Front On That

But Little Do You Know About Something That I Talk
About I'm Tired Of Driving It's Due Time That I Walk haa
About But In The Meantime, I'm Wise To The Demise
I've Got Eyes In The Back Of My Head So I Realize
Ah Well I'm Dr. Spock I'm Here To Rock Y'All
I Want You Off The Wall If You're Playing The Wall
I Said What'cha What'cha What'cha Want What'cha Want
I Said What'cha What'cha What'cha Want What'cha Want

This Day in History:

There are 217 days left in the year, and 209 days left for your Christmas shopping. Don't delay!

In 1533, England's Archbishop declared the marriage of King Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn valid.

King Henry should have listened to the advice given to him my Royal Advisor JOe Royster when he was told (and I quote):

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
never make a pretty woman your wife.
So from my personal point of view
get an ugly girl to marry you.

Because....you know...they gotta develop SOME sort of skill to make up for that lack of beauty...

(I think I'm headed for the guillotine myself with that last one.)

In 1863, the first black regiment from the North left Boston to fight in the Civil War.

In 1892, the Sierra Club was organized in San Francisco. ORvil and Wilbur Wright wouldn't invent the aviation industry with their glider for another 13 years, sadly depriving many who died before that the pleasure of knowing The Mile High Club.

In 1929, the first all-color talking picture, "On with the Show," opened in New York.

In 1937, President Roosevelt pushed a button in Washington signaling that vehicular traffic could cross the just-opened Golden Gate Bridge in California. I'm guessing it was shortly followed by angry impatient drivers pushing on their car horns, as traffic backed up.

In 1937, Neville Chamberlain became prime minister of Britain. NO, he wasn't one of the Neville brothers. You're a FOOL! BUt that's ok, because, everybody plays the fool. There's no exception to the rule. IT may be factual, it may be cruel. But everybdody plays the fool. Whoo-ooo-ooo.

In 1972, the Duke of Windsor, who had abdicated the English throne to marry Wallis Warfield Simpson, died in Paris at age 77.

And that qualifies as the good news. We'd be better off if he returned form the dead instead of having to see what Hollywood digs up in their attempt to resurrect The Dukes of Hazzard.

Now, I'm all for seeing as much of Jessica Simpson as I can, but do we have to desecrate the memory of my childhood shows to justify this?

But then again...

Maybe it wasn't as good of a show as I remember. Or alternately, maybe it was born and brought into existence so that we could see Jessica Simpson in the above picture.

In 1977, 165 people were killed when fire raced through the Beverly Hills Supper Club in Southgate, Ky.

In 1985, David Jacobsen, director of the American University Hospital in Beirut, Lebanon, was abducted by pro-Iranian kidnappers (he was freed 17 months later).

In 1987, Mathias Rust, a 19-year-old West German pilot, landed a private plane in Moscow's Red Square.

Ten years ago: A magnitude 7.5 earthquake devastated the Russian town of Neftegorsk, killing at least 2,000 people. Bosnia's foreign minister and three colleagues were killed when rebel Serbs shot down their helicopter.

Five years ago: President Alberto Fujimori of Peru won a lopsided re-election victory in a runoff vote that had been boycotted by his opponent. Juan Montoya won the 84th Indianapolis 500, becoming the first rookie champion since Graham Hill in 1966.

One year ago: The Iraqi Governing Council chose Ayad Allawi, a longtime anti-Saddam Hussein exile, to become prime minister of Iraq's interim government. Some three dozen people were killed by a powerful earthquake in northern Iran. A family begins it's descent into an existence filled with confusion, pain, and tortured souls as horrible truths are discovered. And with many more to be realized as time marched on. But more about that later.

Today's Birthdays:
Actress Carroll Baker is 74.

Singer Gladys Knight is 61.

As such, the song quote of the day was a Gladys Knight song. But I didn't want to go with the obvious Midnight Train to GA option.

Singer John Fogerty is 60.

He's still bad to the bone. Its just that now they are saddled with osteoperosis. That's what happens when you replace the milk in your cereal with Jack Daniels.

Actress-director Sondra Locke is 58.

However she may feel aout him now, if it wasn't for ex-husband Clint eastwood she wouldn't have a career.

Singer Kylie Minogue is 37.

Television personality and husband of Seattle Seahawks QB Tim Hasselbeck, Elisabeth Hasselbeck ("The View") is 28.

Actor Jesse Bradford is 26.

Actress Monica Keena is 26.

I have no idea who she is. But right now, that doesn't really seem to matter.

Word of the Day:
1.A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.

a.The process of developing.
b.Gradual development.

a. Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.
b.The historical development of a related group of organisms; phylogeny.

