
Friday, June 24, 2005

Song Quote of the Day:

I don't need a friend, I need to mend so far away
So come sit by the fire and play a while, but you can't stay too long
It aches in every bone, I'll die alone, but not for pleasure
I see my heart explode, it's been eroded by the weather here
If you want me hold me back

Frail, the skin is dry and pale, the pain will never fail
And so we go back to the remedy
Clip the wings that get you high, just leave them where they lie
And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"

-Seether, "Remedy"

This Day in History:

Today is Saturday, June 25, the 176th day of 2005. There are 189 days left in the year.

In 1788, the state of Virginia ratified the U.S. Constitution.

(Virginia Russo)

Feeling a little ratified yourself, aren't you?

In 1876, Lt. Col. George A. Custer and his Seventh Cavalry were wiped out by Sioux and Cheyenne Indians in the Battle of the Little Bighorn in Montana.

In 1942, some 1,000 British Royal Air Force bombers raided Bremen, Germany, during World War II.

In 1950, war broke out in Korea as forces from the communist North invaded the South.

Seems about as long as it's been since I've made my own invasion south of the border.

But not on Korea.

Ha Ha! Dakota.

In 1951, the first commercial color telecast took place as CBS transmitted a one-hour special from New York to four other cities. I'm thinking this was somewhat pointless, since most TV owners of the time had black and white TV's anyway. Or if they were capable of prjecting color, it had to be one heck of a surprise for some poor "Bill construction Worker" who plopped down in front of the TV with a sandwich, hoping to catch the last part of Bewitched or what have you, only to see Samantha in all her colorful glory.

Probably snapped a blood pipeline in his eye in surprise.

(blood pipeline?! dude, WTF? Do you mean an artery or a vein? Blood vessel maybe?)

In 1962, the Supreme Court ruled that the use of an unofficial, non-denominational prayer in New York State public schools was unconstitutional.

God Bless those pagans.

In 1967, the Beatles performed their new song, "All You Need Is Love," during a live international telecast.

(They were wrong.)

In 1973, former White House Counsel John W. Dean began testifying before the Senate Watergate Committee.

John's testimonial would ultimately lead not only to the resignation of President Nixon, but also the widepread consumption of Jimmy Dean sausages. MMM boy, are they nummy!

(Actually I have no idea whatsoever. Never tried them. I'm more of a Charlie the Tuna devotee...)

In 1975, the People's Republic of Mozambique came into being, ending nearly five centuries of Portuguese rule.

I can't come up with anything funny about Mozambique.

In 1991, the western Yugoslav republics of Croatia and Slovenia declared their independence.

Croatia and Slovenia. Sounds like a couple of the 7 deadly sins. Some country should change their name to Lustia. You don't think it wouldn't improve tourism? I shudder to think of what the country flag might look like though.

"Is that a bed sheet? What is that in the top left corner?"

It isn't a field of STARS, that's for sure.

The national anthem would be written by Prince.

Of course, you'd have to re-locate teh entire city of Amsterdam and Prague. And really, all of France.

Petra Nemcova, Lustia's Miss Universe representative

You'll notice that Petra further proves that a girl wearing a ball cap is HOT. Not that she wasn't before, but the with the hat...well, now I am just blabbering. And drooling.

(ha ha! tent pitching.)

(ha ha! ball 1! ball 2!)

Juuuuust a bit outside.

If you've kept up thus far, your mental calistenics are amazing.

In 1993, Kim Campbell was sworn in as Canada's 19th prime minister, the first woman to hold the post.

Does that mean she can swear like a sailor, seeing as how she was sworn in?
Who am I kidding. What you're really expecing is a picture of Kim Fields, or Kim Cattral, or something like that. Heck with that.

Today's Birthdays:
Actress June Lockhart is 80.

MOst remember her from Lost in Space, but I remember her from re-runs of Lassie, which was on Nickelodeon when I was younger.

Singer Carly Simon is 60.
But she hasn't got time for the pain.

Rock musician Ian McDonald (Foreigner; King Crimson) is 59.
He wants to know what love is. He wants me to show him. He wants to feel what love is. But Ian, dude, there are lines I am NOT willing to cross.

