
Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Song of the Day:
I want to have a good time
Just like everybody
And I don't want to fall apart
I just want have a good time
Just like everybody else
And I don't want to fall apart this time
So would you please invite me in
I really love the red haired girls
I'm just another boy from texas
Come on and take a spin
I got a brand new set of wings

"Good Time"-Counting Crows

Not so random picture of Shaune Bagwell:

Today in history:

In 1783, Gen. George Washington issued his Farewell Address to the Army near Princeton, N.J.

In 1795, the 11th president of the United States, James Knox Polk, was born in Mecklenburg County, N.C.

In 1865, the 29th president of the United States, Warren Gamaliel Harding, was born near Corsica, Ohio.

In 1889, North Dakota and South Dakota became the 39th and 40th states.

Celebrate North Dakota!

Celebrate South Dakota!

Now imagine celebrating them together!

In 1930, Haile Selassie was crowned emperor of Ethiopia. Oh goodie. I rule a sandbox.

In 1947, Howard Hughes piloted his huge wooden flying boat, the Hughes H-4 Hercules (popularly known as the "Spruce Goose"), on its only flight, which lasted about a minute over Long Beach Harbor in California.

In 1948, President Truman surprised the experts by being re-elected in a narrow upset over Republican challenger Thomas E. Dewey. Hewey and Louey were so disapointed. Uncle Donald secretly delighted in it.

In 1959, game show contestant Charles Van Doren admitted to a House subcommittee that he'd been given questions and answers in advance when he appeared on the NBC TV program "Twenty-One."

In 1976, former Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter became the first candidate from the Deep South since the Civil War to be elected president as he defeated incumbent Gerald R. Ford.

Rumor had it they settled the election with a game of 4 square. Vice Presidents got in on the action too.

Today's Birthdays:
Country singer Charlie Walker is 79.

Rhythm-and-blues singer Earl "Speedo" Carroll (The Cadillacs; The Coasters) is 68.

Earl's got nothing on me.

Singer-songwriter k.d. lang is 44.

Oh crap! Dude, she's gonna kick my ass! Look at how she's looking at me! You gotta do something.

Rock musician Bobby Dall (Poison) is 42.

Dude, there's no way Bobby Dall is gonna protect me from K.D. Lang. go get some real help.

Actor David Schwimmer is 39.

OK, now you're not even trying, and I am starting to question your gender choice. And I STILL have to worry about K.D. Lang.

Word of the day:
cant \KANT\, noun:
1. The idioms and peculiarities of speech in any sect, class, or occupation; jargon.
2. The use of pious words without sincerity.
3. Empty, solemn speech, implying what is not felt; insincere talk; hypocrisy.
4. A whining manner of speaking, especially of beggars.

Random Picture of Karen Mulder:

Shakespeare quote of the day:
"So foul and fair a day I have not seen. "

Link of the day:

There's always room for San Fransisco!

Another Embarrassing Moment in Matt's life!

Let it be noted that any sort of dexterity that I could falsely lay claim to because "I played High School (JV) football" is now completely off the books. I have no right to continue any sort of charade I might have carried out in years past that I have any sort of hand eye coordination in any way that matters.

Yesterday morning, on my way into the building, I had to place a security badge in front of the scanner to unlock the door, and get to the warm gooey goodness on the inside that is my job. The small led light went off, letting me kow that the door was unlocked, and I was welcome to try to get in. So far, so good. However, I neglected to remember that I had to get out of the path of the door opening in order to get into the building. So as I pulled the door towards me, it came to an abrupt halt as it came into violent contact with a blunt object. Namely, my forehead. Having successfully beat the crap out of myself with a door, I proceeded indoors to my desk. My cranium ached, and I went to get a drink of water to take my mind off the pain. And I then proceeded to choke on water. The height of my incompetence has been reached; I was no longer able to swallow water. I could offer mnay exuses as to why this migh thappen, such as a lack of sleep or a lack of coke...but they would be empty words devoid of meaning. And like so many others, I have to accept that my high school football playing days are over. But I am still holding out hope for interpretive dance.

"All you're doing is standing there giving me the finger."

I have a simple message.

Halloween with the Girls:

It surprises me to say taht there isn't much to report on this. Anna and Bailey went as Belle and Cinderella respectively, and Restory was a "goth fairy", complete with a costume and wings created by her mother.

Restory's definition of Goth is as follows:

"Goth's are people who don't care about things, and wear alot of black."

That's a pretty accurate description, to be honest. thankfully, she didn't mention the self-mutilation, or the angst that accompanies many of them. "My life is a book of rain, created by my weeping tears, and is of dark night because the sun never rises."

Anyway, I had them dress in their costumes and we headed over to the local mall. Poor Bailey's costume was too long, and she kept stepping on the dress in front of her. I held the dress partially up so that she didn't step on it for a time, but eventually she tired of that, and got frustrated by it all. Solution? Bailey combined voltron-style with Dad to create Super-Cinderella! 6'4" of Cinderella candy collecting power, with 2 heads! I did the walking, and she collected the candy. it became difficult to take pictures with her on my shoulders, but it was well worth it, as they seemed to have quite a bit of fun. later,we got a pizza and headed home to get ready for bed. They quickly changed into pajamas, though Anna had a hard time giving up her Belle shoes, and only after I assured her that she could keep them for later this weekend was she willing to seperate from them.

Astros-White Sox World Series fallout
Ok, not only did the one team I did NOT want to win the World series win it, ut it came at the expense of some of my favorite ballplayers in Jeff Bagwell (Shaune Bagwell above is his wife) and Craig Biggio. But at least they can say that they got a chance to play in the Series, which is what they deserved. It just didn't work out for them this time. Maybe next year they can come back. Maybe not.

But for crying out loud...did it have to be the White Sox winning?

Release of Star Wars Battlefront II, Star Wars Episode III

Only a few months ago, Daily Update Reader Joel introduced me to the first version of Battlefront. For me, it has become the Madden of 1st person shooters. It is something that is a weekly fix, and I delight in destroying wimpy Rebel spies. I've become king of the headshot!

Well, no, not like that. See, they die faster if you shoot them in the head, see, and it keeps track of how many you kill that way. Apparently I have also taken on the persona of Edward G Robinson in my writing style....see?

You don't know who Edward G Robinson is, do you?

Well, the newest version is out, and it's murder to see it out there, and not have it in my ps2 loading tray already. Financial responsibility SUCKS!

Add to it the release of Star Wars Episode III, of which I saw with the same Daily Update Reader Joel. Ah, to go back to May and see the sun shine off his hair.

Ah well.

Really, the main reason one would want to ahve the movie is to sit down and watch them all in their entirety. But the couch can only take so much sitting and cheetos before even the couch must get up and move about. All I ask is that it not bump the chili I left on the coffee table, and get me a Coca-cola while its up.

Well, IT IS ABOUT FRIGGEN TIME YOU UPDATE THIS THING!!! Of all of the things I look forward to, it the hope that Matt has updated THEDAILYUPDATE. It is like that anxity of Christmas Eve, knowing that 4 of the presents I guessed right, will be in my hand in a few hours. Then you open them to find, yet again, new underware that I don't like. See the pain I must go through??? Thanks for the plugs though. I enjoy seeing my name in print. Joel
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