4.A movement that is part of a set of ordered movements.

5.Mathematics. The extraction of a root of a quantity.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:
Ham. Lady, shall I lie in your lap?
[Lying down at OPHELIA'S feet.
Oph. No, my lord.
Ham. I mean, my head upon your lap?
Oph. Ay, my lord.
Ham. Do you think I meant country matters?
Oph. I think nothing, my lord..
Ham. That's a fair thought to lie between
maids' legs.
Oph. What is, my lord?
Ham. Nothing.
Oph. You are merry, my lord.
Ham. Who, I?
Oph. Ay, my lord.
Ham. O God, your only jig-maker. Wha1
should a man do but be merry? for, look you
how cheerfully my mother looks, and my father
died within's two hours.
Oph. Nay, 'tis twice two months, my lord.
Ham. So long? Nay, then, let the devil wear
black, for I'll have a suit of sables. O heavens
die two months ago,. and not forgotten yet?
Then there's hope a great man's memory may
outlive his life half a year; but, by'r lady, he
must build churches then, or else shall he suffer
not thinking on, with the hobby-horse, whose
epitaph is, 'For, O! for, O! the hobby-horse is

Star Wars III Review:

My oldest daughter was asking me to take her to see this since the first previews came out late last year. So now that the movie had finally been released, we went that first Friday. I had read the book beforehand, so I knew for the most part how it would play out. However, I wanted to see how closely the movie I had played in my mind matched with what was on the screen.

It was the same lightshow that I expected it to be, but the book offered so much mor depth to the scenes, that I found myself disapointed that the book BASED OFF of the movie wasn't adhered to more.

I'll let you take that in for a moment.

And now I'll explain it. The movie was made first. And then the book was written based off of the movie. And I am complaining that the movie didn't follow the book closely enough.

Terrible logic I know, but there is truth to it. In the book, ou get a bit moredialogue,and an internal look at what he characters are feeling at rather impotant moments. Throughout the book, it talks of the fear within Anakin, and compares it to a slumbering ice dragon, that is growing inside of him, and reminds him that everything dies, and one must let go of people and possesions, because it is the way of things for them to die.

But there were other moments that aligned themselves well. After the movie, my daughter and I went out for desert, and we talked about our favorite parts of the movie. Her favorite part was when the babies were born. Mine were sadly enough the more darker moments. Such as when Obi-Wan stood over him and screamed at Anakin that he was the chosen one, he one who was to destroy the sith, not join them. That he LOVED him. It was a rather powerful moment. These were brothers. Family.

To see the grief within Padme', as she saw what her husband had become, at how lost his soul was. Had he devolved from who he was into this monster, or was the monster always there, and the projection before been only a facade?

At the end of the film, there is a scene of Vader learning of what his actions had done, and it's such a completely forced scene that it doesn't fit with the rest of the picture. However, as Vader howls in pain, the scene isn't completely without merit. In the background, you see the emporer smiling at Vader's pain, and you see the absolutelness of his treahery and evil plans.

I rate it a 3 out of 6, in that it was my 3rd favorite out of the collection. Empire Strikes Back was the best of the bunch, and the original movie is still har dto improve on, followed by this one.

I left feeling though, that we still hadn't seen Darth Vader at his baddest. As bad as he may have been in this movie, he still has the potential to be so much worse. There is a 20 year period between the end of this movie and the start of the next. that's alot of time for Vader to sit and do nothing. I suppose it will be left to me to imagine.

One last point. The charachter General Grievous was made out ot be quite a sickly...well, the word coward was use. He's willing to fight when he has the edge, but is quick to retreat when outgunned. More of an oppurtunist. It was sad, because the book portrayed him in a much stronger light...much more ruthless and bold. to that extent, I wish again it was closer to the book. But no matter. It is done.

The Viagra vision problem:

The FDA is currently investigating a possible link between vision loss and impotence drugs like Cialis and Viagra. If you're a guy, these are the things that your parents warned you about when they suspected you were spending a little too much time in the bathroom. To which I quote "You play wih that thing too much, you'll go blind." Other symptoms included hairy palms, chafing, and a need to wash your sheets more often when mom and dad aren't around. However, that was if you were flying solo.

The presumption with Cialis or Viagra is that you are taking it not just for your own delight, but someone else's as well. You would really need to love yourself to go into the Doctor's office and complain of the poblems that prompt you to get a prescription of Viagra and Cialis, allowing you to...well, love yourself.

But the best --or worst-- part was the description of the problem. It's a lack of sufficient blood flow to the optic nerve, causing it to shut down permamently. A "stroke of the eye", they say. So if you are on these drugs, you now need to ask yourself if a stroke of the eye is worth the stroke of the...you know.