Actor-comedian Jimmie Walker is 58.
It'll be poeetic justice if he actually dies from the detonation of a stick of dynamite.

Rock musician David Paich (Toto) is 51.
No word on the age of Roseanna. Maybe she lives elsewhere tehse days. Maybe Africa. I guess it rains down in Africa. You wouldn't think so, with it's reputation for deserts, and all, but it does.

Rock singer George Michael is 42.

Actress Linda Cardellini is 30.

I wanna play doctor, too.

Word of the day:
odium \OH-dee-uhm\, noun:
1. Intense hatred or dislike; loathing; abhorrence.
2. The state or fact of being intensely hated as the result of some despicable action.
3. Disgrace or discredit attaching to something hated or repugnant.

Shakespeare Quote of the day:
Iago. Will you think so?
Oth. Think so, Iago!
Iago. What!
To kiss in private?
Oth. An unauthoriz'd kiss.
Iago. Or to be naked with her friend a-bed
An hour or more, not meaning any barm?
Oth. Naked a-bed, Iago, and not mean harm?
It is hypocrisy against the devil:
They that mean virtuously, and yet do so,
The devil their virtue tempts, and they tempt
Iago. If they do nothing, 'tis a venial slip;
But if I give my wife a handkerchief,—
Oth. What then?
Iago. Why, then, 'tis hers, my lord; and,
being hers,
She may, I think, bestow't on any man.
Oth. She is protectress of her honour too;
May she give that?
Iago. Her honour is an essence that's not
They have it very oft that have it not.
Othello, Act IV, Scene I

Random Picture of Fernanda Tavares, and you'll see why when you stop reading pointless headlines like this that go on and on and on for no apparent reason when really you should be scrolling further down, which you probably already have done. I bet I lost you way back at Fernanda, if you even got that far:

Batman Begins review:

Let me say right out that I love Michael Keaton as Batman. As a fellow member of the expressive/dominant eyebrow(s) league, I thought he portrayed a very good, cold Batman, who didn't say much, but kicked enough tail to put the fear into the criminals of Gotham. It was also a product of it's time, in the 1990's, and while a little over the top, it was great all the way through. Keaton showed a man who had a controlled insanity about him.

This film, however, is correct in purging any connection to those movies, seeing the road those films followed. Rather than repair the unrepairable, they just hit the reset button and started over. Christian Bale carries the dual role of Bruce Wayne/Batman. The press is continually talking about how he portays a flawed Bruce Wayne, but it's not like Keaton didn't do the same thing. Both did great jobs, I thought, in showing that the true person is Batman, and that bruce Wayne is the facade shown to others to make Batman possible. FOr my taste however, the script had Bruce/Batman almost too eager to share his identity with his love interest, played by Katie Holmes. You may ahve heard of her. I think she might be single, but I'll have to check.

I'll say this for her, she's got big nipples. There's no other way to put it. I tired to be suave about it, but there isn't any getting around it.

Cilian Murphy plays the Scarecrow, and the affects tehy use for his cahracter...well, they're not kid-friendly. It's not a movie I'm bringing any children to any time soon. His portrayal of a mousy snide psychologist with some rather unstable demonic intents under teh surface is just about dead on. You wouldn't trust him to make you a sandwich.

I just KNOW he put cheese on it, when I told him not to.

Liam Neeson is also in the movie, as is Morgan freeman and Michael Caine. Oh, did I mention Gary Oldman, in a role you can actually feel good LIKING him in? He's a great actor who's great at playing bad guys, but he's commisioner gordon in this one. It's not his best work, to be honest, but he's limited by the script too.

THe biggest confrontation is within the Bruce Wayne/Batman soul, and his love for a woman. He wants to explore love with her, but he has a higher obligation, and a higher calling. There are moments where he figuratively reaches to her, only to pull himself back before making contact, knowing that he cannot connect with her while he is so divided. And no matter how great the temptation, he musn't give in.

Good movie, but not one for the kids. But for the adults...whoa, what fun! My favorite moment: A villian sees Batman through some hallucinagenic drugs, and he is seen as a giant bat-monster, seething through black teeth, and looking as though he had emerged from black tar. I may go back just to see that small clip.

Picture of Kristy Hinze to go out on:

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