Another troubling aspect of this though is that men are typically aroused easier through their visual senses. To lose vision would seem to only compound the original problem of not being able to get, keep and sustain a virile and strong physical representation of your ...ah heck with it. ERECTION. There. I typed it.

IF I can't see no T or A,
it will be to OUR dismay.
You will get no lay
from Poppy Montgomer-ay.

Poppy Montgomery, everyone.

An anniversary of the wrong sort:

Today readers, marks a one year anniversay. A year ago, I daily wondered to myself how I would find myself a year from that point. What was to become of me in a year? 5 years? Would I survive? Would anything survive that first moment of dread?

And here I am a year later. In that time, I havebecome both a weaker and a stronger man. I have grown in ways I never would have, had I not gone through this. In others I have diminished. I have lost parts of my inner self that I held dear too, and grieve for even now. In a year's time I have lost my home, my vehicle, my sense of self, and trust. I lost a wife, a best friend, a lover, a confidant, a dream, a future, and a belief of what my life had been up to then (which is no small thing; do not be quick to dismiss it).

But not everything was lost. I still know who I am, and who I want to be. I am still a father, and I still have the love of my girls, who have given me a new purpose for life. There is a new hope for the future now. Noone escaped unbroken or undamaged from the carnage that has been wrought. There may still be more to come yet. But we have emerged from this storm to find ourselves more or less intact, alive, and still have a chance to make something of this life before it is too late.

THe past year has been a torrent of emotion, of which I contributed to as well. I caused much of what transpired too, since I was the other part of this ordeal. I made mistakes that may haunt my thoughts for some time. Hopefully, I will become a better person for them. I have learned what it is to be strong of heart and spirit; stronger than I could have possibly imagined. Yet at the same time, that strength melts away at a giggle from any one of 3 little girls, or an enthusiastic welcome home, or the gentle touch of sweet breath on my cheek that follows when the tiny one whispers "I love you, Daddy". Oh, how that makes my spirit take flight! Or when the oldest suggests we turn on the baseball game. She may have some mild interest in the action, but what she really is saying "I want to spend some time with you, poppa." Sweeter words were never translated. Or when the middle one asks to cuddle.

I'll never explain to my audience how a simple act as these strengthens my heart, and simultaneuosly strip it bare, leaving my true feelings apparent to anyone who should care to look. It is that feeling that I cherish above all else in this world. The love the children give me, and the way that it makes me feel. I have no idea what Heaven is like, but if it is anything as it is advertised to be, it will be like that.

The past year is nothing I would ever want to go through again. If I could go back, I would not condemn myself, my wife, or my children to that same fate again. there are few people in the world that deserve that sort of anguish. But I will continue to find the good where it can be found in this, and I hope that the future will grant me the oppurtunity to experience new love, new romance, a new life, and a chance to get back to feeling the way I felt a year and a week ago. And if I am unbelievably lucky, it will be with someone whose love affects me in a way as powerful and meaningful as the love of my kids. That is my hope for the future. That is the dream for my life. Beyond that is details.

Today also marks the hopeful return to more regular postings. We currently have a DSL connection in my new residence, and as long as it does not get in the way of my search for a new job, I will update almost daily. Or until I run out of material again. You know.

But in the meantime, lets go out with a picture, shall we?

Random Picture of Alana De La Garza:

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I've decended into Hell....

The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very High
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Test

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Song quote of the day:
Out my window, I see lights going dark
Your dark eyes don't haunt me
And then I wonder who I am
Without the warm touch of your hand

And then I wonder who I am
Without the warm touch of your hand

As I sit and watch the snow fallin' down
I don't miss you at all
I don't miss you at all
I don't miss you at all

Today in History:

On this date:

In 1821, Napoleon Bonaparte died in exile on the island of St. Helena.

Hmmm...your punishment is to live on this beautiful island for the rest of your life.

There are worse punishments.

In 1862, Mexican forces loyal to Benito Juarez defeated French troops sent by Napoleon III in the Battle of Puebla.

THIS IS THE REASON FOR Cinco de Mayo. So now you know why everyone gets drunk today. Benito Juarez and pals beat back Napoleon and his troops, but only temporarily, as France would send an overwhelming amunt of troops later to occupy Mexico. Eventually they gave up, and Mexico was finally free. So now you can win that bar bet if someone asks you the reason for said quasi-holiday. And I now have a right to 20% of any winnings of your bar bets.

In 1925, John T. Scopes was arrested in Tennessee for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution.

Because God forbid that the Almighty might have used a scientific approach to creating man. (rolls eyes.) If he is the all-knowing, all-seeing being, wouldn' it make sense that he would know just a little bit about this? Creationists have this idea that accepting the theory of evolution is accepting that God doesn't exist. It does nothing of the sort, of course. It proves that God used evolution as a means to create man. The "B.C." comic strip made reference to this in Sunday's paper. It's almost enough to make me skip reading that comic altogether.

In 1942, during World War II, Japanese forces landed on the Philippine island of Corregidor.

In 1945, in the only fatal attack of its kind during World War II, a Japanese balloon bomb exploded on Gearhart Mountain in Oregon, killing the pregnant wife of a minister and five children.

In 1955, West Germany became a sovereign state.

In 1955, the baseball musical "Damn Yankees" opened on Broadway. The Yankees finished the season that year in 1st place in the American League at 96-58, but lost 4 games to 3 against the Brooklyn Dodgers in the World Series. I'll let you decide for yourself if they were damned or not.

Either way, I'm dancing on their grave this year. It's a long season, but when they lose almost nightly like they are, and their old brokn down pitchers can't stay healty or are no longer effective, it's a wonderful sight to me. Especially when the losses are so danged expensive, what with a $200+ million payroll and all.

In 1961, astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr. became America's first space traveler as he made a 15-minute sub-orbital flight in a capsule launched from Cape Canaveral, Fla.

In 1980, a siege at the Iranian embassy in London by armed men demanding the release of political prisoners in Iran ended as British commandos and police stormed the building. Nineteen hostages were rescued; two others had already been killed by their captors; four of the five hostage-takers also were killed.

In 1981, Irish Republican Army hunger-striker Bobby Sands died at the Maze Prison in Northern Ireland in his 66th day without food.

In 1985, President Reagan kept a promise to West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl by leading a wreath-laying ceremony at the military cemetery in Bitburg. Hoever, he failed to uphold his promise to share any jelly beans. He was sent to bed without supper.

In 2004, Picasso's 1905 painting "Boy with a Pipe" sold for $104 million at Sotheby's in New York, breaking the record for an auctioned painting.

It looks like Mcauley Caulkin, but whatever. I've never been a big Picasso guy, but it's better than some of his works. I'd hang it on the south side of the mansion, were I to purchase it. In the maroon study. Just between the bookcases. I'd ahve to take doown the Matisse, but you have to make sacrifices sometimes.

Today's Birthdays:
Actor Lance Henriksen is 65.

Comedian-actor Michael Palin is 62.

Actor John Rhys-Davies is 61.

Actress Tina Yothers is 32.
Time hasn't been kind to this Family Ties star. INstead I give you Marissa Miller.

Actress (and Daily Update favorite) Danielle Fishel is 24.

Rock singer Skye Sweetnam is 17.

Noooo touchy. Noooo feely. And looky is kind of suspect, too.

Word of the Day:

magniloquent \mag-NIL-uh-kwent\, adjective:
Lofty or grandiose in speech or expression; using a high-flown style of discourse; bombastic.

Shakesperian Quote of the Day:

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so". -Hamlet (Act II, Scene II).

I have no title for this:

So a co-worker of mine in Michigan wants to send some affection my way (strictly platonic, I am sure) in the form of a hug. It's a great jesture, and I love he for it. But the sincerity and the message behind it got lost when she sent a dirty Frenchman to deliver it for her. What sort of message is that? "I love you; here's a disease covered lecher to show you how much." I don't even have a good analogy to properly explain the conundrum presented to me.

I know that the co-worker in Michigan only had the best of intentions, and I know how much she cares for me. But the message would be easier recieved if it were to be placed ina vessel more appealing...say...

Yamila Diaz-Rahi.

But I suppose beggars can't be choosers.

A "Pleasure Mariage"?!

A co-worker sent me this story from USA Today describing temporary marriages throughoutthe middle east that give some sort of governmental thumbs up on prostitution, adultery, bigamy, etc.

I'm not going ot comment on prostitution, but the idea that a husband can be temporarily married to a differnt girl, and can justify it by saying "Well, the government says it's OK" is just stupid. H knows it's wrong, because he admits he's not going to tell his wife about it. Just because the government says you can, doesn't mean you should.

Even if the guy is single, it's no better than the blistering tirade I ahd against Britney spears getting married to her childhood boyfriend a few years ago strictly to hook up in Las Vegas, and then had themarriage annulled. Marriage isn't a contract for just sex. There's more to it than that, and to treat it like this is so out of whack, I cna't put words to it.

It's disposable marraiages, as far as I can see. The ring you wear for this one is the condom. And what a perfect analogy, because you throw both away when you are done.

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